Most insect bite marks are very similar. Most often, swelling and redness appear at the site of the bite. Itching and pain after being bitten ...…
Read MoreParasitic diseases 2025, March
There are many people who cannot imagine their lives without having a four-legged pet. The dog is called man's best friend and indeed he ...…
Read MoreHome remedies for lice are worth trying not only if you don't have any lice repellent at hand. They are safe and proven, not ...…
Read MoreThe Asian ladybug (also known as the ninja ladybug or harlequin) is most often a yellow or orange ladybug with black dots. Asian ladybug bite ...…
Read MoreAfrican ticks of the Hyalomma genus are getting closer to Poland. Their presence has already been noted in Germany. Scientists warn about them - African ticks m ...…
Read MoreA dangerous species of tick appeared in Poland - Haemaphysalis concinna. It probably came to our country from Germany. His presence was also recorded in our ...…
Read MoreCat helps reduce stress and increases endorphin levels. Unfortunately, apart from these undoubted advantages, owning a cat is associated with certain dangers. Dangerous ...…
Read MoreHepatic mite is a fluke that causes a parasitic disease called fasciolosis. Hepatic mite occurs in both animals and humans, giving ...…
Read MoreLeishmaniasis is a parasitic disease caused by protozoa of the genus Leishmania, transmitted by the phlebotomus mosquitoes, widespread in the ...…
Read MoreAnd that's something, it's plastic! Yes, mosquitoes carry it, along with various dangerous diseases.…
Read MoreHow to save yourself from mosquitoes? Is the technology effective and ultrasounds scare these little bloodsuckers away?…
Read MoreGrasshoppers, crickets and grasshoppers are regular visitors to our meadows, but many people confuse them. Can they be dangerous for us? How to tell them apart? Find out ...…
Read MoreHome cornerstone is one of the most common spiders in our homes. He has a fairly large torso and long, massive legs covered with hairs, and he can b ...…
Read MoreThe bourbon virus transmitted by ticks was discovered by US experts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Bourbon virus is worse ...…
Read MoreParents of young children often use preparations for lice and nits, because head lice is a common problem, especially in schools, kindergartens and nurseries. Preparation ...…
Read MoreCockroaches, German cockroaches and Pharaoh ants are repulsive and spread germs. They can literally poison our lives. To get rid of cockroaches and ants, you need to know their nature ...…
Read MoreThey attack in broad daylight, in full sun. You will meet them in the meadows. Their bites are very painful and bleed. What to do if you are bitten by a horse fly, also known as ...…
Read MoreHolidays are not only relaxation, but also he alth risks. When going camping, going for a walk in the forest or on a meadow, you must be vigilant, because wasps, psz ...…
Read MoreNits are the eggs that lice lay in your hair. Knowing what the nits look like and what kills the nits is essential to successfully fight head lice.…
Read MoreThe tiger mosquito is extremely aggressive and carries many serious diseases. Despite the fact that its natural habitat is the southern regions of Asia, it is more and more often ...…
Read MoreAnts are everywhere - we can meet them both in the garden, in the middle of the forest, and in our own home. There are over 12,000 in the world. species of ants, of which in Poland ...…
Read MoreSzczypawka, also known colloquially as an earwig, bushes, temples or chives, is a common insect in Poland. However, he does not enjoy a good reputation - many ...…
Read MoreDirofilariosis is a parasitic disease that is spread by mosquitoes. Dirofilaria nematode larvae occur in dogs and cats and can be transmitted to humans through their bloodstream. ...…
Read MoreSpirometra tapeworm is a parasite not widely known in Poland and Europe. Meanwhile, it turns out that most of the animals in the Białowieża Forest - the main ...…
Read MoreSea lice are carnivorous parasites that live, among others, in in the waters of the B altic Sea. They mainly eat dead fish, but humans are also a potential food for them ...…
Read MoreFlies and fruit flies are small insects belonging to the order of flies that are often confused with each other. Fruit flies only eat yeast created ...…
Read MoreA spider bite can happen to any of us. There are only a few species in Poland that do not have jaws. Fortunately, most spider bites ...…
Read MoreThe house fly, like the mosquito, can be very troublesome. He flies into our homes, sits down on food, wakes us up in the morning. But should we be afraid ...…
Read MoreThe tiger mosquito is extremely aggressive and carries many serious diseases. Despite the fact that its natural habitat is the southern regions of Asia, it is more and more often ...…
Read MoreAnisakiosis is a parasitic disease caused by the nematodes of the genera Anisakis, Contracoecum and Pseudoterranova. Infection occurs through consumption of infected ...…
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