Two weeks ago I started training in the gym. I want to lose about 20 kg and improve my condition. The problem is that there are no competent people at my gym and ...…
Read MoreABC of exercises 2025, March
I'm 15 years old. I am a tall girl (172cm), I have a protruding belly. On this website I read that I should eat every 4 hours and drink still water. I'd like to ...…
Read MoreI decided to lose a few kilos this year. I lead a sedentary lifestyle, i.e. to work and from work by car, 7h at work in front of the computer, and after returning to ...…
Read MoreWhat exercises should I do to get rid of it?…
Read MoreI'm not fat, but my problem is my stomach and the folds of fat, and my inner thighs. What exercises should I do and for how long and when they can be ...…
Read MoreHow much does it cost to hire a personal trainer?…
Read MoreI have a treadmill at home. I started walking (5-6 km / h) and bought cushioning insoles because of a slight pain in the heels. Gradually I started introducing ...…
Read MoreI run for quite a long time, just for my well-being. During 4 months of intense runs, I lost 6 kg this year, from 74 kg to 68 kg. But I did a sobi ...…
Read MoreI exercise 5-6 times a week, I am very active, I am 170 cm tall and weigh 56 kg. Unfortunately, after two pregnancies, the abdomen is still protruding. What workouts and how ...…
Read MorePlease help me choose a diet. My contacts with the dietitian so far only irritated me. I did not feel comfortable in them. Picture of my situation. I am 43 years old ...…
Read MoreI am 16 years old and have been actively training basketball for 6 years. The tests are performed on average once every 9 months, including morphology, urine test, ECG and general development test. ...…
Read MoreI currently weigh around 115 kg. A year ago I exercised actively and I reduced the weight to about 105 kg, I had a break, now I come back and I need guidance not so much as I do ...…
Read MoreI am 50 years old, 164 tall and weigh 70 kg - female. I have a sedentary job, 3 times a week I use the Milon 2 set of workouts during one approach. I lost weight 1, ...…
Read MoreI am 15 years old, 162 cm tall and weigh 43 kg. My problem is I want to go to the gym and build muscle, I just don't know if it's completely safe ...…
Read MoreI am 15 years old and 180 cm tall, I weigh 85.5 kg. How can I exercise to lose weight and shape my body?…
Read MoreHave you ever experienced stabs in your knees and shooting your knees while exercising? When I was in high school, I did a lot of physical exercise ...…
Read MoreFor a long time (more or less a year) my back hurts, more precisely at the bottom on the right, always in the same place. They hurt both with physical exertion ...…
Read MoreI am 167 cm tall and weigh 70 kg. I would like to lose at least 10 kg. What exercises should I do to achieve this effect? …
Read MoreSoon I will be 12 years old, I am 159 cm tall and weigh 51 kg. I don't like my weight very much. I give up very quickly and let go. I have a very low mo ...…
Read MoreIs it possible to lose weight in the breasts (I have a big one) and I would also like to lose my stomach? What exercises should I use in addition to Nordic walking? And how much do you have to walk (for you ...…
Read MoreI am 53 years old, after a heart attack and after two back surgery. I weigh 101 kg, I don't exercise. The operations did not help, because after 300 m it still goes numb ...…
Read MoreI have been on a diet for over two weeks. I try to consume about 1600 kcal. Added to this is physical activity 3 times a week. I do not starve myself despite a small ...…
Read MoreCan I ride a stationary bike? I am afraid to use it, because while driving I felt as if some bone in my spine moved between my shoulder blades, bard ...…
Read MoreI'm 53 years old. I have been trying to lose weight for several years, but to no avail. I have tried strength exercises, but I don't know how much to do. I weigh 110 kg with a height of 178 ...…
Read MoreI have been struggling with pain in the groin (in the right leg) for some time, which begins during training and usually lasts until the end of the day, and the next morning there is no ...…
Read MoreIs it true that exercise and supplementation raise ALT in the liver?…
Read MoreSitting in front of the TV doesn't have to be completely unhe althy. Even without taking our eyes off the screen, we can give our body something that will be grateful to us - od ...…
Read MoreBefore you go to the fitness or the gym for the first time, be sure to check what to pack in your bag. A comfortable outfit, water and a towel are the absolute minimum ...…
Read MoreWorking at the computer is supposedly easy, clean and should not tire. But why do you have pain in your arms, wrists, hands, thighs, and the cross? Because you are not exercising. Thanks exercise ...…
Read MoreThe ab wheel is a good way to diversify your workouts and give your muscles a lot of work. Although the exercise wheel for the first ...…
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