Examination of my daughter's sinuses showed that there is an osteoma on the left frontal sinus. How is it treated? What's the prognosis?…
Read MoreNeurology 2025, March
My husband has epilepsy. Currently, he has not had an attack for about 3-4 years. He takes Trileptal 600 in the morning, Trileptal 300 in the evening. Will his disease not be affected by ...…
Read MoreMy mother has a syringomyelist marked on her hospital information card as a hypothesis. She was referred for an MRI. What is this disease, what are her ...…
Read MoreAfter giving birth, I lost weight very quickly, now I weigh 45 kilograms. I cannot gain weight, even though I eat 6 meals a day. I am so dizzy. Monstrously dr ...…
Read MoreDoes a single demyelinating patch that came out on MRI indicate the onset of multiple sclerosis? All other test results ...…
Read MoreIn June this year I was diagnosed with MS on the basis of MRI photos and symptoms of slight paresis of the limbs on the left side. After the hospital stay, everything ...…
Read MoreMy fingers go numb and I experience pain in my right leg (from my hip to my toes, most often when I go to bed at night). Recently, there are numbness ...…
Read MoreI am after the operation of removing the L5-S1 disk. The L4-L5 disk is still extended towards the rear and the L5 hatch is not bonded. Now I am 5 months pregnant. I live in ...…
Read MoreAn MRI revealed an adenoma of the pituitary gland. Is surgery necessary and what are the complications? Is there any direct ...…
Read MoreI have had a headache every day for 5 years. I take ketonal and diwascan for my headache, but even ketonal isn't helping me much at the moment. I've been to several neurologists, I had rob ...…
Read MoreMy granddaughter has been complaining of a headache for at least a year. She had various examinations and at the ophthalmologist and ENT specialist, nothing ever shows what these pains are from. The pain is in ...…
Read MoreCan there be a loss of taste during labyrinthitis? I was diagnosed with this disease, but I have never read anywhere that the symptom is also loss of taste.…
Read MoreBenign paroxysmal torticollis is a neurological disorder that does not require treatment and is self-limiting. It is important, however, that it is properly photographed ...…
Read MoreAfter the MRI examination, an arachnoid cyst was detected in the area of the cerebellospinal angle on the right side, approximately 2.5x3.0x4.0 cm. T ...…
Read MoreNeuromuscular diseases lead to abnormal functioning of the nerves and muscles. Symptoms of neuromuscular disease include weakening of muscle strength c ...…
Read MoreThe interbrain is a part of the brain located under the hemispheres of the brain. This element performs many important functions, as it deals with, among others, regulating pop activities ...…
Read MorePost-puncture syndrome is a complex of symptoms that is a complication after a lumbar puncture. This procedure is performed to diagnose the cerebrospinal fluid or to ...…
Read MoreNormotensive hydrocephalus, also known as Hakim's syndrome, does not lead to enlargement of the head circumference. Symptoms appearing in the course of hydrocephalus ...…
Read MoreMyotonia is a muscle disorder that results in prolonged muscle contractions. Typically, myotonia is caused by an inherited gene disorder ...…
Read MoreParaneoplastic degeneration of the cerebellum is a disease of the nervous system in the course of which the destruction of Purkinje cells - neurons of the cerebellar cortex, belonging to ...…
Read MoreCerebral palsy (MPD) can have a variety of symptoms. It all depends on the degree and extent of the damage. If the area of brain damage is significant, the symptoms of paralysis ...…
Read MoreCerebral Palsy (MPD) is a disorder whose symptoms depend on the form of the disease. Not in every case the paresis covers the entire c ...…
Read MoreAny accident, impact, or trauma - even minor - if the injuries involve the head - can lead to posttraumatic dementia - a condition where neurological responses ...…
Read MoreEvery caregiver should know how to provide Alzheimer's sufferers with proper care and a safe daily life. The most important thing is to create a ...…
Read MoreSpasticity may be one of the symptoms of MS and should definitely be treated. In the treatment of spasticity in MS, ...…
Read MoreMultiple Sclerosis and Lyme disease are diseases that are difficult to recognize and distinguish from each other. All because they both cause similar neurological symptoms ...…
Read MorePregnancy in women suffering from multiple sclerosis still raises many questions. Can MS patients get pregnant at all, or is this kind of pregnancy complicated ...…
Read MoreMultiple sclerosis can cause mental disorders - most often they are depression or anxiety disorders, but not only. In the event of psychological disorders ...…
Read MoreTreatment of multiple sclerosis (MS) depends on the form of the disease and the patient's condition. Disease-modifying drugs are administered, reducing ...…
Read MoreThere are four types of multiple sclerosis (MS): relapsing-remitting, primary progressive, secondary progressive ...…
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