When we go for a blood donation many times, we hear that we should be "on an empty stomach". But what does that mean exactly? Is it enough just not to eat anything right before the test? Is s ...…
Read MoreResearch 2025, March
Proteinogram is a blood test consisting in electrophoretic separation of proteins into fractions and determination of their composition. They are performed when the result of the concentration of white ...…
Read MoreI have had purulent sinusitis for 2 weeks. I did a morphology, ESR, and a smear. ESR above 30mm / h, 19% lymphocytes in the smear. What do these results mean? Do I have a state for ...…
Read MoreA home HIV test is a quick and discreet way to find out if you are HIV positive. Currently, there are two such HIV tests on the market - with ...…
Read MoreMammotomy biopsy, with a single puncture, allows you to collect several pieces of tissue for histopathological examination within several minutes. Used ...…
Read MoreExactly on March 13 I underwent appendicitis surgery - I was diagnosed with acute purulent appendicitis. On Thursday, April 26, I performed an inspection ...…
Read MoreWith age, the risk of developing many diseases, such as atherosclerosis, diabetes and cancer, increases. For this reason, it is important to perform prophylactic ...…
Read MoreBlood morphology is one of the most basic and most frequently ordered by doctors. The blood count should be performed prophylactically once ...…
Read MoreBreast ultrasound is a test that detects focal changes in the breast and breast cancer. It should be done regularly, because only then it has a chance to become ...…
Read MoreHome diagnostic tests have found application in many areas of medicine, such as gynecology, cardiology, gastrology, urinary tract diseases and diseases ...…
Read MoreHas the study, carried out by the method of nonlinear analysis, the so-called OBERON is a reliable diagnostic method? Does it actually detect all diseases, even those with sleep ...…
Read MoreMy mom's left ankle was swollen, it hurt a lot and she was slightly red. She got a referral for a latex test from a rheumatologist ....…
Read MoreMy mom has pancreatic cancer with lung metastases. After comprehensive examinations, doctors do not take any steps to treat mum! The tumor is large enough to kill ...…
Read MoreRecently, after the preventive examinations, it turned out that I have an elevated bilirubin level -1.66mg / dl. Is this a sign of some disease? Could it have with ...…
Read MoreSHBG is a protein that transports sex hormones, including testosterone and estradiol. Incorrect SHBG concentration may result in problems related to the hormone metabolism ...…
Read MoreThe parents should take care of reporting on the 10-year-old's balance sheet, also known as the third-grade report, because the school can only remind you that such a ...…
Read MoreThe balance of a six-year-old is a study that assesses the general he alth of a child in terms of readiness to start school. Check what tests the doctor will carry out ...…
Read MoreGenetic testing for thrombosis is worth doing when you have swollen legs, and sometimes your legs hurt even when you rest. This may indicate a predisposition ...…
Read MorePreventive examinations are used to maintain he alth. And it is very important for each of us, at least that's what we declare in the surveys. What to do to keep in good shape ...…
Read MoreElectrical bioimpedance allows you to analyze the body composition - fat tissue, muscle tissue, water content in the body and many others. Thanks to this bioimpedanc ...…
Read MoreI would like to start trying for a baby. Can I get vaccinated against hepatitis B now and get pregnant after the second dose? Is it better to vaccinate against hepatitis B or hepatitis A ...…
Read MoreI suffer from hepatitis B. How to have intercourse without protection so as not to infect your partner?…
Read MoreWhat kind of contraception should I use if I suffer from hepatitis B, hypothyroidism (I take medications) and epilepsy (I also take the drug - Depakine chrono 300) ...…
Read MoreI'm 19 weeks pregnant and I just got my urine and blood counts. In my urine, numerous bacteria, numerous squamous epithelium and lic ...…
Read MoreI plan to try to get pregnant as soon as possible. However, I was not vaccinated against hepatitis B. Test result for HBs antigen was non-reactive. Is it better in my case ...…
Read MoreMy husband and I are getting ready for the in vitro procedure. Today I got my result and anti-HCV is positive: what does this mean for me? Is it possible in vitro? I will add that b ...…
Read MoreThe World He alth Organization (WHO) has recognized hepatitis C (hepatitis C) as one of the greatest epidemiological threats. The good news is this ...…
Read MoreI am after 2 doses of hepatitis A and B vaccine (Twinrix) and soon I will have a 3rd dose. How much time must pass from the 3rd dose to be able to ...…
Read MoreCeruloplasmin (ferroxidase) is a protein with copper ions in its structure. It is considered the main copper protein in human plasma. Testing the concentration of teg ...…
Read MoreNitrite in urine should not be present. Their presence indicates an ongoing bacterial infection of the urinary tract, as they are formed as a result of the transformation of ...…
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