I had an abdominal aortic aneurysm excision, dimensions: 95x5.5x6.5. after removing the stitches after 14 days I have a lot of pain in my lower abdomen radiating to the testicles. Do ...…
Read MoreCardiology 2025, March
My mother (76) was referred to a vascular surgery clinic. Rationale: TIA, 40% tracing of flow in the right carotid artery (result b ...…
Read MoreHello. For a few days (about 4) an enlargement of the coccyx appeared (something like a tumor). The pain is terrible. Today I can no longer sit normally, lie down, and ...…
Read MoreWeek ago I started learning cross-country skiing. For three days I fell 4 times but I did not feel any ailments. In no ...…
Read MoreMy sister and I have a problem with hypertension. We exceed the correct weight by approx. 3 kg. My cholesterol is increasing - now it is around 220 and it is also increasing ...…
Read MoreI am 16 years old, 172 cm tall and weigh 57 kg. I measure the pressure with a 22-30 cm cuff. It often exceeds the upper limit of 130-140, and the lower limit occasionally, e.g. 145/113, ...…
Read MoreI have been feeling unwell for 2 days, I have dizziness, nausea, cold sweat, it is hard for me to breathe and this pain in the ribs on the left side radiating to my abdomen, which ...…
Read MoreMy problem is as follows - because recently, despite making various attempts to lose weight, I have achieved the opposite effect (I was entering the 2nd degree of obesity), because ...…
Read MoreDad has extensive leg varicose veins and he is flying to London. Is it safe?…
Read MoreMy blood pressure is very low (about 90/60), and in a few months I'm going on vacation by plane. Do I have to remember anything about the trip for me ...…
Read MoreHigh cholesterol is easy to underestimate because it does not cause any symptoms for a long time. We can live with him for years and not know it. Until it's too late. Therefore ...…
Read MoreFor several years I have had pins and needles in my head, feeling like something is walking on my head. There are times when I get hot in one place of my head. I can feel it like this, i ...…
Read MoreVaricose veins is not an aesthetic problem, but a disease that can cause more and more problems. Once the varicose veins develop, they won't go away on their own. Therefore, reach for the preparation ...…
Read MoreI'm 18 years old. What are the pressure standards at my age? For a week now I have been taking my blood pressure every evening and here are the results: 138/90, 143/90, 145/98, 150 ...…
Read MoreCoronary heart disease, also known as coronary artery disease, is ischemia, and hence - hypoxia of the heart. It appears as c ...…
Read MoreI've had swollen legs for a year, maybe even more. It is visible on the footwear I wear, because it is wider and I cannot buy high boots. I have ...…
Read MoreDue to high blood pressure, your doctor recommended you to change your lifestyle? This does not mean a revolution at all. For the pressure to return to normal, all you need to do is ...…
Read MoreMyocardial infarction is ischemia of the heart muscle, which in turn leads to its necrosis. Cardiovascular diseases are one of the most common causes of ...…
Read MoreHemodilution is one of the methods of blood treatment. It allows to limit the number of allogeneic (donated) blood transfusions, which is of great importance in ...…
Read MoreVentricular bigemia is a characteristic recording of the ECG curve in which normal beats alternate with ventricular ones. Do you know what a komoro bigeminy is ...…
Read MoreIron deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia seen in vegans. The reasons for its occurrence may be different, although it is caused by ...…
Read MoreI have been taking pills for hypertension for a year, which I probably had from nervousness. Now I am at ease because the reason for my nerves is gone. I have a camera to hold ...…
Read MoreI am 57 years old. More than 2 years ago, in an echocardiograph examination, I found features of impaired diastolic function of the left ventricle, of the relaxation disorder type. /E...…
Read MoreMy blood pressure is often around 130/60. Isn't the difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure too big? Should I be concerned? I have no arrhythmia, I feel ...…
Read MoreHemorrhoids are a painful, embarrassing but very common ailment. Hemorrhoids accumulate in the upper part of the anus or at its opening and cause discomfort, pain ...…
Read MoreAs a consequence of high blood pressure, I am diagnosed with renal nephropathy. With what drugs or group of drugs should I treat hypertension, because when treating it, it ...…
Read MoreHello, I'm 25 years old. For some time I have noticed bursting blood vessels around my thighs. I know it may be a consequence of circulatory changes. ...…
Read MoreA few years ago I had a strange incident ... At school my head started to ache, after a few minutes I noticed that I did not feel the left side of my body (it was a temporary n ...…
Read MoreTreatment of hemorrhoids with a vascular laser is one of the ways to get rid of hemorrhoids, or haemorrhoids, commonly known as hemorrhoids ...…
Read MoreMany people usually learn about heart failure only when they are hospitalized in an intensive care unit due to a heart attack. Meanwhile, about ...…
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