Cardiology 2025, March

Hello. For a few days (about 4) an enlargement of the coccyx appeared (something like a tumor). The pain is terrible. Today I can no longer sit normally, lie down, and ...…

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I am 16 years old, 172 cm tall and weigh 57 kg. I measure the pressure with a 22-30 cm cuff. It often exceeds the upper limit of 130-140, and the lower limit occasionally, e.g. 145/113, ...…

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For several years I have had pins and needles in my head, feeling like something is walking on my head. There are times when I get hot in one place of my head. I can feel it like this, i ...…

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Varicose veins is not an aesthetic problem, but a disease that can cause more and more problems. Once the varicose veins develop, they won't go away on their own. Therefore, reach for the preparation ...…

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