Neomycin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic produced by Streptomyces fradiae. Neomycin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Works on ...…
Read MoreIntimate diseases 2025, March
Chlamydia infection can cause many complications. Their symptoms can vary greatly, which makes a proper diagnosis even more difficult. What complications can ...…
Read MoreGenital warts are genital warts. Condylomas are formed when HPV - Human papilloma virus) enters the body. This virus causes ...…
Read MorePainful erections statistically affect 2 out of 100 men. This embarrassing ailment is priapism, also called long-term erection or pulling. With this problem t ...…
Read MoreNocturnal ejaculations are involuntary ejaculations of semen that appear in boys in adolescence and may continue until old age. Read if the night police ...…
Read MoreZalupek is a disease that occurs only in men, as it affects the penis. And only in uncircumcised men. It consists in the inability to ...…
Read MoreRecently I have heard and read about the significant influence of oral sex on the appearance of oral cavity cancers. Are people who have one sex partner all the time ...…
Read MoreChlamydiosis does not give any symptoms, and the first sign that Chlamydia trachomatis may have become infected is the occurrence of complications - in women, it is usually ...…
Read MoreChlamydia is caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. Chlamydia infection occurs during intercourse (also anal or oral). If you notice u s ...…
Read MoreYou can get infected with HPV very easily. HPV or Human Papillomavirus - the human papillomavirus has over 100 varieties, some of them from ...…
Read MoreChlamydia tests can detect chlamydia effectively, but in order to order them, you must suspect infection. And this, due to the usually asymptomatic course of the infection ...…
Read MoreThere are many opinions about intimate diseases that we accept without reservation, although some of them are untrue. Do tampons protect against infection in ...…
Read MoreTreatment of syphilis (syphilis) consists in administering antibiotics that destroy the bacteria Treponema pallidum responsible for the development of the disease. Antibiotics (most often ...…
Read MoreThere are approximately 37 million people living with HIV in the world. In Poland, two people find out every day that they have the virus. They are infected mainly by young people, between the ages of 16 and 39 ...…
Read MoreSperm allergy is not an easy condition to diagnose because its symptoms resemble an intimate infection. However, a diagnosed seed allergy ...…
Read MoreWhat is the situation in Poland, is AIDS still a taboo subject, are we still ashamed and afraid to research in this direction? We talk to Ms Anna Marz about this topic ...…
Read MoreUntreated penile mycosis can lead to infertility due to decreased sperm viability and prostate gland enlargement, do not be ashamed ...…
Read MoreThe names HIV and AIDS are often used interchangeably, so many people do not know the difference. This error is due to the fact that both terms refer to the disease ...…
Read MoreIn summer, almost 30 percent the number of cases of sexually transmitted diseases is increasing. The season of holidays and holidays is conducive to love adventures. Unfortunately, sometimes ...…
Read MoreCasual sex can be risky. And in the carnival it's easy to succumb to the temptation of casual sex. What to do to avoid catching the whole set of mikes during champagne fun ...…
Read MoreTrichomoniasis is caused by the protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis, which finds a suitable environment (heat and moisture) in the vagina or in the urethra. ...…
Read MoreTests for syphilis (syphilis) are divided into non-specific (reagin) and specific (spirochetal) serological tests. The first ones, incl. VDRL and USR test, have the character ...…
Read More7,000 people are infected with HIV every day in the world. In Poland, every day 2 people find out that they have the virus. If not for the hippie call for "free ...…
Read MoreGenital warts, or genital warts, are one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. The cause of the development of genital warts is a virus ...…
Read MoreStudies show that having oral sex can cause mouth cancer. The culprit is HPV, which is also responsible for cervical cancer.…
Read MoreHIV infection can be passed from mother to child, and this is often the case. But if a woman has been tested for HIV and knows she is carrying the virus, maybe ...…
Read MoreAlthough statistics show that the number of deaths from AIDS is declining globally, there are still regions where the new disease curve is rising. They are already ...…
Read MoreScientists from Duke University Medical Center have developed a new HIV test. It is a thousand times more sensitive than previously used and allows for ...…
Read MoreWe are happy to believe that HIV does not affect us. Only 9 percent. Poles were tested for the presence of the virus once in their lives. Meanwhile, we are at the forefront of Europe in terms of ...…
Read MorePrEP is a method of HIV prevention that consists in taking antiretroviral drugs by he althy people who are at high risk of infection. In Poland, PrEP is ...…
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