Endoprostheses available on our market are more and more modern and comfortable. When the natural joints are so damaged that rehabilitation does not help, pharmacotherapy ...…
Read MoreSpine, bones, joints 2025, March
A rupture of the cruciate ligaments of the knee joint - anterior and / or posterior - is an injury to the largest and most important ligaments in the knee. This ...…
Read MoreGoose foot inflammation most often affects people who practice sports intensively - runners, cyclists, basketball players and swimmers. Unfortunately, goose foot inflammation b ...…
Read MoreInflammation of the patellofemoral joint is also known as a kinomancer's knee. Its symptoms most often appear when sitting for a long time with bent knees, e.g. after ...…
Read MoreChondromalacia is the process of gradual damage to the cartilage surface of a joint. Chondro - means cartilage, paints - softening. Chondromalcia is not the only ...…
Read MoreEvolutionary spine is adapted to movement, it doesn't like sitting or standing. Therefore, nothing will do him as good as regular physical activity. Use ...…
Read MoreRheumatoid arthritis (RA), or rheumatoid arthritis, is an autoimmune disease that, contrary to its name, does not only affect the joints. Disease t ...…
Read MoreOsteoporosis is a disease that we usually associate with the elderly, none of us connects it with children. Meanwhile, more and more of them suffer from early disease ...…
Read MoreDrug-induced osteoporosis is not a popular topic. Most of us believe that osteoporosis is primarily a disease of postmenopausal women. Meanwhile, the symptoms of oste ...…
Read MoreOsteoporotic fractures are a real scourge - in Europe there are over 3 million of them annually, on average - one every 30 seconds. In 2010, in the six largest ...…
Read MoreHyperostosis stiffening the spine - as the name suggests - reduces the flexibility of the spine, and at the same time causes chronic and discomforting everyday ...…
Read MoreLambert-Eaton syndrome is a muscle disease that causes muscle weakness. The Lambert-Eaton syndrome manifests itself similarly to the myasthenia gravis, which is why it is sometimes referred to as ...…
Read MoreThe ailment commonly known as the golfer's elbow arises as a result of microtrauma suffered by the ligament that attaches the flexor muscles to the internal bulge of the joint. P ...…
Read MoreDegeneration of the hip joint first causes constant pain, limits the efficiency, and eventually leads to disability. Today endoprosthesis or artificial ...…
Read MoreModern methods of treating injuries with platelet-rich plasma are available not only for athletes. Tennis elbow may be the result of working at the computer, or ...…
Read MoreMeniscal injuries on skis are quite common. What are the symptoms of meniscus damage? How is meniscal injuries treated? Check when it is enough ...…
Read MoreA femoral pain is usually pain in the lumbar spine, radiating to the front of the thigh, but also to the buttocks and calves. It is a condition that arises ...…
Read MoreKnee pain after running or during training is a common ailment among runners. Usually it is located around the kneecap. Knee pain after running should not be l ...…
Read MoreRemoving a damaged meniscus relieves pain, but over time leads to degeneration of the knee joint. Therefore, it is saved at all costs. When this does not happen ...…
Read MoreAchilles tendon injury can result from vigorous exercise without warming up. The injury hurts a lot and requires a long rehabilitation.…
Read MoreThe cartilage surrounding the bone head is essential for the joint to bear all the stresses. Nature programmed it as a water damper.…
Read MoreWorking at the computer for a long time, working on papers, and even sleeping on the wrong pillow can result in back pain. How can I get rid of it? Just ask ...…
Read MoreYoung, old, athletic and "couch potatoes" suffer from arthritis. We talk to Dr. Konrad Słynarski, an orthopedist from the Medical Center ...…
Read MoreViscosupplementation is a treatment of joint degeneration, consisting in intra-articular hyaluronic acid supplementation. This treatment increases the viscosity and the elastic ...…
Read MoreHe's been shooting in your joints for a long time, mostly in your fingers and knees. So far you have not been bothered by it, but for some time now you have been feeling in the morning…
Read MorePolymialgia rheumatic is a rheumatic disease that most often affects people over 50 years of age. It is manifested by pain that lasts for a long time, including neck ...…
Read MoreThe calcaneal spur can really make your life a bit more difficult. First, severe heel pain when walking, and then one that does not leave you even when you sit or ...…
Read MoreCrooked toes, i.e. bunions are a common ailment of women. The formation of bunions is favored, among others, by wearing the wrong shoes and being overweight. How to handle ...…
Read MoreDeep lordosis (or concave back) is a posture characterized by excessive bending of the spine forward in the lower back. Untreated l ...…
Read MoreDeepened kyphosis (or round back) is a spine disease characterized by excessive backward bending of the spine in the thoracic region ...…
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