Treatment of multiple sclerosis with the Zamboni method is a procedure in which some MS patients have high hopes. Is this method really so worthy ...…
Read MoreNeurology 2025, March
The diagnosis of multiple sclerosis is not always easy, but medicine has many techniques to help you make an accurate diagnosis. What a bad ...…
Read MoreMultiple sclerosis in children is much less common than in adults. The course of MS in the younger group of patients can be similar to that observed in them ...…
Read MoreEarly symptoms of Parkinson's disease are not only hand tremors, but also decreased physical and mental performance, slower movements, imbalances, blurred ...…
Read MoreThe spinal cord is the artery that travels from the brain to the tissues throughout the body. When it is damaged - e.g. as a result of an accident or disease - a person will be forever ...…
Read MoreDo you have a headache every day? You belong to the 5 percent of Poles who suffer from chronic headache every day. What are the causes of chronic headache? I ...…
Read MoreTotal cancer pain contains all pain components. Doctors are able to control it, which is important, because cancer is currently not ...…
Read MoreEagle's syndrome occurs quite rarely, and the causes of excessive ossification of the stylus-gn complex ...…
Read MoreParasitic meningitis is a disease most often caused by parasites found in water bodies and those that ...…
Read MoreHypermnesia is otherwise absolute autobiographical memory. Although we associate memory disorders primarily with a reduced ability to remember, and ...…
Read MoreThe midbrain is one part of the central nervous system. The midbrain is located between the forebrain and the hindbrain. It mainly affects ...…
Read MoreThere are two phases of sleep: REM sleep and NREM sleep. The phenomena related to the night rest are more interesting than you might possibly imagine - not enough ...…
Read MoreThe peripheral nervous system is essentially a part of the central nervous system, but this does not mean that its function is irrelevant. Basic e ...…
Read MoreDystonia is a disease of the nervous system that causes you to involuntarily perform abnormal movements. It can lead, inter alia, to tilt the head to the side and ...…
Read MoreAlzheimer's disease most often develops in people over 65 (95% of cases). The cause of the disease is not known so far, most likely ...…
Read MoreCapgras syndrome is a mental disorder characterized by an absurd delusion - the patient is convinced that a person he or she knows, e.g. a spouse, ...…
Read MoreLoss of smell (anosmia) can be both a transient and permanent condition, what's more - there are patients who do not smell odors from birth. A ...…
Read MoreTrunk alternating syndromes are a group of he alth conditions that are caused by damage to the brainstem. The clinical picture of these units is variable, decide ...…
Read MoreBeri-Beri is a disease considered to be an extreme form of avitaminosis, the cause of which is a significant deficiency of vitamin B1, i.e. thiamine. Lack of vitamins in the body can ...…
Read MoreThe visceral plexus, or solar plexus, is one of the most famous nerve plexuses. It is part of the autonomic nervous system, meaning it corresponds to ...…
Read MoreThe somatic system (somatic nervous system) is one of the distinguished functional parts of the nervous system - generally speaking, it is responsible for the perception of sensations ...…
Read MoreDeep brain stimulation has been used for years in the treatment of advanced Parkinson's disease. It helps to significantly improve the quality of life of the patient - maybe he himself ...…
Read MoreHemikrania is one type of primary headache. Hemikrania is characterized by unilateral headache accompanied by various ailments ...…
Read MoreInvoluntary movements can occur in anyone - both in children and the elderly. There are several differences within this group of neurological problems ...…
Read MoreAgnosia is a disturbance in the perception of sensory stimuli when the sensory organs, such as the eye and the ear, are completely functioning properly. There are many characters ...…
Read MoreThe treatment of migraine is based on drug therapy. Migraine treatment can be divided into acute and prophylactic. Temporary medications are designed to resolve ...…
Read MoreOcular migraine is a problem that is associated with the occurrence of headache and transient, one-sided visual disturbances. This is a very rare type of mig ...…
Read MoreMigraine with aura is one form of migraine headache. Before the onset of pain, patients struggle with unusual symptoms such as: disturb ...…
Read MoreInflammation of the limbic system, or also limbic encephalitis (LE), is an inflammation of the part of the nervous system that is primarily responsible for emotions. ...…
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