Always focused and listening to the words spoken by the patient. Doctor Michał Michalik has a lot of empathy for everyone. He understands that even minor ailments ...…
Read MoreENT 2025, March
Finding out what kind of sore throat is a problem allows you to choose an effective treatment and fight inflammation faster. Depending on what factor you ...…
Read MoreBalonoplasty, or sinus ballooning, is a modern method of sinus treatment. Balloon surgery allows for painless opening of the sinuses. However, often patients who ...…
Read MoreMy 5-year-old daughter has been snoring excruciatingly for about 6 months, louder than my husband. The problem started after a cold - she had a runny nose and very irritated ...…
Read MoreI'm 22 years old, my girlfriend kicked me out of the bedroom because of snoring. She said she was sick of checking to see if I was alive. Apparently I have a very long break at night ...…
Read MoreProfessor, can snoring be hereditary? Grandpa and Dad snore, and so does my brother. Does this mean my son will also snore? It can be somehow ...…
Read MoreI know you answer snoring questions today, but I read that you are also a sinus specialist and I hope you won't ignore the m ...…
Read MoreI was snoring terribly, it turned out I have a crooked nasal septum. After the procedure, everything is fine, I stopped waking my wife, but I still wake up tired, ...…
Read MoreI have a crooked nasal septum (mechanical trauma). Should I undergo septal straightening, should my snoring and apnea disappear? Recently they started ...…
Read MoreAlthough angina is mainly associated with summer, it is also easy to catch it in spring, when after winter, more bacteria and viruses are circulating in the air, and we dress not ...…
Read MoreHello. I'm 43 years old. He has been snoring terribly for several years. I sleep on my stomach for the most part. What is it caused by? It is so loud you can hear it all over the 2 story house ...…
Read MoreProfessor, where can I do an apnea test in Krakow? I have been struggling with this problem for several years, the effects are more and more noticeable. Na do ...…
Read MoreDoctor, I have mild sleep apnea, the doctor who is leading me suggested a special braces / splint instead of CPAP - I have to answer ...…
Read MoreProfessor, I have already had various procedures to correct the position of the tongue, which were to cure me of snoring and apnea - unfortunately they were not effective. Now dock ...…
Read MoreSnoring has accompanied me, or rather my roommates, since I went to college a long time ago and started living with someone stranger;) Some time ago, on the tongue under ...…
Read MoreProfessor, how is it with this apnea treatment? Because one doctor, an ENT specialist, said that after the surgery to open the nose (I have something wrong with the turbinates ...…
Read MoreHello, I've been struggling with clogged ears for about two months. Until recently, it was less common. Today it takes 8-10 hours a day. I was at the ENT ...…
Read MoreHello, please help me understand the description of the MRI of the neck: Neck organs: thyroid, submandibular glands, larynx - no focal changes, symmetrical, correct size ...…
Read MoreHello. A week ago (June 14) I was on a plane, today is June 24 and my ears are still blocked. Do I have to see a doctor, there are stras ...…
Read MoreHello. I have a retention cyst in the maxillary sinus and a cyst in the thyroid gland. Can I travel by plane? Regards and thank you.…
Read MoreSome time ago, the top three hurt me. The pain subsided, but in the area of the tooth root I began to feel a small ball that hurt when pressed and radial ...…
Read MoreHello, I have had a sudden, one-time runny nose of a small amount of water at night after waking up, I have never had such a situation before. It's not ...…
Read MoreI have been diagnosed with labyrinth damage and tinnitus. I have been taking Betaserk 25mg or Vestibo 25mg for over a year now. Recently I wanted to switch to something over the counter and start ...…
Read MoreI have a root canal treated top six. After visiting the next day, my nose started to leak. I found out that this tooth is connected to the maxillary sinus and ...…
Read MoreProfessor, I am a woman, I am 27 years old, I very rarely get sick. I don't snore, but I have trouble sleeping. What could be the reason why I wake up in the morning ...…
Read MoreA son (14 years old) had a cyst in the left maxillary sinus 17 mm / 21 mm in MRI. The study was performed because of a seizure (single episode), not ...…
Read MoreProfessor, I have been training martial arts since I was 7 - my nose was badly damaged several times. I have no problems with breathing during exercise - probably also ...…
Read MoreProfessor, I am 37 years old, I am he althy, I weigh almost properly (5 kg too much), I don't smoke, I run every day, and yet I snore. Occasionally, but ...…
Read MoreGood morning. Some time ago, I was cleaning my ears with ear sticks. After a while my ear is blocked and now I can hear noise in my ear and it started to hurt. Can you ...…
Read MoreProfessor, is the Buteyko method effective in the case of snoring? My friend's mother told me about the Buteyko method - apparently her late husband used it successfully ...…
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