Neurology 2025, March

Examination of my daughter's sinuses showed that there is an osteoma on the left frontal sinus. How is it treated? What's the prognosis?…

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My mother has a syringomyelist marked on her hospital information card as a hypothesis. She was referred for an MRI. What is this disease, what are her ...…

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I have had a headache every day for 5 years. I take ketonal and diwascan for my headache, but even ketonal isn't helping me much at the moment. I've been to several neurologists, I had rob ...…

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My granddaughter has been complaining of a headache for at least a year. She had various examinations and at the ophthalmologist and ENT specialist, nothing ever shows what these pains are from. The pain is in ...…

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After the MRI examination, an arachnoid cyst was detected in the area of ​​the cerebellospinal angle on the right side, approximately 2.5x3.0x4.0 cm. T ...…

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The interbrain is a part of the brain located under the hemispheres of the brain. This element performs many important functions, as it deals with, among others, regulating pop activities ...…

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Treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS) depends on the form of the disease and the patient's condition. Disease-modifying drugs are administered, reducing ...…

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