Geriatrics 2025, March

The sense of hearing ages as the body ages. Hearing loss usually occurs gradually. That is why it is so difficult sometimes to feel the difference and orientate yourself ...…

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It is estimated that 4.5 million Poles suffer from kidneys, although most do not guess it, because even 90% damaged kidneys may not send any signals and ...…

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How does your hair age? Frost on the head is not the only sign that the hair is already old. The numerous changes in the follicles and strands have ...…

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Infective endocarditis (IE) is a dangerous disease that occurs more often in the elderly, may cause other symptoms, it is different ...…

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When Budka Suflera stopped playing after 40 years, Krzysztof Cugowski announced that he was going into a well-deserved retirement. Fortunately, he couldn't bear it! Because music is his "fifth ...…

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It is often the case that we postpone something we like to do to an undefined date. At a younger age, we explain ourselves with a lot of classes at school, later they are ...…

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She wouldn't want to turn back time. She believes that her life is better today. He feels good in his body. - I am surprised myself: how is it possible that I am 51 years old? - joking ...…

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Elderly psychotic syndromes are conditions in which a senior develop psychotic symptoms, such as delusions or hallucinations. Their cause may be disturbed ...…

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