Natalia Przybysz has been the ambassador of the International Yoga Day for several years - the singer and songwriter gave us an interview in which she explains how yoga ...…
Read MoreYoga 2025, March
We invite you to the International Yoga Day in Poland for the third time! Poland is one of nearly 200 countries involved in this unique holiday established by ...…
Read MoreWe celebrated the International Yoga Day all over the world for the third time. This year we celebrated the motto…
Read MoreYoga is a natural remedy for stress, depression and anxiety. Asanas, on the one hand, reduce the tension that causes stress, and on the other, they oxygenate, remove fatigue ...…
Read MoreWho should practice yoga and for whom it is not recommended? The answer to this question can help you choose the right asanas and avoid the risk of injury ...…
Read MoreYou sleep badly, can't cope with stress, are you having mood swings? Gentle yoga exercises designed with women in mind are for you. Yoga hormonal ...…
Read MoreStanisław Górski, a 92-year-old yogi from Bieszczady, wakes up with the first rays of the sun. He does a short warm-up and ... stands on his head. - Yoga gave me strength, she says ...…
Read MoreIt is estimated that tens of thousands of people practice yoga in Poland. What is its phenomenon? We talk to Lidia Chrzczan about why it is worth practicing yoga ...…
Read MoreIf you are bored with regular yoga, try PiYo, a combination of Pilates and yoga. This is the original program of the American trainer Chalene Johnson, who created the training ...…
Read MoreThe lotus flower is the pose most associated with yoga, as it is its symbol. It is not difficult to make it if you do not suffer from knee and ankle injuries. Exercises ...…
Read MoreAcroyoga is a combination of positions known from classical yoga with elements of acrobatics and Thai massage. Sounds exotic? All you need is a properly stretched body ...…
Read MoreAsana stands for the body position practiced in yoga. The person performing the pose to be able to call it an asana should follow very specific guidelines. This ...…
Read MoreAyurveda is a Hindu system of medical knowledge derived from antiquity. Its principles are still used today to treat and prevent diseases of various ...…
Read MoreIyengar Yoga is one of the most popular types of yoga. The he alth benefits of practicing yoga with the Iyengar method are invaluable, and positive opinions about it flood ...…
Read MoreIs it possible to practice yoga during menstruation? It's even worth it! Along with monthly bleeding, ailments such as abdominal pain, backache, dizziness appear ...…
Read MoreTips on how to practice yoga can be found in many books and on the Internet. However, does an exercise based on a movie or a guide bring the same results as ...…
Read MoreYoga can provide relief from PMS symptoms. If you are struggling with the end of your menstrual cycle and have PMS, start exercising ...…
Read MoreThe candle pose (salamba sarvangasana) is one of the he althiest yoga exercises that offers many therapeutic benefits. It is not one of the simplest and many ...…
Read MoreSequence Greeting to the Sun (Surya namaskar) is a system of 12 positions combined into one fluid movement. What distinguishes the practice of Sun Salutation (and yoga in general) ...…
Read MoreCan you build optimism through practice? Why do banks and large corporations provide their employees with laughter classes? Can laughter be the language of peace ...…
Read MoreYoga beat is a combination of yoga, dance and fitness, which is why the originator of this discipline - Karolina Erdmann - called it…
Read MoreYoga for beginners includes basic postures (asanas) suitable for people who want to start practicing yoga regularly, but have never had a hard time before ...…
Read MoreVOGA is a training just in time for lovers of yoga, dance and music from the 80s. It is a combination of traditional asanas with dance popularized by Madonna in her tele ...…
Read MoreBikram yoga is a type of yoga suitable for beginners who have never had contact with this form of activity before. Bikram yoga is based on the simplest ...…
Read MoreLaughter is he alth - an old, popular and… true saying. It is on this that the yoga of laughter is based, which combines the spiritual depth of physical exercise and pros ...…
Read MoreKundalini yoga is the most mystical type of yoga that combines all techniques of influencing the mind and body: physical exercises, breathing, med ...…
Read MoreYoga of the chakras is based on the assumption that there are places in our body where energy channels intersect, and thus the ene flowing through the body ...…
Read MorePower yoga is a dynamic type of yoga, in which great emphasis is placed on the development of strength, flexibility and flexibility of the body. The exercises are fast and vigorous, and ...…
Read MoreAshtanga yoga is a dynamic type of yoga in which movement, breathing and concentration are essential. To feel the effects of ashtanga practice, you need to ...…
Read MoreBreathing plays a key role in yoga practice. The importance of proper breathing in yoga is evidenced by the huge number of exercises and techniques devoted to training ...…
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