Hematite is a black stone, which, however, has been associated with blood red for centuries. How does hematite affect the human circulatory system and does it also have other ...…
Read MoreAlternative medicine 2025, March
Ayurveda is sometimes called the mother of medicine - as one of the oldest healing systems, it was officially recognized by the World He alth Organization in 1979 ...…
Read MoreAgate, according to the beliefs of the supporters of unconventional methods, is a stone of balance, and it restores it in every aspect of life: he alth, intellectual ...…
Read MoreAquamarine is a green-blue stone for brave people who are not afraid to express their opinion, even the most controversial one. It is also a stone that ...…
Read MoreLemons are a stone of successful people who do business and are responsible for financial transactions. It is conducive to making a fortune, but also helps with he alth problems ...…
Read MoreAccording to traditional Chinese medicine, the condition for maintaining he alth is a balance between yin and yang - the forces that rule the world. You can achieve it by healing some ...…
Read MoreBeekeeping is a hobby and a lifestyle. One has to know well the habits and needs of bees. Sometimes I get stung, sometimes I hear them sing. The beekeeper needs to ...…
Read MoreCool baths in sea water harden and strengthen the body's natural defenses. Treatment with the sea - sea climate and water - is thalassotherapy. Get ...…
Read MoreAlthough in Europe (also in Poland) homeopathy is an officially recognized healing method, it still arouses controversy and opposition. Sometimes because we just don't know about ...…
Read MoreChinese lemon is a plant whose properties and healing effects have been used for millennia in the natural medicine of the Far East. However, more and more ...…
Read MoreHomemade, natural headache remedies are a good solution when the pain is moderate and you don't like taking painkillers. Try our recipes for ...…
Read MoreOld Polish medicine recommended vinegar as an ideal means to rejuvenate fainted ladies. Both doctors and village healers used vinegar to treat frostbite, these ...…
Read MoreThe veins can be cleared of atherosclerotic deposits without pain and without exposing yourself to any danger. Chelation therapy (chelation, EDTA) effectively removes sh ...…
Read MoreRaw water - what is it? Raw water is water that purportedly has exceptional he alth properties. Apparently, it is he althier than bottled water and tap water. ...…
Read MoreAlpacotherapy, or therapy with alpacas, is the field of zootherapy. The therapy is based on the cooperation of the therapist and the patient with alpacas, which positively motivate ...…
Read MoreSabal palm is a plant whose healing properties should be appreciated primarily by men with prostate problems. The pressure on the bladder wakes you up a few ...…
Read MoreAtherosclerosis is a real bane of modern times. However, we are not doomed to this chronic disease. However, atherosclerosis does not have to affect us. H ...…
Read MoreKudzu is a plant whose action and healing properties should be appreciated by people fighting addiction, especially alcohol addiction. In the root kudzu zn ...…
Read MoreWater kefir is a drink obtained from Japanese crystals - a culture of beneficial bacteria and yeast. The properties and use of water kefir are very wide ...…
Read MoreBitter apricot kernels have long been used in alternative medicine, mainly due to their alleged anti-cancer properties. Some ...…
Read MoreDo you want to improve contacts with the environment? Having difficulty showing affection? Dancing can help you with this. But there is no way to learn steps and figures. It's about choreo ...…
Read MoreChestnuts are associated with high school graduation, others with the inevitably approaching autumn, others know the medicinal extracts of horse chestnut from the labels of various preparations ...…
Read MoreMoringa is a plant that has exceptional nutritional values, and hence - healing properties. Moringa contains four times more vitamin A than in March ...…
Read MoreMaple is a tree from which not only sweet syrup is obtained. Maple has many healing properties. Juice, leaves and even bark are valuable for he alth. Preparations n ...…
Read MoreFir is known for its healing properties. Fir needles, cones and shoots are used in preparations used in respiratory diseases, rheumatism pains ...…
Read MoreWalking barefoot is perfect relaxation not only for the feet. Some say that barefoot walks harden the body. We advise what are the best places ...…
Read More34 million Poles complain of pain, including 7 million chronic pain. How natural medicine can help them, tells the anesthesiologist, acupuncture specialist, d ...…
Read MoreWhat is homotoxicology and who is the creator of the theory that disease is a form of excretion of toxins from the body? Read the interview with Dr. Grażyna Duszkiewicz, ...…
Read MoreTreatment with herbs and food forms the basis of Chinese medicine. Eastern herbal medicine has a much stronger effect than the methods known in Europe using ...…
Read MoreThe cranberry looks inconspicuous, but it is exceptionally tasty. And thanks to the vitamins and minerals, it is very useful in the home medicine cabinet - it supports the treatment of colds, gr ...…
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