Alanine aminotransferase (ALAT, ALAT, ALT, GPT, SGPT) is an intracellular enzyme necessary for the functioning of the cell. Check what are the ALAT standards in the test ...…
Read MoreResearch 2025, March
Gamma, GGT, or glutamyltransferase is an enzyme associated with cell membranes. Its concentration informs us about the condition of the liver, pancreas, kidneys and prostate. Check ...…
Read MoreAlkaline phosphatase (Falk, FAL, FZ, ALP alkaline phosphatase) is one of the parameters in the biochemical test. It's a type of enzyme found mainly in bones, and ...…
Read MoreInflammation of the bile ducts (ducts) is a dangerous disease that can lead to cirrhosis of the liver, liver failure, or the development of cancer of the bile ducts in ...…
Read MorePancreatic enzymes (lipase, amylase, elastase) are produced by the exocrine pancreas. The examination of the level of their activity is performed, among others, by at ...…
Read MoreErythrocytes are red blood cells that transport oxygen around the body. Find out what high or low red blood cells mean.…
Read MoreThe results of blood chemistry provide a lot of valuable information. During this study, the composition of the blood plasma is analyzed. Blood chemistry tests give the doctor an oriental ...…
Read MoreJaundice is a yellow discoloration of the skin and whites of the eyes. The most common causes of jaundice are liver disease, although it can also be caused by other conditions. And ...…
Read MoreCalcium in the right concentration results in strong bones, he althy teeth, and proper blood coagulability. The correct concentration of this element is also a he althy muscle ...…
Read MoreThe calendar of compulsory vaccinations for the year 2022 is a program according to which vaccinations are implemented in patients up to 19 years of age and in particularly vulnerable ...…
Read MoreWhat is an EKG? Resting electrocardiography (EKG) is a popular test of the heart. What is an EKG test? When is it worth doing an EKG? Check it out!…
Read MoreVaccinations against hepatitis are obligatory in Poland. They should be given primarily to children within 24 hours of birth, students of medical universities and people ...…
Read MoreBilirubin is a yellow-orange pigment in blood plasma that is formed when hemoglobin is broken down. Its most important function is co-creating ...…
Read MoreArthroscopy is an examination that allows you to see a joint from the inside. Arthroscopy, of the available diagnostic methods, provides the most information. In ...…
Read MoreUltrasound examination (also known as ultrasonography) may be repeated many times, even at small intervals. This is important because thanks to the ultrasound, the doctor can quickly and without ...…
Read MoreX-rays of bones and joints are performed in order to recognize post-traumatic changes in bones and joints (fractures or sprains), as well as disorders of the bone structure in diseases ...…
Read MoreWhat is glucose, how is it tested and what is the blood sugar standard? Read what the purpose of this simple and quick examination is.…
Read MoreEsophageal varices are a very dangerous condition. It manifests as internal hemorrhage that can even be life-threatening. Treatment is possible only ...…
Read MoreA hepatologist is a specialist in liver diseases. You have to go to it in case of poor liver tests results, abnormal ultrasound image of the liver or ailments ...…
Read MoreCirrhosis of the liver is a dangerous disease that takes years to develop. Check the symptoms and treatment of cirrhosis.…
Read MoreLiver disease causes various symptoms - incl. skin symptoms, but also are visible on the face. However, the most common symptom of liver disease - whatever the cause - is pain in the abdomen on the right, under the ribs. What are liver diseases? What is their treatment? What is a liver diet?…
Read MoreHepatitis A stands for food jaundice, hepatitis A or dirty hands disease. No wonder - just eat contaminated food or drink inf ...…
Read MoreWhat can you get infected at the hairdresser? Sanitary inspectors claim that, inter alia, staphylococcus, mycosis of the skin and even head lice. It turns out that hairdressers are not ...…
Read MoreThe basic functions of the liver are tested by marking blood indicators - enzymes. Together with the determination of the concentration of bilirubin (the main pigment of bile), they make up the tz ...…
Read MoreHepatitis is a group of diseases in which the liver becomes inflamed. Its causes are varied. For hepatitis, the most common ...…
Read MoreEnlarged lymph nodes in the neck are most often a symptom of diseases such as flu, angina or colds, cancer, but also hypersensitivity to drugs.…
Read MoreViral hepatitis (hepatitis) is an infection that causes acute liver disease. Hepatitis is a real silent killer - the symptoms of the disease do not reflect ...…
Read MoreRaspberries are delicious fruit - juicy and aromatic. They are also appreciated by nutritionists and herbalists, because raspberries (both their fruits and leaves) contain a lot of vitamin ...…
Read MoreSerological tests are one of the basic laboratory tests commonly used in the diagnosis and monitoring of various diseases. Serological tests ...…
Read MorePCR is a test that has been used in the diagnosis of many diseases. The PCR method allows you to show the direct presence of bacteria in the body, specifically ...…
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