Buying real honey becomes more and more difficult, because even beekeepers in small apiaries mix real honey with artificial. When we are not sure ...…
Read MoreWhat do you eat 2025, March
Fructose is a simple sugar that is used on a large scale in the food industry. Currently, it is part of most of the products available on the market, which ...…
Read MoreSucrose has long been used in the kitchen, but hardly anyone knows its properties. Sucrose, or white sugar, is found in most products, and when consumed ...…
Read MorePickled garlic combines the extraordinary power of a natural antibiotic and probiotic, so it should stay in our diet for good. It is also milder in taste ...…
Read MoreJellies, jams, preserves, pickles ... You can buy them all, but why? Home-made preparations are tastier and retain more vitamins, because ...…
Read MoreChristmas Eve is carp, herring, dumplings. You prepare them according to your home practice. At Kinga Błaszczyk-Wójcicka (vegetarian, combining various traditions) on Christmas Eve ...…
Read MoreCandle remains - you are probably wondering what can be made of them? Each of us likes to create a cozy atmosphere in the interior, especially in the autumn and winter period ...…
Read MoreThe cutting board is a basic and indispensable device in every Polish kitchen. At first it looks nice, but after some time of use it becomes ...…
Read MoreRoom temperature - sometimes we are not even aware that it can affect the he alth of the household. As a rule, we overheat our apartments or let ...…
Read MoreReal or artificial Christmas tree? Which is better for our he alth? Many of us have this dilemma when buying a Christmas tree. A real Christmas tree, especially a living one ...…
Read MoreEcological Christmas? It's difficult, because traditional holidays are a lot of cleaning and big shopping, but possible. Check what you can do to make your Christmas Eve and Christmas ...…
Read MoreFor a diabetic, Christmas Eve and Christmas can be a time of pleasure. Traditional Christmas Eve dishes can be prepared in such a way that they do not contribute to rape ...…
Read MoreIt is worth making the Christmas Eve of an infant or toddler extraordinary also in terms of flavors, and also in terms of shaping his he althy eating habits on ...…
Read MoreChristmas Eve is the most touching evening of the year in Polish tradition. When the first star appears in the winter sky - the symbolic twin Gwi ...…
Read MoreIn many countries, Christmas is the highlight of the year. It is a period of joy, generosity and ... unprecedented gluttony. During the holidays, we carefully ...…
Read MoreAlmost 40% of Poles regularly buy and eat poultry meat - no wonder! Who among us does not like roasted chicken wings, grilled shashlik ...…
Read MoreCream is a product made of cream, i.e. sweet cream. It is a basic addition to various types of dishes or sauces. Whipped cream on ...…
Read MoreIt's not true that all fats are bad for your he alth! Some improve thinking, protect against disease, and even heal the heart. The most valuable ...…
Read MoreSprouts quickly found their place in our diets. This is good because they are a concentrate of nutrients contained in plants - they are rich in vitamins and ...…
Read MoreKiwi is a fruit that has many properties, incl. laxative, slimming and nourishing, thanks to which it has been used in cosmetics. However, no ...…
Read MoreGrapes are fruits whose properties have been appreciated for millennia. This long-lived plant protects against civilization diseases, incl. against hypertension this ...…
Read MoreGooseberry is a fruit whose properties and nutritional values should be appreciated especially by people who complain of tired eyes. Gooseberry is a treasury of lutein ...…
Read MoreCress has he alth and cosmetic properties. It is a source of vitamins that our body needs - especially vitamin C - and micronutrients. Formerly watercress ...…
Read MoreBotwina is the green leaves of the beetroot. Often you can also meet the name "chard" and they are colloquially used interchangeably. You can make soup from beetroot because ...…
Read MoreSpinach leaves have anti-cancer properties and protect against atherosclerosis. The healing properties of spinach are due to beta-carotene, vitamin C and lutein - with ...…
Read MoreRhubarb is a source of vitamins A, C, E, as well as potassium, folic acid and fiber. Rhubarb contains a lot of harmful oxalic acid, so don't ...…
Read MoreCucumber is a vegetable whose properties and nutritional values should be appreciated especially in hot weather. Cucumber in almost 97 percent. consists of water, therefore it quickly becomes ...…
Read MorePeach is a fruit that has numerous properties and nutritional values, and at the same time has very few calories (kcal). That's why we should eat peaches not only from ...…
Read MoreSorrel is a plant that has been used not only in cooking, but also in medicine. Sorrel has numerous he alth properties that have been used for centuries ...…
Read MoreWe constantly hear that fat should be avoided. This is inaccurate. We need it like all other nutrients. We just have to remember that certain fats ...…
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