Heat and chronic disease - this combination may or may not be dangerous. However, it is necessary to take precautions. So how to deal with the heat, g ...…
Read MoreGeriatrics 2025, March
Retirement as well as advanced age mean huge changes in everyday life. They also apply to exercise and diet. Fortunately for ...…
Read MoreLanguage is not only a communication tool, but also a way of seeing the world and organizing it. By studying the vocabulary and phraseology, you can get to know a specific network ...…
Read MoreThe life expectancy index allows you to assess its quality in a given country. From the latest data of the World He alth Organization (WHO), i.e. the report "World Hea ...…
Read MoreHand skin ages very quickly. It is on the hands that you can first see the passage of time and only systematic care can change that. Check how for ...…
Read MoreRetirement is an important turning point in the life of a senior. What to do with so much free time? It is worthwhile to approach the subject creatively and find a hobby that is ...…
Read MoreGeneral developmental he alth training for seniors is nothing more than basic physiotherapy exercises that improve the fitness and state of our he alth. Tr ...…
Read MoreMental disorders in the elderly are often different than in younger patients. Depression in seniors may be associated primarily with irritability ...…
Read MoreMoving is always an event, and over time it can only become more of a challenge. After all, luggage has grown over the years not only of things to transport ...…
Read MoreA nursing home for seniors more and more often becomes the only option for ensuring a decent and safe old age for loved ones. Polish law provides that a lonely person who ...…
Read MoreThe seniors' club (or the retirement club) is a meeting place for the elderly. It offers not only a company of a similar age, but also interesting activities, workshops ...…
Read MoreA retirement pension is a monthly benefit paid by the Social Insurance Institution. There are two pension systems in Poland. Check who is en titled to the new, ...…
Read MoreSetting up an account on Facebook can make it easier for a senior to contact his family and establish new relationships. How to create a Facebook account step by step…
Read MoreChoosing the right phone for a senior citizen is not the easiest thing to do. Older people are often afraid of new technologies and refuse to use smartphones. ...…
Read MoreAn account on Facebook can open a senior to new opportunities. Social media not only allows you to renew contact with old friends, but also ...…
Read MoreWhen the elderly lose their teeth, the gap must be filled. Not only for aesthetic reasons, but also to be able to bite freely and ... for the sake of other teeth ...…
Read MoreRelaxation care in Poland is a relatively new term, which is still an unrealized project. What is respite care and who can benefit from it?…
Read MorePreventive examinations after the age of 60 should be performed by every senior. With age, the biological processes of aging occur irreversibly, being the causes of ...…
Read MoreNew technologies are primarily aimed at young people. It is related to a lot of miniaturization, which is devoted a lot of attention by designers. Meanwhile, people ...…
Read MorePeople in the world are living longer and giving birth to fewer and fewer children ... No wonder that there are more and more retirees and elderly people in almost every country. How to provide them with an opinion ...…
Read MoreAccording to GUS data, 9 million Poles are 60+. This means that we have seniors for almost 1/4 of the total population. It's a lot, but are they properly cared for? And no ...…
Read MoreLosing weight for seniors must be planned wisely so as not to cause damage related to sudden, irrational weight loss. You also have to reckon with the fact that ...…
Read MoreTraining in the senior swimming pool is not only safe, but also an extremely effective form of exercise. Older people should try to keep the body in good ...…
Read MorePsychogeriatric prophylaxis is a new field of medicine that focuses on the prevention of psychiatric problems among seniors. Part of the interactions that ...…
Read MoreEating disorders in the elderly are quite common. The most common are anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Eating disorders appear ...…
Read MoreAnorexia is associated with the fact that young people suffer from it, meanwhile, it is possible that this problem may also occur in representatives of ...…
Read MoreValve defects are one of the more common cardiac diseases in the elderly. Due to the advanced age, not only the frequency of occurrence is different ...…
Read MorePalliative care is clearly associated with the last stage of the disease, which inevitably leads to death. When medicine remains helpless in the face of sickness ...…
Read MoreHome hospice - what is it about? It is help in taking care of terminally ill patients in their own home. Who can use a home hospice, how much does it cost ...…
Read MoreStationary hospice - what is it about? It is a facility for terminally ill people who, due to their he alth condition or the lack of adequate care, can no longer ...…
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