Most of us have problems with bowel movements while on vacation. A new daily routine, water, and diet can all lead to constipation. How to avoid trouble and collusion ...…
Read MoreGastrology 2025, March
Rectal prolapse is a condition where the end of the large intestine moves out of the anus. In most patients, rectal prolapse is ...…
Read MoreColic while running gets many people training. Sharp pain, most often on the left side under the ribs, appears suddenly, usually during prolonged intense pain ...…
Read MoreThe sacral nerve neurosimulator is a modern method of treating fecal incontinence. The first procedure of implanting such a pacemaker in Poland was carried out in ...…
Read MoreMAFLD or metabolic fatty liver disease is the new name for a condition previously referred to as NAFLD - non-alcoholic fatty liver disease ...…
Read MoreSIBO treatment is mainly based on herbal and pharmacological treatments. Diet is also an important element in SIBO therapy.…
Read MoreA hernia is a characteristic accentuation of the contents of the body cavity under the skin, which can be felt by touch. It is formed when the organ or its fragment is transformed ...…
Read MoreDiet for stomach flu. Diet is important during the intestinal flu. It's hard to swallow anything during the first two days. Then you have to slowly enter ...…
Read MoreMeckel's diverticulum is the most common congenital malformation of the gastrointestinal tract. Most often, his presence does not cause any discomfort and he is - if at all - ...…
Read MoreInguinal hernia surgery is one of the most frequently performed surgical procedures. Completely removes ailments related to hernia, strengthens the skin ...…
Read MoreIf you have heartburn from time to time - you don't need to take medication right away, there are many other simple ways to get rid of heartburn.…
Read MoreHave you ever experienced such severe bloating that you couldn't fasten your pants? If you regularly have gas and gas problems, you may be dealing with ...…
Read MoreRunning abdominal pain more often catches adolescents than adults, but regardless of age, it is always troublesome. The reasons for the appearance of acute b ...…
Read MorePsychobiotics are probiotic bacteria that have a beneficial effect on mental he alth. It turns out that the efficiency of the brain depends largely on the intestines ...…
Read MoreWhether we like it or not, overeating during the holidays gets us every year. That is why it is worth finding out now how you can bring relief to an overwhelmed stomach and how to ...…
Read MoreI've had pain below my breastbone for 3 weeks and it doesn't go away. It doesn't rain, I don't have any nausea or vomiting. This pain does not worsen after eating. I have t ...…
Read MoreHernia is often neglected and called a liveable cosmetic defect. You better not believe it. You may be trapped at any time by ...…
Read MorePeptic ulcer disease intensifies in spring and autumn. People with stomach ulcers can alleviate the discomfort of the disease. How to do it? See the ten rules, today ...…
Read MoreIn spring and autumn, ulcers feel worse and worse. Is it a change in diet or temperature fluctuations - it is not very clear why these seasons exacerbate the ailments ...…
Read MoreThe appearance of the belly can be influenced by many factors. Abdominal changes may indicate the appearance of various diseases. Check which ones.…
Read MoreColon melanosis is a mild pigmentation disorder in the intestinal wall. The name can turn out to be confusing - not melanin, and lipofuscin is responsible for b ...…
Read MoreHemorrhoids, diseases such as diverticular colitis or even simple constipation occur almost exclusively in countries where ...…
Read MoreGases are a natural, but rather unpleasant, function of our body. It can put us in a very embarrassing position. In addition to the standard name - gases, it uses ...…
Read MoreVagotomy and pyloroplasty are surgical methods of peptic ulcer treatment. Vagotomy involves cutting the fibers of the vagus nerve responsible for the ne ...…
Read MoreEnteral nutrition is a form of nutrition for those sick who cannot be fed through the mouth. For many of them it is the only chance to nourish the exhausted by disease ...…
Read MoreEven though irritable bowel syndrome is one of the more common diseases of the digestive system, there is no single scheme for its treatment ...…
Read MoreYou have Irritable Bowel Syndrome and medications do not help much? Irritable bowel is a condition in which your well-being depends less on pharmacotherapy, so ...…
Read MoreThe influence of exercise on rectal bleeding, SIBO team and other diseases of the digestive system was told by Dariusz Maj, Ph.D.…
Read MoreChristmas feast is quite a challenge for the liver. And although she is extremely patient, she may eventually rebel. How to prevent this from happening? Learn about the ways to ...…
Read MoreAn experiment involving the incarnation of a person suffering from inflammatory bowel diseases for one day? All I need to do is download the application and I can ...…
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