Toxic epidermal necrolysis syndrome, also known as TEN or Lyell's syndrome, is a sudden, life-threatening necrotizing skin reaction caused by certain medications or infections. TEN syndrome is a very rare disease, but it occurs after taking relatively frequently used medications.…
Read MoreDermatology 2025, March
Each wound leaves traces. Some do not attract anyone's attention, but there are scars that are already a problem - primarily aesthetic. However, they are ...…
Read MoreEach wound or surgical cut leaves a mark on the skin. What do the size, color and shape of the scar depend on? Can it be reduced? As Barto claims ...…
Read MoreSeborrheic dermatitis, although very common on the head, also affects other parts of the body. Treatment of seborrheic dermatitis depends on the place where ...…
Read MoreDercuma disease (Latin adipositas dolorosa, adiposis dolorosa) is a type of rare skin disease described by Francis Xavier Dercum in 1892. Characterize ...…
Read MoreI am 22 years old, and then my skin is very acne-prone and oily. I would like to get rid of this acne, because I am ashamed and I do not feel comfortable having ...…
Read MoreEczema is a dermatological problem involving the formation of inflammation in skin folds rubbing together. Mostly found in the groin, ...…
Read MoreJellyfish head is a term reserved for the characteristic appearance of the abdominal skin, which is formed through specific pathophysiological mechanisms ...…
Read MoreYour skin serves you faithfully - it protects against the influence of the external environment, sun, cold and germs. You have 1.5-2 m2 of it. You take care of and nurture it. But ...…
Read MoreI get eczema on my hands, it itches terribly and blisters with strange liquid inside. I have tried many creams and ointments, but nothing helps ...…
Read MoreI have eczema on my face. Washing your face with water worsens its condition. What kind of milk can I use so that the skin does not irritate and does not need to be rinsed with water?…
Read MoreMy 6-year-old daughter has an infectious mollusk, she cannot freeze the changes. She was taking groprinosin. Are there any other treatments? How do I get rid of it?…
Read MoreMy daughter underwent infectious mononucleosis last summer and has been suffering from all possible illnesses since then - now she has erythema nodosum. He is 16 years old and I don't know what after ...…
Read MoreHello. I am 23 years old and I have ichthyosis. I have a girlfriend who is sick - she has bad skin (this is some kind of psoriasis). My question is. Do g ...…
Read MoreWhat is this disease?…
Read MoreFor 5 months I have been treated for erythema nodosum - I am still taking antibiotics and there is no improvement. What to do?…
Read MoreI am the mother of 16-month-old Kubuś. I can't fight off his cradle cap, I've tried different ways, but the cradle cap keeps coming back. Is there any measure to ...…
Read MoreHello, I have been suffering from hives for a year. Red itchy spots pop up during bathing and stay on the body for up to two hours after bathing. I was at dermatol ...…
Read MoreThe scar is not just an aesthetic problem. Its occurrence is also associated with pain, itching or the formation of adhesions. Therefore, to ...…
Read MoreThere are many scientific reports about whether stress can cause skin problems. The influence of mental factors, including stress, on the condition of the skin is a much discussed ...…
Read MoreTreatment of psoriasis is not easy as skin lesions recur, especially after exposure to factors such as infections, alcohol or stress. Łuszc ...…
Read MoreMore and more people suffer from atopy, mainly in big cities. The skin itches, is very dry and changes appear on it. Atopic Dermatitis (in s ...…
Read MoreHello! I have oily rosacea and more and more oversized sebaceous glands on my forehead and cheeks. It does not add beauty. The dermatologist told me that the tr ...…
Read MoreSeborrheic dermatitis is a disease that can lead to hair loss. Seborrheic dermatitis most often affects people whose glands ...…
Read MorePsoriasis of the skin may appear after angina, chicken pox, or cystitis. Psoriasis is not a contagious disease, but its causes are not fully known ...…
Read MoreIn people who have vitiligo, the skin resembles a mosaic of light and dark spots. As long as it is summer, people with vitiligo should use s ...…
Read MoreBedsores are a problem not only for bedridden people who stay in bed for months. They can be formed within days or even hours. It is worth knowing how to prevent them ...…
Read MoreLong-term disease devastates the body mainly due to pharmacological treatment and lack of psychological comfort, but also has a very bad effect on the condition ...…
Read MorePeople who are seriously (bed-ridden), physically disabled or temporarily immobilized due to an accident cannot take care of proper skin care on their own, and ...…
Read MoreHome remedies for athlete's foot will allow us to quickly fight a fungal infection with a mild course or at an early stage of development. Vinegar, garlic or extract ...…
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