Cabbage with peas is a dish whose nutritional values are usually appreciated once a year - during the Christmas Eve dinner. It's a pity, because the cabbage with peas, the one with potatoes ...…
Read MoreWhat do you eat 2025, March
Tofu - what is it? What are the properties and nutritional values? How To Eat Tofu? What's the flavor? Where to buy tofu and what is the price? These are the most common questions about ...…
Read MoreTempeh is a traditional Indonesian product, made from legume seeds, mainly soybeans, using fermentation. Thanks to this, tempeh has numerous ...…
Read MoreBay leaf has been used not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine. All thanks to numerous healing properties. Decoction and infusion of la ...…
Read MoreAnti-nutritional substances, which include, among others Oxalates, phytates, thioglycosides, tannins or cyanogenic glycosides are provided to us, in addition to valuable ...…
Read MoreHerring can be prepared in many ways. You can, among others waste, fry and bake. However, before that, they should be properly soaked in order to get rid of their unpleasant ...…
Read MoreOat water supposedly supports weight loss. How is it really? Does it really affect weight loss? Or maybe it has other he alth properties? See also how with ...…
Read MorePate is usually a dish made of several kinds of stewed or cooked meat, which is ground and baked. However, the pate can also be prepared from lentils, with ...…
Read MoreAlgae in the Far East have been known for centuries. In other parts of the world, the interest in algae was relatively recent. They immediately made a sensation - mainly in ...…
Read MoreCider - a drink made from apple juice and yeast. Demonstrates antioxidant properties - thanks to the content of antioxidants, it neutralizes free radicals ....…
Read MoreApple Cider Vinegar - The recipe for this excellent spice is not complicated, but requires patience. How to make apple cider vinegar?…
Read MoreChocolate, although it has a lot of calories, is recommended from time to time even for people on a diet - it has a lot of magnesium, and also has a stimulating effect and improves mood.…
Read MoreSugar, like fat, has a terrible reputation among nutritionists. But this does not put off lovers of sweets. In addition to sugar, there are many sweeteners. What's the difference ...…
Read MoreThe liver is an extremely busy organ. For the sake of it, it is worth taking care of the diet by introducing many he althy and wholesome products. Here's what you can do with it ...…
Read MoreScientists assure that preservatives not only protect food from spoilage. They also increase its taste and nutritional value. Are food additives safe ...…
Read MoreIn order to regenerate your liver, you should not only stop using stimulants. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the meals are easy to digest. Learn the recipe for the casserole ...…
Read MoreWe have a growing selection of ready-made frozen foods every year. This is good because freezing retains its high vitamin and mineral content. However, not every package is frozen ...…
Read MoreAccording to experts, frozen fruit and vegetables retain most of their vitamins and minerals. That is why it is worth eating frozen food - they are he althy, valuable, always under ...…
Read MoreWhat is worth eating to cleanse the liver? Millet in milk with blueberries and banana is a tasty and easy to prepare dish. Literally a few minutes and it's ready to ...…
Read MoreUnder the name…
Read MoreThe liver is an irreplaceable organ, so it is worth supporting its work with a proper diet. A good dish for the liver is buckwheat with chicken, carrots ...…
Read MoreLiver regeneration is a process that requires not only time, but also exceptional care for diet and lifestyle. Cocktails are a great addition to this treatment ...…
Read MoreThe liver should be properly looked after and regenerated. As it turns out, it is possible if we introduce a vitamin bomb into the diet in the form of a cocktail with kiwi, grus ...…
Read MoreProperly balanced meals have a beneficial effect not only on our weight, but also on the condition of the liver. Try the recipe for sweet potato cream soup with meatballs with ...…
Read MoreSmall-s alt cucumbers are usually made from June to August. As Poland is long and wide, various additives are added to small-s alt cucumbers. The most popular are ...…
Read MoreThough turmeric is the most commonly used spice in food, many people add it to a variety of drinks. Sounds weird? It shouldn't, because the supporters of this add-on ...…
Read MoreIn order for the liver to function properly and serve for a long time, it is worth supporting its work with a proper diet. Try the recipe for carrot cream soup with millet.…
Read MoreAlthough it is hard to believe, we spend a whole month in the kitchen every year! To save some time and energy, it is enough to properly, i.e. according to the rules ...…
Read MoreBeans, due to their nutritional properties, are sometimes called…
Read MoreFrozen vegetables and fruits not only have a nutritional value comparable to fresh ones, but in winter and spring they can even exceed them in this respect. Doctors and die ...…
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