Pinworms in adults are not uncommon at all. About 20 percent of adults may have this problem. Check what are the symptoms of pinworms.…
Read MoreParasitic diseases 2025, March
Scabies is a parasitic disease caused by human scabies. Symptoms of scabies are persistent itching and a characteristic rash. Home treatment for scabies is usually unsatisfactory and drug treatment is required. What does scabies look like and what are its causes? How does scabies start and what can scabies be confused with?…
Read MoreThe duodenal hookworm (Ancylostoma duodenale) is a human parasite from the nematode family. The hookworm can settle in our body if we eat it inaccurately ...…
Read MoreRound worms (or nematodes) are parasites that most often cause diseases in humans. The routes of infection and symptoms depend on which species ...…
Read MoreDemodex is a microscopic arachnid that inhabits the area around the eyelashes and eyelids of most adults. Ailments caused by this parasite are sometimes confused with s ...…
Read MoreGastrointestinal parasites are still not uncommon. Infections with gastrointestinal parasites are most often associated with insufficient hygiene - especially ...…
Read MoreParasitosis is a disease caused by parasites. Parasite is a term derived from Greek and means 'eating at the table of another'. It hits the nail on the head, because ...…
Read MoreMulti-chamber echinococcosis is a very dangerous and difficult to detect disease, caused by the echinococcal tapeworm (echinococcosis). You can get infected with echinococcosis, but ...…
Read MoreMost adults carry demodicosis, but only some develop a disease caused by it, called demodicosis or demodicosis. They are often wrong ...…
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