Nutcracker syndrome is a syndrome of compression of the left renal vein through the aorta and superior mesenteric artery. This syndrome can make itself known in many ways. Chor ...…
Read MoreCardiology 2025, March
Deep vein thrombosis is a very serious but still neglected problem. Most often it develops without any symptoms. However, when he attacks, he may be ...…
Read MoreThe advances in cardiology have been amazing. A heart transplant, which was a sensation 40 years ago, is now simply one of the treatments for heart disease ...…
Read MoreBuerger's disease mostly affects smokers. Usually young men. It is often accompanied by pain and hard-to-heal wounds, which in extreme cases can lead to ...…
Read MoreOne of the types of embolism, i.e. sudden closure of the arterial lumen by an embolus, is a fat embolism. It can arise after bone fractures ...…
Read MoreAfter 40, the risk of coronary heart disease increases. If you follow an unhe althy diet, smoke cigarettes and sleep little, your heart may eventually fail to obey you ...…
Read MoreThrombolysis is a treatment that allows blood flow to be restored by dissolving clots. For this purpose, intravenous drugs are used. War ...…
Read MoreThrombophilia, or hypercoagulability, is the tendency of blood clots to form in blood vessels. It is a life-threatening condition as clots can ...…
Read MoreHeart disease is one of the most common causes of death in highly developed countries, and thus has been recognized as one of the civilization diseases of our times. In ...…
Read MoreAcquired heart defects are usually the result of complications after infectious diseases, such as untreated angina. Bacterial agents directly damage ...…
Read MoreHome remedies for high blood pressure will protect your heart from the effects of stress and nervous tension that often accompany you. Non-pharmacological me ...…
Read MoreSecondary arterial hypertension is the rarest type of hypertension. Secondary arterial hypertension is diagnosed in only 5% of patients. sick. His cause ...…
Read MoreRenovascular hypertension usually affects women under 30 and men over 50. What is the cause of this disease? Find out what is high blood pressure ...…
Read MoreAtherosclerosis (peripheral arterial disease) is the build-up of plaque in arteries other than the coronary arteries. So it is a group of diseases with ...…
Read MoreModern drugs can keep blood pressure in check. They will work even more effectively if you follow a diet or exercise. Especially recommended is ...…
Read MoreVentricular tachycardia is a disorder of the heart rhythm in which the heart beats abnormally. Pulses stimulating them to contract are generated within ...…
Read MoreBradycardia or bradycardia may appear in the course of hypothyroidism. It is estimated that sinus bradycardia and conduction disturbances before ...…
Read MoreHemolytic anemia (haemolytic anemia) is a group of blood diseases, or actually one of its components - red blood cells. In the course of h ...…
Read MoreSingle-chamber pacemaker surgery takes about an hour, double-chamber pacemaker surgery a little longer. It is usually performed under local anesthesia ...…
Read MoreSituations in which a pacemaker may pose a threat to its owner. What is a pacing syndrome? When stimulus disturbances may occur ...…
Read MoreCardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) is a device that has become an important element in the prevention of sudden cardiac death in patients from the highest risk groups. What ...…
Read MoreAblation is a method of treating cardiac arrhythmias. Electric ablation deliberately damages the heart in a place that causes arrhythmia, i.e. a disturbance of the se ...…
Read MoreAtrial flutter is one of the atrial arrhythmias. It is characterized by a rapid activity of the atria of the heart, which indirectly increases the frequency of ...…
Read MoreClotting factors are primarily proteins that are responsible for the ability of blood to clot. There are as many as a dozen of them and their joint action will ensure ...…
Read MoreHypocalcemia is a calcium deficiency in the body. Calcium is one of the macronutrients, it is present in the human body in a small amount, yet it is extremely important ...…
Read MoreSideroblastic anemia is a rarely diagnosed type of anemia. The essence of the disease is a defective iron metabolism, which can lead to cirrhosis of the liver ...…
Read MoreIron absorption is a big problem in anemia. Anemia develops when the body produces too few red blood cells. Most often we have anemia due to lack of iron. Time ...…
Read MoreThe heart attack abdominal mask is a symptom of a heart attack. They are not typical for a heart attack, but for diseases of the digestive system, so a heart attack may be mistaken for them ...…
Read MoreFirst aid for internal bleeding is usually limited to calling an ambulance. Only a physician can stop internal bleeding. Until the ambulance arrives ...…
Read MoreIn Poland, 95.5 percent of patients survive a heart attack, but within a year every sixth of them dies. Why? Because a significant part of patients after a heart attack do not report at all ...…
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