Tinnitus is a bothersome ailment that tiring, spoils the mood, causes problems with concentration, rest, and also falling asleep. The causes of shuffle ...…
Read MoreENT 2025, March
We usually only remember our voice when it starts to fail. Meanwhile, we could avoid many voice problems if we devoted to it ...…
Read MorePneumonia in children is a disease that should not be taken lightly. Treatment of the disease depends on the severity of the disease and the age of the child. Treatment is different ...…
Read MoreMycosis of the sinuses is a disease whose symptoms may appear in people with chronic sinusitis. Sinus fungus can also develop in patients who ...…
Read MoreSinusitis is one of the top ten medical conditions that plague us. In addition, they are frequently underestimated, ascribing ailments to the common cold ...…
Read MorePain behind the ear is a condition that can have many different causes. It happens that it is provoked by the irritation of certain nerve fibers, and sometimes the cause of ...…
Read MoreSinusitis develops after the invasion of pathogenic microorganisms into the sinuses, as a consequence of acute rhinitis, infectious diseases, tooth granulomas ...…
Read MoreWhere does the yellow coating on the tonsils come from and how to get rid of it?…
Read MoreI hear a heartbeat in my left ear very often. For some time now I have also been accompanied by a very high tone, which is also very annoying, especially in no ...…
Read MoreTo my mother very much…
Read MoreFor several years, yellow, sometimes orange, lumps with a very unpleasant smell have formed on the tonsils. What is this? And can it be treated somehow?…
Read MoreCan you eat ice cream with a cold? Is it just a myth that you can't drink or eat anything cold when you have a sore throat and you have a cough?…
Read MoreI have problems with my throat - scratching my palate and tonsils and drying of the mucosa. At each visit, doctors say that it is simply ...…
Read MoreI heard that it is recommended to eat ice cream after trimming the tonsils. Is it true? For what purpose is this done, if this is the case?…
Read MoreRecently, after the concert, one ear started to hurt, but only one ear. I suspect it was more exposed to noise as I was sitting against the wall. Like ...…
Read MoreOtalgia is any paroxysmal ear pain that arises and resolves spontaneously without the need for urgent medical intervention. Otalgia is closely related ...…
Read MoreWax that appears in the ears is normal - it protects the ear canal and eardrum. Sometimes, however, excess discharge clogs the ear and causes ...…
Read MoreChronic tonsillitis usually does not cause acute symptoms - the throat only hurts occasionally, you may have slight difficulty swallowing and an enlarged ...…
Read MoreChronic sinusitis is associated with endoscopic treatment - sinus puncture is effective only in acute sinusitis. However, you must always observe ...…
Read MoreHearing problems get worse with age - hearing ages with us. This is inevitable and, unfortunately, hearing loss becomes a problem for young and old ...…
Read MoreA stuffy nose, runny nose, an olfactory disorder and a headache, especially severe when tilting it, are typical symptoms of sinusitis. Often, for years it is not successful after ...…
Read MoreI have had abscesses popping up on my tonsils for some time. Once, the doctor pressed gently on the tonsils and the abscess came out by itself. Since then, I have been removing abscesses myself. O ...…
Read MoreWhich hearing aid should I choose? The decision is easy, because the hearing aid is not only a hearing aid, but also a device for its rehabilitation. Enter ...…
Read MoreEar drainage is a procedure aimed at restoring proper ear ventilation, and thus improving hearing. Ear drainage is most often performed ...…
Read MoreWhen I lie down, my nose is blocked (in an upright position it is open) - I have trouble breathing while sleeping. I suppose it might be the result of a curvature of the p ...…
Read MoreTriangle of death (Latin: triangulum mortis) - this term is not a popular term, despite the fact that the triangle of death can be found on every person's face. Actions ...…
Read MoreHow to speak so as not to strain your vocal cords? That listening to us would be enjoyable and aroused curiosity? How to take care of your voice, communication tool, ...…
Read MoreAn abscess, tumor or salivary stones are just some of the types of salivary gland diseases. They can be painful, make chewing difficult and sometimes require complex chiral treatments ...…
Read MoreHearing loss affects more and more people, making everyday life difficult for them. Modern technology makes it possible to restore good hearing in almost every case. War ...…
Read MoreThe National Hearing Test conducted among residents of 41 Polish cities proved that we are losing our hearing. Often at our own request, because we do not protect ourselves from ha ...…
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