Walking, running, biting - each of these activities involves our joints. When they work flawlessly, we do not pay attention to them. However, if the joints fail, s ...…
Read MoreSpine, bones, joints 2025, March
You usually get your back problems at your own request. Incorrect body posture, low physical activity, stress - these are the main causes of pain ...…
Read MorePolydactyly is a birth defect in which the baby is born with an extra finger or fingers. Extra fingers can be present on both the hands and feet ...…
Read MorePain in the joints has until recently been considered a disease of the elderly. Today, young people complain more and more often about back pain, knee or hip pain, and changes in the ...…
Read MoreThere is no way to get rid of arthritis right now. But they can be kept. The most recent treatment for arthritis is biological therapy. On ...…
Read MoreOsteoarthritis reduces performance and can even lead to disability. Patients today have a choice of several methods that help reduce to ...…
Read MoreA hip dislocation in adults is always the result of an injury. It is a very painful and embarrassing ailment, requiring first ...…
Read MoreOsgood-Schlatter disease is a disease that affects young athletes - mostly boys aged 10-15 years who play football. Illness causes pain ...…
Read MorePain in the foot after running may come on suddenly or increase over many days. It should never be underestimated, because you may also get problems ...…
Read MoreFibrous bone dysplasia is a rare, proliferative bone disease. It may affect only one or more bones and manifest only in pain. We still don't know much about ...…
Read MoreIn skis ligament injuries occur as a result of a fall or overstrain. Symptoms of ligament injuries include severe pain, crackling, feeling loose in a joint, and a hematoma. What r ...…
Read MoreKnee injury or ankle sprain. Tendon strain or bruise. Who among us is not injured? When to cool the injury site and when to immobilize it b ...…
Read MoreFractures of the ankle shin are considered the most common bone injuries of the musculoskeletal system. Shin ankles - the tibia and fibula connect the knee joint to the ...…
Read MoreSpraining the ankle, or ankle joint, is a common injury. It can force you to give up sports or wearing high-heeled shoes. Sprained ankle ...…
Read MoreMetatarsalgia Morton is a pain syndrome in the toe area. It has different names: Morton's neuroma, interdigital neuroma, Morton's neuralgia. The neuroma is eating ...…
Read MoreAn ankle (ankle joint) sprain is a very serious injury, much more serious than an ankle sprain, with which it is often mistakenly equated. Dislocated ko ...…
Read MoreFeet can tell a lot about a person, his he alth, ailments and lifestyle. If they are neglected and distorted, they not only look unsightly ...…
Read MoreDamage to a joint or bone fracture always ends with the immobilization of the limb. For years, gypsum has been used for this purpose. Today, the treatment of injuries can be carried out ...…
Read MoreFunnel chest (Latin pectus excavatum), also called…
Read MoreDyskopatia affects more and more people. Strong pain prevents them from living a normal life. Sometimes surgery is the only way to improve its comfort. Modern treatments ...…
Read MoreThe Ilizarov method is a method of lengthening, merging and correcting the shape of the bones, which uses a special stabilizer, called the Ilizarov apparatus. Met ...…
Read MoreCostal cartilage inflammation (Tietze syndrome, costochondritis) can be manifested by pain when coughing or sneezing, and is usually caused by a blow to the chest ...…
Read MoreAlmost everyone knows joint pain. Playing sports, carrying shopping bags, standing by the kitchen for hours and bending over during daily housework ...…
Read MoreIf you put too many responsibilities on your spine every day, it eventually rebels. This can be manifested by neck and headache, but also chest pressure or flatulence ...…
Read MoreWhen your own hip joint refuses to obey, in many cases it can be replaced with an artificial one. The quality of currently available prostheses guarantees fewer and fewer complications ...…
Read MoreThe cervical rib syndrome (Naffziger syndrome) results from the presence of an additional, more or less developed rib in the neck area. It is a special and most common ...…
Read MoreFelty's syndrome is manifested by enlargement of the spleen, often also of the lymph nodes and liver, and leukopenia - a decrease in the number of leukocytes in the peripheral blood ...…
Read MoreOsteoporosis (bone thinning) is a physiological loss of bone mass. It begins after the age of 30 and amounts to less than 1 percent. annually. This happens ...…
Read MoreHemophilia is a disease that requires appropriate therapy. An important element is rehabilitation. What are the general principles of rehabilitation in a person with hemophilia? J ...…
Read MoreHemophilic arthropathy is a degeneration of a joint caused by recurrent bleeding into a joint due to haemophilia, an inherited blood disorder. This is the best ...…
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