Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is one of the more common autoimmune diseases with which 1% of them struggle. society. In RA, there are ...…
Read MoreAnatomy 2025, March
Exercises for the deep back and leg muscles involve stretching the back muscles along the spine while strengthening the buttocks and thighs. In ...…
Read MoreThe muscles of the pelvic floor should be strong, because on them the internal organs rest. Check which exercises will help you strengthen them.…
Read MoreThe celebration of the jubilee was inaugurated by a mass. in an academic church. Later, there was also a ceremonial gala during which the choir received, among others, granted by min ...…
Read MoreNeck and back pain are a common ailment, but the older we get, the more often they happen. Less often we would complain of neck and nape pain if our cr ...…
Read MoreAn acute attack of sciatica causes excruciating pain, but the pain in sciatica is not inflammation, but direct pressure on the spinal nerve roots ...…
Read MoreThe spine likes movement. But how do you get it when we stay at our desk for hours a day? It turns out that it can be quite simple. Check what exercise ...…
Read MoreThe McKenzie method offers effective exercises for backache, which will not only get rid of unpleasant pain, but also remove the causes ...…
Read MoreStrong muscles are the corset that protects the spine. It is thanks to them that our movements are agile and graceful. Therefore, make time for spine gymnastics that will strengthen ...…
Read MoreThe effects of squats with a barbell can be observed most quickly on the thighs and buttocks. However, squats with a barbell involve not only these parties. Their contribution is invaluable ...…
Read MoreBack pain relief relieves and effectively prevents back pain. But beware - not all back stretching exercises are for everyone. Belongs to ...…
Read MoreStretching your legs will give you quick results if you do it regularly. 3 training sessions a week are enough to notice the first effects after a month ...…
Read MoreThe scaphoid bone is one of the wrist bones that takes its name from the fact that its shape resembles a boat. It connects to many other bones, in addition to ...…
Read MoreAn osteopath is a specialist who will help with acute pain in sciatica or chronic intestinal diseases, relieve tension headaches and improve the condition of patients with a ...…
Read MoreThe fibula is counted among the long bones. It lies along the tibia with which it is connected at the top and bottom. It is a relatively thin bone, therefore ...…
Read MoreThe thumb is the first of the five fingers on the hand, different from the others in terms of structure and range of movements. The thumb enables a person to grasp the hand ...…
Read MoreThe zygomatic bone is an even bone that belongs to the facial skeleton. You can find it in the place where the cheek is convex. Zygomatic bone m ...…
Read MoreThe radial nerve is one of the most important nerves in the upper limb. It has both sensory and motor fibers, therefore it is responsible for the reception of r ...…
Read MoreA coccyx fracture is extremely unpleasant. The coccyx, also called the coccyx, is located at the end of the spine. When it breaks or breaks ...…
Read MoreThe white crescent is a plexus of fibers of the abdominal muscles. Centrally located, it extends from the xiphoid process through the navel to the pubic symphysis ...…
Read MoreJuvenile idiopathic arthritis is a group of diseases in which there are problems associated with the joints, but not only - additional symptoms up to ...…
Read MoreThe pubic symphysis is called the synchondrosis that connects both pubic bones. The human pelvis is a paired bone that is connected in the front part ...…
Read MoreArthropathies are a very large group of diseases that share a common symptom of loss of joint function. Arthropathy can occur in the course of diseases such as ...…
Read MoreThe shin is part of the lower limb, located in its lower part between the ankle and knee joints. It consists of both the bones - the tibia and ...…
Read MoreThe portal vein is a short vessel located in the upper right side of the abdominal cavity. It carries blood to the liver. The portal vein arises with the ...…
Read MoreThe sphenoid bone is considered to be the most complex bone in the human body in terms of structure. It belongs to the bones of the skull and it connects with many ...…
Read MoreThe trachea is a flexible tube with walls stiffened with rings. It keeps air flowing to the lungs and allows you to breathe properly. Learn s ...…
Read MoreThe tailor's muscle (Latin sartorius), also called the longest thigh muscle, is the longest (about 50 cm) muscle of the human body. It extends from the hip bone up to ...…
Read MoreThe femur (Latin femur) is the longest and strongest bone in the human skeleton. It has a solid shaft and two very distinctive ends. Fully valid f ...…
Read MoreThe meniscus (sometimes incorrectly called the meniscus) is a structure that can be found in various joints - but the most important function in the human body is played by ...…
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