Short bowel syndrome often affects people who have had a fragment of their small intestine removed. This organ is responsible for the absorption of nutrients, ...…
Read MoreGastrology
Constantly feeling hungry is not always a symptom of an illness. The reasons for this are, for example, stress or bad eating habits that you just need to change. However, sometimes ...…
Read MoreBiliary obstruction results in the weakening or complete inhibition of bile transport to the gastrointestinal tract. There may be various reasons for this. How does the look ...…
Read MoreDigestive enzymes are substances that are secreted in the digestive system by the digestive glands. They are mostly classified as hydrolytic enzymes that catalyze the growth of bacteria ...…
Read MoreHeartburn is a very unpleasant ailment. The characteristic burning behind the breastbone, appearing when bending down and after a hearty lunch, certainly felt a lot ...…
Read MoreThe liver cleanses the body of harmful metabolic products and toxins, secretes bile, and stores energy and vitamins. These are just a few of the 500 functions that ...…
Read MorePrimary biliary cirrhosis is classified as an autoimmune disease, which means that the body attacks its own tissues. A characteristic symptom of ...…
Read MoreGERD is gastroesophageal reflux disease. The name comes from the English abbreviation of gastro-esophageal reflux disease, so it sounds foreign. But it really is ...…
Read MoreMetabolic diseases is a very broad concept - some of them can be deadly, while others allow you to function completely normally (under the condition ...…
Read MoreWhat can pancreatic pain mean? This question is asked by anyone who has ever suffered from this condition. The answer, however, is not obvious: pancreatic pain can ...…
Read MoreGallstones, also known as gallstones, can effectively make life difficult. Cholecystitis is often associated with urolithiasis. However, is the stone pr ...…
Read MoreIBD is the common name for inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis (UC) or Leśniowski's disease -...…
Read MoreVomiting is one of the defense mechanisms - it helps the body try to remove potentially harmful substances. Vomiting can also be one of the symptoms ...…
Read MoreDehydration of the body is a serious condition that poses a threat especially to children and the elderly. Dehydration is most often associated with heat, but until ...…
Read MoreIn humans, language is responsible for the sensation of taste, and besides, it is also involved in chewing food - but what are its other functions? How is ...…
Read MoreSmall intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is a group of clinical symptoms caused by excessive growth of the bacterial flora ...…
Read MoreCrohn's disease attacks the intestines, stomach, esophagus and even the mouth and penetrates deep into the gastrointestinal wall. It manifests itself with diarrhea, stomach pains ...…
Read MoreIrritable bowel syndrome manifests itself as severe intestinal cramps and pains. You are plagued by constipation and diarrhea for several days. We advise you what to avoid when ...…
Read MoreSometimes you get tired of gas, which is also accompanied by winds. When you feel a growing feeling of fullness, expansion, gurgling in your stomach, you only think ...…
Read MoreHeartburn and a burning sensation in the esophagus - check its symptoms and causes. Certain foods cause heartburn. It can also be a harbinger of illness.…
Read MoreHave you ever wondered where does "feeling" come from? It turns out that our head is not entirely responsible for them. Well-being is born somewhere on the road ...…
Read MoreThe stomach can hold almost 2 liters of fluid. It stretches over the course of eating. The stomach converts food into pulp, in it digestion of what is ...…
Read MoreCeliac disease, or celiac disease, is an autoimmune disease caused by gluten intolerance. It is estimated that about 1-2% of the population suffer from it, although ...…
Read MoreStoma - a word derived from the Greek word mouth - means a stoma or a fistula. A stoma or fistula is an opening that connects the selected organ to the skin, such as a stoma ...…
Read MoreAcute distention of the colon (megacolon toxicum) is a rare, life-threatening condition that develops within a few days. It is a complication of enteritis ...…
Read MoreMalabsorption syndrome means that the body is unable to absorb the nutrients provided by food. Consequently ...…
Read MoreLeaky gut syndrome (aka Leaky Gut Syndrome) means that microscopic build-up of the small intestine…
Read MoreLiver failure is a condition in which the liver is unable to perform its functions. It may be the result of chronic diseases, but sometimes the problem appears ...…
Read MoreGallstone disease is a disease of the biliary tract. In gallstone disease, the most important thing is the formation of stones called stones in the gallbladder or along the path ...…
Read MoreStomach ulcer is characterized by the occurrence of peptic ulcers, i.e. defects in the gastric mucosa. This disease can also develop in the duodenum ...…
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