Black pudding has many nutritional values. First of all, black pudding is rich in heme iron, well absorbed by the body. At the same time, black pudding has many ...…
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Dates are fruits whose nutritional properties will be especially appreciated by athletes. Dates, both dried and raw, are a treasury of simple sugars that are ...…
Read MoreThe properties of pomegranates were known to Chinese doctors in antiquity. Pomegranate juice soothes digestive problems and has a rejuvenating effect on the skin. Thanks a lot ...…
Read MoreHeather honey has numerous properties, therefore it has been widely used. In addition, heather honey has a beautiful color - from light shades, through amber, to ...…
Read MoreLinden honey has a distinctive color, so it is easy to recognize. It is worth reaching for it, because it has numerous properties and nutritional values. Lime honey has s ...…
Read MoreRapeseed honey stands out from other honeys. It can be white, creamed, has a mild flavor, and rapeseed honey is the sweetest of all honeys. His c ...…
Read MoreMolasses is a by-product of sugar production, but it is still widely used, not only in the kitchen. The most popular is cane molasses (with ...…
Read MoreMead is an alcoholic drink. It is produced as a result of the fermentation of bee honey diluted with water. Find out what the price of mead is, how many percent alcohol ...…
Read MoreGoldenrod honey is an extremely valued and rare honey. It owes its healing properties to goldenrod flowers. It has a bactericidal effect, ...…
Read MoreBee Bee is the staple food of bees. Check the properties of bee bee and how to use it…
Read MoreFennel, or fennel, has numerous healing properties, which is why it has been used in natural medicine, among others as a remedy for flatulence and cough. With ...…
Read MoreWhat is xylitol? Xylitol is a he althy sugar substitute. It is much less caloric and has a lower glycemic index than white sugar.…
Read MoreSorbitol is a sweetener that is commonly added to industrially manufactured food, especially products intended for people with sickness ...…
Read MorePumpkin has many nutritional values, it is rich in vitamins and minerals, especially the zinc essential for men, and at the same time it is low in calories. Fresh Pumpkin Seeds ...…
Read MoreFigs are fruits that have exceptional nutritional values. Dried figs are especially appreciated, as they are a treasury of calcium that strengthens bones. They have almost t ...…
Read MoreRutabaga is a vegetable whose healing properties and nutritional values were appreciated in Poland until recently. However, recently rutabaga has returned to favor. C ...…
Read MoreRadishes have numerous properties and nutritional values. These small, inconspicuous vegetables are low in calories (kcal) and are a treasury of vitamins and minerals, including sweat ...…
Read MoreSemolina is a flour or porridge obtained from durum wheat. Semolina is very he althy - it has numerous properties and nutritional values. Its pro-he alth effects ...…
Read MoreButtermilk is a fermented milk drink and a by-product of butter making. It is low in calories and easy to digest. Thanks to the presence of lactic acid and fer ...…
Read MoreSausages are short, thin sausages made of minced meat, although they are said to contain even toilet paper. For this reason, many people wonder about ...…
Read MoreSpice up your daily menu with green vegetables. Kale, broccoli, spinach, parsley, dill, sprouts are low in calories, contain a lot of vitamin C ...…
Read MoreCarp is usually eaten once a year - on Christmas Eve. It is definitely too rare, because carp has numerous properties and nutritional values, thanks to which it positively influences ...…
Read MoreFlounder is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12, phosphorus and selenium. It can be consumed by pregnant women because it does not accumulate mercury compounds. P ...…
Read MoreHake on the market comes in the form of frozen fillets with or without skin, and also in the form of carcasses. When buying, however, it is worth checking where the hake comes from ...…
Read MoreMintaj is one of the most popular fish in Poland - almost 40% of us declare that they often choose it as an ingredient of their dinner dishes. However ...…
Read MoreVeal is rarely served on Polish tables, because we consider it difficult to process and expensive. However, properly prepared veal is ...…
Read MoreCod is a source of wholesome protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on the heart. In addition, cod is a treasury of vitamins and a microel ...…
Read MoreMackerel is a fatty fish, therefore it is a good source of beneficial omega-3 acids and vitamin D. Additionally, mackerel contains a large amount of selenium. ...…
Read MoreThe ham added splendor to the Old Polish Easter feasts. It still remains a traditional sausage on the Polish table, although it is far from its former splendor and taste. What do I need ...…
Read MoreRabbit meat is not popular in Poland. Most of the production is intended for export. However, it is worth including the rabbit carcass in your diet ...…
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