Purulent angina is the common name for inflammation of the tonsils and the pharyngeal mucosa. Check what are the symptoms of purulent angina and find out how to treat it.…
Read MoreENT 2025, March
Snoring is not only about unpleasant noises coming from the bedroom! This is often a medical problem - snoring can be a symptom of apnea, which causes depression and ...…
Read MoreSnoring contributes to the deterioration of the snorer's he alth. It causes hypoxia, sleep apnea, daytime sleepiness, but also hypertension and ...…
Read MoreI am 19 years old and I am sick very often - flu, angina, laryngitis, regardless of the season. The doctor told me to take my medications without prescription ...…
Read MoreI fly by plane quite often. Although it has never happened before - recently it has been plugging my ears while landing. Sometimes there is also dizziness and headache. Recently ...…
Read MoreOvergrown palatine tonsils are most often diagnosed in children, less often in adults. Bilateral almond overgrowth usually indicates an infection or ...…
Read MoreThe curved nasal septum makes breathing difficult, is to blame for the incessant runny nose, promotes recurrent infections of the upper respiratory tract. This defect can be removed ...…
Read MoreHearing loss is no longer a problem only for people in their sixties - every sixth Polish child has such problems. Hearing aids are in need of more and more ...…
Read MoreA cochlear implant is the only commonly used electronic human sense prosthesis, and implantation is a safe method of hearing restoration. Thanks to her ...…
Read MoreHearing loss can have different causes, depending on whether it occurs in a child or in an adult. Hearing loss in the youngest may be the result of congenital ...…
Read MoreRunny nose is the common name for acute rhinitis, which is one of the symptoms of a common cold. We treat it as a trivial ailment - we wait for it to pass by itself. Tymcza ...…
Read MorePerlak is a tumor that occurs in the middle ear. It can be both congenital and acquired, appearing during the patient's life. The problem ...…
Read MoreEar leakage rarely occurs as an isolated symptom, usually associated with one of the many conditions in the ear or in the temporal bone of the skull ...…
Read MoreInflammation of the Eustachian tube is often the result of colds, rhinitis and paranasal sinuses, and allergic swelling of the nasopharynx mucosa. What s ...…
Read MoreWays to deal with clogged ears can be used, among others while flying by plane, driving in the elevator, and also by the cathar, which often gives the impression that ...…
Read MoreA stuffy nose makes it very difficult to function normally. It is difficult to breathe, talk, sleep does not fully regenerate and chr ...…
Read MoreA sore throat usually portends a minor indisposition. Usually it is caused by an infection caused by viruses. Viruses attack when you are immunocompromised. Reach ...…
Read MoreSinus headache is a common symptom of sinusitis. Usually it is most annoying in the morning, and even more intense when you tilt your head. How is sinus formed ...…
Read MoreWhen a sore throat is acute and makes it difficult to swallow, it is better to abandon home treatments in favor of proven preparations containing anti-inflammatory substances ...…
Read MoreDrug-induced rhinitis (PLNN) is most often the result of overuse of nasal drops. So, if you've been trying to unblock your stuffy nose for a long time with this ...…
Read MoreWith a cold, we often wonder if we have viral or bacterial pharyngitis. How to distinguish both types from each other and how to treat them.…
Read MoreHuman bays are spaces filled with air that are located inside the skull. There are four types: maxillary sinuses, forehead sinuses ...…
Read MoreCatarrhal otitis is a common complication after a cold. The ear pain that occurs in its course is very bothersome, it is also accompanied by ...…
Read MoreDeafness (hearing loss), whether it is sudden or gradual, should always prompt you to see a doctor as soon as possible. Some reasons for deaf ...…
Read MoreWhat are the diseases of the labyrinth? The group of diseases that cause imbalance includes i.a. harmless but very troublesome motion sickness. However ...…
Read MoreA peritonsillar abscess presents itself as severe pain, usually on one side of the face, radiating into the ear, accompanied by trismus. In the case of ro ...…
Read MoreAngina Plauta-Vincenta is angina that affects only men. This is no joke - there really is a specific form of purulent inflammation of the palatine tonsils ...…
Read MoreA chronic runny nose can simply be a consequence of a sinus disease or an allergy. But sometimes it signals serious diseases - even cancer. Therefore, with chronic ...…
Read MoreHypertrophy of the pharynx (the so-called third tonsil), which is most often diagnosed in preschool children, requires prompt medical intervention. Three ...…
Read MoreHearing disorders affect not only the elderly, but also children and adolescents. Research shows that three-quarters of 70-year-olds are partially deaf. Whereas in ...…
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