Conductive hearing loss is a disorder of sound transmission from the external environment to the middle ear. It can occur in both children and adults. B ...…
Read MoreGeriatrics 2025, March
An annuity, or reverse mortgage, is a powerful monthly injection of cash for a pensioner or pensioner. This is not always a favorable solution. How do you ...…
Read MoreThe search for immortality and effective methods of extending life has been with people almost always. Most often, however, it was considered unnatural ...…
Read MorePre-retirement benefit (or pre-retirement allowance) is granted to a person who meets specific conditions specified by law. Who can apply ...…
Read MoreA widow is en titled to a pension from a deceased spouse if he or she received a much higher pension - however, to receive this benefit, you must meet specific requirements ...…
Read MoreSickness pension is a colloquial term for a ZUS benefit, the full name of which is disability pension. Who is owed? Sickness pension awarded ...…
Read MoreNearly 40% of Poles are calm optimists - people who have the most positive associations with retirement. 38% have an indifferent attitude, and 24%, the so-called worry ...…
Read MoreRetirement is a huge life change. Initially, her enthusiasm may accompany her, but also anger, discouragement and apathy may soon follow. ...…
Read MoreCreating a wedding stylization is associated with considerable dilemmas in the case of mature women. What will be in a good tone will allow you to look feminine, elegant ...…
Read MoreIt is worth remembering that regardless of age or weight, you can present yourself phenomenally in every situation. You only need to properly complete the styling, mask ...…
Read MoreWomen's skirts are allies of the female figure, at all ages. The key is to find your own style, choosing from trends what suits the person ...…
Read MoreWomen's jackets most often appear in business and formal outfits. It is true that, depending on the cut, color or pattern, they can successfully appear like this ...…
Read MoreMature ladies usually already know what style of clothing suits them best. And since the coat is usually bought for several seasons, it is worthwhile to check ...…
Read MoreProperly selected pants allow not only to mask the imperfections of the figure, but also to optically rejuvenate. It is not worth giving up this element of gard ...…
Read MoreMemory training for seniors is not only nice, everyday entertainment. Memory training should be mandatory for anyone over the age of 60. Why? ...…
Read MoreElżbieta Dzikowska says that the hedgehog has become her corporate hairstyle. A traveler because it's convenient. And he travels constantly! It is her way of life, but also an addiction with which ...…
Read MoreAging of the nervous system is a process that cannot be completely prevented - after all, it is a natural phenomenon - but there are ways to ...…
Read MoreMetrykaMnieNieTyka - this is the slogan of this year's edition of the opinion poll…
Read MoreEach animal species functions slightly differently, hence there are differences in life expectancy. Man is not a record holder, but in comparison ...…
Read MoreMaria Gładkowska likes to play dark characters, but she looks for light in her private life. He lives in symbiosis with nature. She is the source of her well-being, energy, ...…
Read MoreSymptoms such as memory disorders, problems with performing ordinary activities or increasing behavioral disturbances in the elderly are traditionally considered ...…
Read MoreDespite the constantly growing expenditure on hospital care in Poland, we still struggle with insufficient access to treatment. With this in mind, the National He alth Fund ...…
Read MoreAn attempt to answer these questions was made by Puckie Hospice pw. st. Padre Pio, who started the…
Read MoreLarge geriatric syndromes are a set of he alth problems that are primarily encountered in the elderly group. These disorders are often ...…
Read MoreThe University of the Third Age is an ideal solution for seniors who are active, hate idleness and, despite retirement, want to expand their ...…
Read MoreAging of the heart and circulatory system is one aspect of the aging of the entire human body. The cardiovascular system, like all organs and systems, ...…
Read MoreIn Finland, even 98-year-olds go to the gym. How it's possible? The state cares for good he alth and equal access to he alth care for every citizen, also for se ...…
Read MoreA nursing home for seniors is for some people a last resort, for others - a chance for a peaceful, dignified old age in the company of people in a similar situation. However, the decision about it ...…
Read MoreAs soon as we retire, there is a line of grandchildren at our door, which we have to take care of, because we still have a lot of free time. Did the grandpa ...…
Read MoreDiaper pants, anatomical inserts, anatomical diapers, absorbent panties, pads and sheets, i.e. absorbent (absorbent) agents, belong to the products ...…
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