Laser iridotomy is the basic procedure in the treatment of glaucoma. The patient must be properly qualified for such a procedure, which is possible only after ...…
Read MoreEye diseases and vision disorders 2025, March
The GCL test is the study of the retinal ganglion cell layer. It is very important in the diagnosis of glaucoma, because in the course of this disease there is a loss of cells ...…
Read MoreTunnel (peripheral) vision is a visual defect in which the patient has the impression that he or she is looking through a tube or tunnel. There can be many reasons for this symptom and it is ...…
Read MoreContact lenses correct various eye defects. Lenses wear shortsighted and farsighted. You can correct astigmatism and strabismus with them, progressive lenses and the sign ...…
Read MoreLaser vision correction is a commonly performed procedure that restores full visual acuity. What should you know about laser vision correction? What are ...…
Read MoreYou don't like wearing glasses? You can use ortho-correction - a method of treating a vision defect with contact lenses. The worn lens changes the face ...…
Read MorePharmacological treatment of glaucoma is the first step in treating this eye disease. However, medications for glaucoma - in the form of eye drops - are only used after ...…
Read MoreYou should be aware of the fact that the very fact that the patient is being observed for glaucoma and that he regularly undergoes specialist examinations, significantly ...…
Read MoreDiabetic macular edema (DME) is the second most common eye disease after AMD (age-related macular degeneration) ...…
Read MoreVitrectomy is often said to be…
Read MoreTrabeculectomy is the most effective and most frequently used surgical method of treating glaucoma. Trabeculectomy reduces intraocular pressure ...…
Read MoreGenetics in ophthalmology is developing as rapidly as in other fields of medicine. In eye diseases, genetic tests are used, among others, in dy ...…
Read MoreTreatment of glaucoma in pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers is different than in other adult patients. All because most of the preparations are ...…
Read MoreCataracts inevitably lead to blindness. But today it's not a sentence - after a short, painless operation called phacoemulsification, you can not only regain your height ...…
Read MoreComputer Vision Syndrome (CVS) was defined at the end of the 20th century. Eye fatigue, blurred vision, hypersensitivity to acute light ...…
Read MoreHow to take care of your eyes so that they serve reliably for many years? Eye yoga will help you. Do eye exercises daily to improve your eyesight. It's simple and doesn't require ...…
Read MoreEye exercises to improve your eyesight are simple and cost-effective. If you do them every day, you can effectively care for your eyes to serve ...…
Read MoreExfoliation syndrome (exfoliation syndrome, XFS) is an eye disease in which there is an increase in intraocular pressure and the development of open glaucoma ...…
Read MorePresbyopia, or presbyopia, affects almost everyone. In old age, your eyesight deteriorates, but fortunately it can be easily corrected by appropriately ...…
Read MoreCataract requires implanting a new, artificial intraocular lens in place of the cloudy one that is removed. Choosing such a lens is a life-long choice. For ...…
Read MoreCataracts are treated surgically. However, this operation is now treated as a normal procedure - relatively simple and safe. And also fast - it only lasts for ...…
Read MoreVitreous floaters (expertly cloudy in the vitreous) usually appear as dark, moving dots, threads, streaks, spider webs or thick clouds ...…
Read MoreColor blindness is a hereditary eye defect resulting from an abnormal structure of the retina. It affects almost exclusively men. It is commonly believed that a color blind person cannot see ...…
Read MoreSummer sunglasses are a necessity. Those who do not protect their eyes with good sunglasses expose them to the harmful effects of rays ...…
Read MoreTrachoma is a chronic or recurrent keratoconjunctivitis caused by certain serotypes of Chlamydia trachomatis, a type of intracellular bacteria ...…
Read MoreThe tear film is a thin protective layer that coats the surface of the eyeball and is mechanically spread over it by constantly blinking without thinking. ...…
Read MoreDry and tired eyes are a problem for most people who work at the computer. And yet we perceive the world largely thanks to our eyes. We are able to ...…
Read MorePachymetry is a type of ophthalmological examination that measures the thickness of the cornea in its center. It is a very important diagnostic test that will help ...…
Read MoreWhat can drooping one eyelid and double vision mean? Should you go to an ophthalmologist or a neurologist with this problem? Could these be symptoms of some ...…
Read MoreUnblocking the tear ducts can be done in many ways. Probing the tear ducts is the most common method in children and infants. However, in adults ...…
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