I'm 15 years old. In 2.5 months I lost 12 kg (my height: 164 cm; starting weight: 60 kg; final weight: 48 kg). My diet was terrible, because I ate about 400 kcal ...…
Read MoreDiets 2025, March
I am planning a pregnancy and I am anemic. How should I take care of myself and for what period before pregnancy?…
Read MoreThe Mediterranean diet has been cultivated by Greeks, Italians and Spaniards for years. However, its principles became widely known only recently, when the respondents ...…
Read MorePeptic ulcer disease manifests itself as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, heartburn. Modern pharmacological agents are effective in treating stomach ulcers, but they don't ...…
Read MoreVegetarianism is getting very fashionable. However, before deciding to use it, it is worth considering the justification for such a diet. In ...…
Read MoreAdherence to a proper diet is of great importance in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Are you complaining about severe pain and stiffness in your joints? Change your daily ...…
Read MoreAlkaline diet promotes products that deacidify the body. Whether a given product acidifies or deacidifies the body does not depend on its taste, but on how ...…
Read MoreFODMAP is a diet developed by a research team at Monash University that allows people with irritable bowel syndrome and excessive r ...…
Read MoreThe diet after a stroke should be carefully composed. As a result of a stroke, limb paresis often occurs, partial or complete pa ...…
Read MoreThe issue of the diet of a child with ADHD in the classic approach to disease treatment is marginalized. However, the observations of parents and dietitians working with d ...…
Read MoreDiet significantly affects the level of intelligence. You can see it, among others after children fed with good-quality and low-processed food. They obtained better ratings ...…
Read MoreLow temperatures promote infections to which the body is now particularly susceptible. Thanks to a proper diet, you can protect yourself against diseases. Preheat ...…
Read MoreHow to eat during pregnancy? You've probably always heard that the expectant mother has to eat for two? It's a myth! But there are still many false theories about sp ...…
Read MoreAre you planning to enlarge your family? Take a look at what you eat every day. Nutrient deficiencies can make conception difficult. What ingredients must be ...…
Read MoreDo your joints hurt? The condition of the joints depends on what we eat. Food is a natural source of substances that build bones and joints. Some products even ...…
Read MoreA large amount of artificial food and drugs causes our bodies to lose the ability to cleanse themselves of toxins. Therefore, in this process, you need to follow ...…
Read MoreLow-salicylate (aspirin) diet is the only effective method of fighting allergy to salicylic acid. It allows people allergic to salicylates to avoid serious ...…
Read MorePhytosterols are plant substances with a structure very similar to human cholesterol. When taken regularly with a diet, they help to effectively reduce the level of cholera ...…
Read MoreIntroduce foods that lower sugar levels into your daily menu, and avoid those that raise it. This way you will regulate your glucose level and u ...…
Read MoreAt least twice a week a portion of sea fish for lunch, and vegetables sprinkled with aromatic olive oil for dinner ... Mediterranean cuisine is a delight for the sky ...…
Read MoreDue to the increased metabolism, the diet of hyperthyroidism should be a high-energy diet with an increased amount of carbohydrates. Recommended is ...…
Read MoreHyperthyroidism manifests itself, inter alia, with an accelerated metabolism. In the treatment of hyperthyroidism, a diet that protects against severe damage to the thyroid gland is important ...…
Read MoreThe menu in the diet of people with Hashimoto's disease should include an increase in protein intake and a decrease in carbohydrate intake. The high proportion of fat is also important ...…
Read MoreProtein and fat breakfasts are gaining more and more supporters and are replacing the classic breakfast rich in carbohydrates. They are especially recommended for people ...…
Read MoreChanges in the body appear with age. They affect practically all organs and systems, causing not only a generally worse well-being, but ...…
Read MoreDiet for a senior should meet his specific needs. Seniors eat poorly and hence many ailments that could be easily avoided. With know ...…
Read MoreGERD is an unpleasant ailment from the digestive system. It manifests itself as heartburn, flatulence, nausea, constipation, regurgitation of the acidic stomach contents and ...…
Read MoreThe acid reflux diet is a curative diet that can help ease the troublesome symptoms of acid reflux disease, such as heartburn, belching, burning pain behind the gout ...…
Read MoreThe liver diet is a diet whose menu should contain easily digestible products with a small amount of fat. The liver diet is used in the prophylaxis of et al ...…
Read MoreThe term glycemic index classifies food products depending on how they increase blood sugar levels. Acquaintance ...…
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