Cardiology 2025, March

Good morning. I am writing because I hope the specialist will identify my strange ailment. I'm 32 years old. And for a good 8 years I have had a sudden jump in my heart rate of around 190. Very ...…

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Palpitations for seemingly no reason, shortness of breath with little exertion, and even pain - anyone who has ever felt them knows how disturbing they can be. When you ...…

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I have had a swollen foot of my left leg for a month. At first I thought it was because of the pressure on the shoes, but still not. I have been to the family doctor. He did not give me a referral ...…

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Recently I got injured. I cut myself with a knife on my lower leg. The wound is 2.7 cm. The surgeon put two stitches on me. After 14 days I was told to take the stitches off, and after 3 days about ...…

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Hello, my child is 3.5 years old, from birth he has a small (1.5x2.5 cm) external hemangioma on his tummy, he is spongy, convex, doctors said that he is 4 years old ...…

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