Heart diseases more and more often affect young, professionally active people. Lower your cholesterol, follow a proper diet, be physically active - and your heart will be ...…
Read MoreCardiology 2025, March
Patent ductus arteriosus Botalla is a congenital heart defect that is already diagnosed in newborns. This type of cardiovascular anomaly requires immediate medical attention ...…
Read MorePain in the heart or pain around the heart is not always related to its dysfunction. The causes of heart pain are much more varied than is commonly believed ....…
Read MoreDextrocardia is the medical term for the wrong position of the heart. Find out what exactly it means, whether such a condition can have serious consequences, such as ...…
Read MoreBradyarrhythmias is a term that describes too slow heart rhythms, and therefore low heart rate, then the professional term is bradycardia, i.e. heart rate below 60 ...…
Read MoreArterial thrombosis can have many different faces and affect the heart, brain or limbs, causing completely different symptoms, even though the cause is such ...…
Read MoreThe ste alth syndrome is a group of symptoms resulting from vertebrobasilar insufficiency, i.e. disturbances in blood circulation within the head and one of the upper limbs. Scho ...…
Read MoreSupraventricular arrhythmia is not one thing, but many heart rhythm disturbances. Some of them may be dangerous and require immediate treatment, others do not affect ...…
Read MoreTo take care of the heart, it is usually enough to modify your habits. Remember, the heart likes physical activity, the Mediterranean diet, no stress, rest and acid and ...…
Read MoreAtherosclerosis, or arteriosclerosis, begins innocently: more and more often we feel short of breath after entering the first floor and our calves hurt even after a short walk. N ...…
Read MoreThe pacemaker is designed to regulate the work of the heart and normalize its rhythm. What diseases absolutely require the implantation of a pacemaker? When the starter ...…
Read MoreMetabolic alkalosis, or non-respiratory alkalosis, is a disturbance of the acid-base balance in which there is an increase in pH. Metabolic alkalosis ...…
Read MoreThe NYHA scale is a simple tool for classifying patients with heart failure based on the severity of their symptoms and how they affect the condition ...…
Read MoreThe heart is a very hard-working organ of the body. It beats constantly both day and night. By changing your morning habits you will help your heart. Thanks to our advice, you will avoid ...…
Read MoreInterventional cardiology is a branch of medicine that is developing very dynamically. The effects of treatment are in some cases so spectacular that the patient ...…
Read MoreThere are many diseases that weaken the heart. His condition often worsens with age. How do you strengthen your heart and arteries? How to choose the right ...…
Read MoreIt takes so little to keep your heart in good shape. Do you know how to take care of your heart to keep it he althy? Only Scarlett O'Hara with…
Read MoreA woman's heart pumps over 7,500 liters of blood every day. Works continuously. Even if it has always been strong and he althy, it starts to feel unwell over time because ...…
Read MoreEisenmenger's syndrome, or vascular lung disease, is a complication of congenital heart defects associated with left-right blood leakage. In the course of the disease, ...…
Read MoreThick blood most often means minor dehydration. However, serious medical conditions can also be the cause of thick blood. Check the symptoms of thick blood.…
Read MoreWhat to do if your legs are swollen, heavy and sore after a day's work? How to get them back in shape? We have reliable methods for heavy legs. Thanks to them you will get rid of ...…
Read MoreGranulocytopenia, which is a lowered level of granulocytes in the blood, alarms the body that something serious is happening. Unfortunately, the symptoms of granulocytopenia are easily ...…
Read MoreNeutropenia is a condition in which there is a significant reduction in the blood content of one of the populations of white blood cells, the neutrophils. The symptoms of neutropenia easily ...…
Read MoreMonocytosis is an increase in the level of monocytes in the peripheral blood. Monocytes are cells that belong to the population of leukocytes, or so-called white blood cells, so ...…
Read MoreCoronary artery disease (ischemic heart disease) requires lifelong treatment. The patient must take appropriate medications every day, which will not only alleviate the pain, but also ...…
Read MoreEvery minute counts when you have a stroke. How quickly the patient receives help depends on his or her future life, as well as the possibility of returning to full ...…
Read MoreAnemia, or anemia, is a symptom of a reduced amount of hemoglobin and red cells in the blood. The problem of iron deficiency especially affects women. Check ...…
Read MoreIn most cases, hemorrhoids, i.e. haemorrhoids, are caused by lifestyle - lack of exercise, poor diet. Compare the list of factors that favor them with the list of ...…
Read MoreHaemostasis is the process of blood flow in the blood vessels and its stopping when the continuity of the blood vessels is interrupted. The goal of hemostasis ...…
Read MoreAcquired haemophilia is a severe bleeding disorder that occurs not only in men but also in women. The symptoms of this acquired bleeding disorder often occur on ...…
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