Allergy sufferers are usually aware of what makes them allergic and know how to behave in crisis moments. Those with an allergic attack are in a much worse situation ...…
Read MoreAllergies 2025, March
IgG-dependent allergy (food allergy type III, IgG-dependent food intolerance) is an abnormal and excessively intensified reaction of the immune system to ...…
Read MoreCold or allergy? Both colds and allergies usually start with a runny nose. At the same time, there is also a sore throat and a tearful ...…
Read MoreYour skin is itchy, you have spots, red spots ... Skin allergy can be caused not only by washing up liquid or mascara, but also jewelry, belt buckle, s ...…
Read MoreYou can find effective allergy medications in every pharmacy. Allergy sufferers can choose from nasal sprays, eye drops, ointments and tablets. Many of them are available from you ...…
Read MoreOral Allergy Syndrome affects people who are allergic to pollen. After eating certain foods - fruits, vegetables, nuts, and even spices, they can ...…
Read MoreGrass pollen allergy is the most common cause of symptoms of periodic allergic rhinitis and atopic pollen asthma. The symptoms of grass pollen allergy are the most common ...…
Read MoreLatex allergy can occur in anyone, but the symptoms most often appear in he althcare professionals. In this case, the source of the latex allergy ...…
Read MoreHow to recognize an allergy in a child? The symptoms of a child, such as constant sneezing, coughing and a runny nose, do not always indicate recurring infections. It's m ...…
Read MoreAllergy to pollen can be felt by people who are allergic already in winter, when hazel, alder and willow dust - until July and August, which is the peak ...…
Read MoreCo pyli in October? First of all, microscopic fungal spores. According to the data of the Environmental Allergen Research Center, they will cause allergies in ...…
Read MoreWhat is dusting in August? These include microscopic fungal spores, nettle and mugwort. According to the data of the Environmental Allergen Research Center, in August it teases ...…
Read MoreWhat dusts in November? First of all, microscopic fungal spores. According to the data of the Environmental Allergen Research Center, they may cause allergies ...…
Read MoreWhat dusts in September? As in August, the spores of microscopic fungi of the genus Cladosporium are the most annoying. According to data from the Al Research Center ...…
Read MoreWhat is polluting in June? These include sorrel, plantain and quinoa. However, according to the data of the Center for Research on Environmental Allergens, in June allergy sufferers in the whole of Poland ...…
Read MoreCo pyli in May? Mainly early flowering grasses, plantain and sorrel. Trees sensitizing in May are mainly oak and pine. Symptoms of a ...…
Read MoreWhat is polluting in July? These include microscopic fungal spores, grass, nettle and mugwort. According to the data of the Environmental Allergen Research Center, they are teasing ...…
Read MoreAllergic conjunctivitis is one of the more common allergic eye diseases. It may appear sporadically or be chronic. Symptoms t ...…
Read MoreWhat is polluting in February? This month is the apogee of alder pollen. The pollen calendar should also be followed by people allergic to hazel, because in February the concentration of ...…
Read MoreCo pyli in April? The most common allergens are birch, willow, poplar and ash pollen. It is worth knowing that birch is dusting the most intensively in the evenings and that the worst ...…
Read MoreWhat is dusting in January? According to the pollen calendar, hazel begins to dust in the first month of the year. However, pollen from other plants may also be floating in the air ...…
Read MoreAllergy blood tests assess the level of antibodies responsible for an allergic reaction in a sample taken from the patient. The whole procedure does not require ...…
Read MoreCob alt allergy, or allergy to cob alt, is very common. Cob alt (Co) is an element that occurs in the human body in trace amounts ...…
Read MoreAn allergic reaction is the response of the human immune system to contact with an allergen. Symptoms of an allergic reaction most often appear on the skin and membranes ...…
Read MoreInsect venom allergy is the most dangerous in the case of hymenoptera insect stings, i.e. bees, wasps, hornets and ants. Reactions of allergies ...…
Read MoreHazel allergy is actually an allergy to the pollen of this plant. Hazel pollen is the first allergen to appear in the air. Usually we are on ...…
Read MoreHay fever, or allergic rhinitis, is the body's reaction to an inhaled allergen. The body's response often resembles a common cold. How to distinguish ...…
Read MoreHives produce troublesome symptoms such as itchy skin, red blisters, swelling and puffiness. Often, however, a way to determine exactly what is the cause of them ...…
Read MoreQuincke's angioedema is a disease of the skin and mucous membranes characterized by limited edema. What are the causes and symptoms of edema ...…
Read MoreAnaphylactic shock, also known as an anaphylactic reaction or anaphylaxis, is a sudden, severe allergic or non-allergic reaction, potentially threatening ...…
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