Symptoms of HIV that may appear in the first months of the disease include: immunodeficiency, enlarged lymph nodes, flu, fatigue and night sweats ...…
Read MoreInfectious diseases 2025, March
Septic shock is a rare but most dangerous complication of sepsis because it is associated with high mortality. During septic shock, a g ...…
Read MoreAspergillosis is caused by fungi of the genus Aspergillus, which cause all sorts of allergic reactions, superficial skin infections, ...…
Read MoreWhat is the difference between an ordinary epidemic and a pandemic? It is worth knowing especially now that the World He alth Organization (WHO) has announced the SARS-CoV-coronavirus pandemic ...…
Read MoreKrup (acute subglottic laryngitis, pseudo-angina) is a common childhood viral disease. Though it starts abruptly and can propel ...…
Read MoreFlu complications are neglected, and if left untreated, flu can even be fatal. Bronchitis or pneumonia, sinusitis, meningitis ...…
Read MoreMERS-CoV (mCoV virus) is one of the strains of coronaviruses that is deadly. It causes severe respiratory infection and kidney failure ...…
Read MoreThe American influenza strain AH3N2 has contributed to the deaths of several people in the United States, including children. The virus may appear in Poland within a few weeks ...…
Read MoreSwine flu is caused by the A / H1N1 virus which is spread by airborne droplets. Are the symptoms of swine flu different from those of the flu? How is it going ...…
Read MoreLeptospirosis is a disease caused by Leptospira spirochetes spread by domestic and wild animals, especially rodents and cattle, as well as pigs, horses and dogs. ...…
Read MoreMolluscum contagiosum is a viral skin disease that affects not only children but also adults. In the youngest, mollusks can be infected similarly to smallpox. With ...…
Read MoreWhooping cough more and more often attacks adults, although for many years it was considered a childhood disease. Why Do Adults Get Whooping Cough? Because vaccines against ...…
Read MoreAdult rubella is usually a bit more difficult than in children. The symptoms of rubella and its treatment are similar to those of the youngest. Rubella in adults can pile ...…
Read MoreEnteroviruses are a group of over 70 viruses that in our climate most often cause seasonal illnesses - usually in children. Most enterovirus infections ...…
Read MoreNecrotising fasciitis is a severe infection that quickly leads to extensive necrosis of the skin, subcutaneous tissue and fascial compartments, and t ...…
Read MoreToxic shock, or toxic shock syndrome, is a severe and life-threatening complication following infection. They are exposed to the development of toxic shock, among others, k ...…
Read MoreRose is an infectious skin disease that, if left untreated or diagnosed late, can lead to many complications, including life-threatening sepsis (sepsis). Problem ...…
Read MoreVaccination Hib is a vaccine against the haemophilic bacilli, type b bacteria, which causes severe diseases. If they are not recognized in p ...…
Read MoreContraindications to vaccination appear most often as a result of various he alth situations of patients. For the vast majority of the population, vaccines are ...…
Read MoreVaccinations are a matter of responsibility for your he alth, your family's he alth, and the he alth of the entire population. Doctors agree on this issue, worse that social awareness ...…
Read MoreHaemophilus influenzae type B (Hib), i.e. hemophilic rod type B, is a bacterium that can cause many dangerous diseases, including severe colitis ...…
Read MoreCytomegalovirus (CMV) caused by disease is a common disease that most people have very mild disease. It is only dangerous for women ...…
Read MoreAvian flu is a disease that affects mainly birds, but in some cases it can also be infected in humans. However, adherence to the specified ...…
Read MoreA runny nose is a bothersome ailment in which you can find effective home remedies. A runny nose causes, among other things, hypoxia, which results in fatigue, b ...…
Read MoreThroat inflammation is 90 percent. viral disease cases. The best weapon against viruses is tempering, which strengthens the body's immunity. But when us ...…
Read MoreKlebsiella pneumoniae, or pneumoniae, is a bacterium that is primarily responsible for life-threatening pneumonia. In addition, maybe ...…
Read MoreLepra (lepra, Hansen's disease) is an infectious disease that occurs in tropical and subtropical countries. You can get infected with it, among others in India and Braz ...…
Read MorePapilloma, or the human papillomavirus (HPV), is one of the viruses responsible for the development of cancer. Research shows that not all people are infected ...…
Read MoreOne mosquito bite of a midge carrying malaria in the saliva is enough to develop this dangerous disease. Before going on exotic ...…
Read MoreAmebosis, or in other words, dysentery, is one of the tropical diseases that pose a threat when traveling in warm countries. Find out what are about ...…
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