In 90 percent of cases, sciatica symptoms gradually regress on their own. The nucleus pulposus reduces the pressure on the spinal nerve roots, and the fractured ring ...…
Read MoreSpine, bones, joints 2025, March
I'm 30 years old. I am a sales representative. I spend most of the day in the car or at the computer. I smoke cigarettes and drink a lot of coffee. I have a very stressful ...…
Read MoreAll my joints and muscles hurt for a long time. My doctor sent me to a rheumatologist who said it was the fault of the degeneration. I got the pills, I'm ...…
Read MoreI often experience muscle cramps after prolonged, for example, incorrect positioning of the limbs. Why?…
Read MoreI have had a pain in the toe of my right foot for over a year. At my request, the GP, at my request, ordered gout (my mother suffers from it), but the result was ...…
Read MoreOver 4 years ago I had a node removed. The diagnosis on discharge from the hospital is: Ganglion regionis medialis genus dex. Recently I have noticed that I feel like ...…
Read MoreI am 67 years old, 178 cm tall and weigh 108 kg unfortunately. I had a DePuy left knee prosthesis implanted in February 2011. For some time, i.e. around 6 months ...…
Read MorePain in the joints, restriction of their mobility may mean arthrosis, i.e. a degenerative disease. We are not able to heal it or undo the changes in the tissues t ...…
Read MoreMy husband had a fractured bone (heel area) a few years ago. Now, in hot weather, his leg swells a lot. What to do? Is it to do with an injury or maybe with the circulation ...…
Read MoreSciatica mainly affects people in their thirties and forties, more often men than women. It may also happen in younger ones, but generally you have to ...…
Read MoreMy husband is 41 years old, weighs 124 kg. Recently, he has started to experience quite a lot of pain in his knee. When he falls asleep, he wakes up with more intense pain. His job is you ...…
Read MoreA he althy spine is an important element of the musculoskeletal system. If we care for this part of the body, it does not cause us much trouble. However, research shows that 80 pr ...…
Read MoreMedications for pain in the joints (both over the counter and prescription) will alleviate unpleasant ailments. You can take pills for joints containing substances ...…
Read MoreDoctors from the Gdańsk clinic have reconstructed the mandible using an autologous transplant of fat-derived stem cells. This is the first ...…
Read MoreWhere does the water in the knee come from? The most common causes of this condition are sprains and dislocations. The knee joint, despite the fact that it is strongly strengthened, is one of the most ...…
Read MoreSciatica is stabbing pain that occurs suddenly when you make a sudden movement or pick up a heavy object. Sciatica appears absent ...…
Read MoreFoot defects may appear in the form of ... pain in the spine, head or even in the temporomandibular joint. So, learn how to spot any unusual symptom ...…
Read MoreEarly arthritis, if left untreated, leads to disability and multi-organ complications, and thus - shortens life. Unfortunately, early failure detection ...…
Read MoreThe spine bears our ever greater burden. He does not rebel when we sleep on an uncomfortable bed and wear high heels. But when he says: enough, it turns out that ...…
Read MoreYou don't have to be afraid of spine surgery anymore. They get back on their feet in no time and are safe. Often, spine surgery is the only way to free yourself from pain ...…
Read MoreChanges in the knee joints are most often caused by rheumatic, endocrine (eg thyroid diseases), metabolic and infectious diseases. Changes ...…
Read MoreKnee arthroplasty is a new method of preparing an operation, allowing for a precise adjustment of the endoprosthesis to each patient. So read on ...…
Read MoreTransplantation of intervertebral disc cells is a modern method of treating discopathy, the symptoms of which are, among others, back pain, difficulty straightening, pressure in ...…
Read MoreAccording to the nationwide Ergotest research conducted this year, workplaces only 2 percent. of the respondents fully meet the requirements of ergonomics ....…
Read MoreLong hours spent working at the computer can make you sick. What to do to avoid trouble? How to work at the computer so as not to get ...…
Read MoreRape on your spine is perpetrated by weekend athletes, seasonal gardeners and all of them sporadically, but at once very intensively trying to f ...…
Read MoreFibroma nonossificans is a benign, non-cancerous lesion that most often occurs in young people between the ages of 5 and 15 ...…
Read MoreWater in the knee is a disease that causes characteristic symptoms: extensive swelling in the knee joint and pain. The other symptoms depend on what is ...…
Read MoreSpine joints must be lubricated with the so-called synovial fluid, thanks to which you can smoothly straighten and bend. When there is not enough of it - the articular cartilage undergoes ...…
Read MoreA solitary bone cyst belongs to the so-called cancer-like bone changes. It appears as a fluid-filled tumor that grows inside the bone and over many years can ...…
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