Granulocytes are the most numerous group of white blood cells, or leukocytes, which are responsible for the immunity of our body. Granulocytes are divided into neutrophils, b ...…
Read MoreCardiology 2025, March
Hyperemia, or polycythemia, means an excess of red blood cells. Hyperemia can appear at any age, but the peak incidence is observed between ...…
Read MoreCoronary heart disease (ischemic heart disease) is one of the most common cardiological diseases. What is it and what are its symptoms?…
Read MoreCholesterol builds up in the inner walls of blood vessels for years, making it difficult for the heart to function properly and leading to a heart attack. What is cholestero ...…
Read MoreInternal haemorrhage is a type of haemorrhage that causes not only injuries and damage to the body, but also systemic diseases. Internal bleeding may be ...…
Read MoreHypercholesterolemia is an excessive level of cholesterol in the blood. Inadequate diet can lead to hypercholesterolaemia, but also various diseases, such as ...…
Read MoreBlood pressure is the force with which the blood presses against the walls of the vessel. There are systolic and diastolic pressure. Systolic blood pressure is measured during systole of the left ventricle, and diastolic pressure - just before the ejection of blood from the heart. Find out exactly what your blood pressure is, what factors affect it and what your blood pressure norms are.…
Read MoreHemophilia is an inherited disease that mainly affects men. In people with hemophilia, the blood does not clot properly and bleeding is common.…
Read MoreEveryone has hemorrhoids, but not everyone has symptoms. What ointment for hemorrhoids should be used? Are external hemorrhoids dangerous? What are home remedies for hemorrhoids?…
Read MorePharmacological treatment of hypertension is not as effective as it should be, despite the fact that there are plenty of antihypertensive drugs, ie drugs lowering blood pressure. Sku ...…
Read MoreGlucocorticosteroids (corticosteroids) are steroid hormones produced by the body. Glucocorticosteroids are also drugs that replenish the deficiency of hormones and ...…
Read MoreCardiac asthma is the term for paroxysmal breathlessness caused by left ventricular failure. What are the causes of se ...…
Read MoreDyslipidemia is simply a disorder of the lipid metabolism. Dyslipidemia is a very broad term that includes abnormalities in quantity, structure or ...…
Read MoreEndocarditis is a disease in which the lining of the heart becomes inflamed. Late diagnosis can lead not only to failure ...…
Read MoreDiseases of the circulatory system (cardiovascular) are the most common cause of death in Poland. Despite better diagnostics and more and more modern methods of treatment ...…
Read MorePalpitations is an unpleasant, subjective feeling of a perceptible, altered heartbeat, most often referred to by patients as a feeling of accelerating ...…
Read MoreCholesterol is an organic compound necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Total cholesterol consists of the so-called good and bad cholesterol. These are the colloquial names of two lipoproteins - LDL (…
Read MoreChest pain occurs in the course of many diseases, not only those of the cardiovascular system. Chest pain can also appear in ...…
Read MoreBlood coagulation disorders may have the form of thromboembolic complications or a hemorrhagic diathesis. Thromboembolic disorders are characterized by a tendency to ...…
Read MoreInflammation of the heart muscle called MSM is a disease that damages the heart as a result of an inflammatory process. What are its causes and symptoms?…
Read MoreCoarctation of the aorta (narrowing of the isthmus of the main artery) accounts for about 6-8% of all congenital defects of the heart and large vessels. It consists in narrowing the section of the aorta within ...…
Read MoreTakayasu's arteritis (disease, Takayasu syndrome) is difficult to diagnose because its symptoms vary widely and are associated with completely different diseases ...…
Read MoreEmbolism is the sudden closure of the arterial lumen by an embolic plug (material). As a consequence, there is hypoxia in the part of the body to which ...…
Read MoreAortic dissecting aneurysm can be life threatening. When an aneurysm appears in the weakened aortic wall, aortic dissection occurs. It is a dangerous situation, well ...…
Read MoreCardiac tamponade is a life-threatening condition. If the symptoms of cardiac tamponade are not recognized in time, it will result in cardiac arrest and death. What are the pr ...…
Read MorePericarditis is inflammation of the outer layer of the heart - the so-called pericardial sac. Pericarditis can be a complication of common viral diseases ...…
Read MoreHypertension is an increase in blood pressure above the normal range. Symptoms of hypertension in the early stages of the disease are unnoticeable or not very ...…
Read MoreDuring exercise, our heart rate increases significantly, but what if the heart rate increases even at rest? We sit, and suddenly our heart is behind ...…
Read MoreAortic regurgitation is a heart defect that may be asymptomatic for many years, contributing to systematic dysfunction ...…
Read MoreWhen we talk about heart rhythm disturbances, we usually mean all sorts of arrhythmias. However, we hear of a heart block quite often. What is a block of hearts ...…
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