The Schroth diet is a slimming diet, dominated by plant carbohydrates and, surprisingly, wine, which is why it will certainly gain recognition among amateurs of this drink. Check out what the Schroth Diet is all about. What are its rules? How much weight can you lose on it? What role does wine play in the weight loss process? Is Schroth's diet he althy?

The Schroth Dietis an element of a 6-week therapy, created by a German therapist - Johann Schroth. Schroth's diet is quite strict as 400-600 kcal are consumed daily. All because during the slimming treatment you should focus on the proper hydration of the body.

What is the Schroth Diet? The principles of the Schroth diet

In the Schroth dietthe most important are the "wet" and "dry" days, during which fluid intake varies. One day you should drink plenty of water, herbal infusions and juices, and the next day limit their amount to only one liter. As the dietitian argues, thanks to such fluctuations the body cleans itself of toxins and its immunity increases.

Interestingly, the dietitian recommends drinking a few glasses of dry wine a day. According to Schroth, wine stimulates the metabolism and the nervous system, which promotes weight loss.

The Schroth Dietis low in fats and proteins of plant origin. Sugars, s alt and animal proteins are eliminated. The most important in the diet are plant carbohydrates.

As the dietitian argues, with a small supply of protein, the body is forced to use the remaining protein reserves. As a result, the level of protein in the body becomes even, and thus - the metabolism improves.

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Schroth diet - what can you eat? Products indicated in the Schroth diet

Plant-based carbohydrates play a major role in Schroth's diet. You should also take care of an adequate supply of fluids. Therefore, the most important components of themenu in the Schroth dietare:

  • wholemeal bread
  • dark bread rusks
  • oat, barley or rice gruels
  • pasta
  • light vegetable soups
  • fruit and vegetable juices
  • herbal infusions
  • mineral water
  • wine

Who cannot follow the Schroth Diet?

People suffering from cardiovascular disorders, tuberculosis, and diabetes should not follow the Schroth diet.

Is the Schrotch diet he althy? The effects of the Schroth diet

From a medical point of view, the Schroth diet is not he althy and its use is discouraged for several important reasons.

  • The Schroth diet requires the elimination of animal protein, therefore people using it may experience symptoms of deficiency of this nutrient, such as: muscle weakness, decreased immunity, hair loss, degreasing the liver. In addition, a prolonged protein deficiency can lead to anemia. But most importantly, protein deficiency causes kwashiorkor, which, if left untreated, can lead to death.
  • Consuming large amounts of wine while dieting may become addictive. (IMPORTANT! You can drink about 100 ml of alcohol a day without harming your he alth). Especially that alcohol is taken practically on an empty stomach.
  • Doctors recommend drinking about 2 liters of fluid a day. Then the water and electrolyte balance of the body is maintained. Alternating intake of small and large amounts of water leads to disturbance of the body's homeostasis.

Water treatments are an important element of Schroth's treatment

Water treatments, next to the Schroth diet, are an important element of the therapy created by the therapist and dietitian. During the procedures, the patient is wrapped in cold and wet sheets, then several damp, hot blankets are placed on him and additionally heated with hot water bottles. The entire procedure takes 2 hours and its aim is to stimulate and activate the body. Such treatments should be performed in specialized offices.
