A carcinoid tumor is a neoplasm originating from endocrine cells, belonging to the APUD system (Amine Precursors Uptake and Dekarboxylation). It is a hormone cancer that is ...…
Read MoreOncology 2025, March
Gastrinoma belongs to the neuroendocrine tumors. Most often it is located in the duodenum or the head of the pancreas. It causes a set of characteristic symptoms ...…
Read MorePituitary adenoma is a benign neoplastic lesion and the most common form of pituitary gland tumor. What are the causes and symptoms of pituitary gland adenoma ...…
Read MorePheochromocytoma (dye) is a tumor that originates in the medulla of the adrenal gland. It is called a hormonally active tumor, because it secretes catecholamines, into which ...…
Read MoreAn accidentally detected adrenal tumor during imaging (ultrasongoraphia, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging) is called an incidentaloma ....…
Read MorePleural mesothelioma is a rare malignant tumor that originates in the superficial cells of the lining of the pleural cavity. Sometimes it also develops ...…
Read MoreRectal cancer accounts for 25% of colorectal cancer cases, which is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in Poland. This tumor continues to develop over many years, but ...…
Read MoreCancer of the fallopian tube is one of the rarest malignant neoplasms that affects the female reproductive organs. It comes in several types and due to the fact that its manifestation ...…
Read MoreCutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) is a rare and difficult to diagnose malignant neoplasm of the lymphatic system. The disease is caused by an uncontrolled growth of lymphocytes ...…
Read MoreMycosis fungoides (primary lymphoma of the skin, MF, Latin mycosis fungoides) is one of the most common in the population, cutaneous lymphoma with chronic ...…
Read MoreSezary syndrome is a rare, chronic disease with many years of course, the cause of which has not been clearly established. What are ...…
Read MorePancreatic islet (insulinoma) is an insulin-secreting tumor. It is a B cell tumor that is 25 percent malignant. These are the bumps of ...…
Read MoreTeratomas are a type of germ cell tumors. They develop from germ cells, i.e. polypotential that can give rise to any tissue ...…
Read MoreWhat methods are currently used to treat early breast cancer? And what is their effectiveness? The statistical data inspire optimism, because thanks to education and ...…
Read MoreThymoma is a tumor of the thymus gland - an organ that is part of the immune system. In the course of the cancer process, the thymus stops working properly, which may cause ...…
Read MoreTesticular cancer is rare and accounts for about 1% of all malignant neoplasms in men, but its frequency is increasing - in the last 40 years, ...…
Read MoreDifficulty urinating is a signal that something is wrong with the prostate. It doesn't necessarily mean prostate cancer, but it does need treatment quickly. He treats prostate tumors with ...…
Read MoreThe forms of cancer are very different and there is no single miracle cure for them, but the medical advancement is tremendous. You can live longer with cancer and ...…
Read MoreProstate (prostate) cancer is one of the most common cancers affecting men. The symptoms of prostate cancer are similar to those of a mild ...…
Read MorePenile cancer is a cancer that has been diagnosed more and more frequently in recent years. Everything incl. by altering the sexual behavior of men which increases the risk of ...…
Read MoreProstate cancer is one of the most frequently diagnosed cancers in men. Prostate cancer grows slowly - from the appearance of the first cancer cells ...…
Read MoreThe causes of cancer are very different. Most of them are independent of us, but there are also some that we can eliminate from our lives. Doctors who with ...…
Read MoreFor several years now, November has been the “male” cancer awareness month. On this occasion, the editors of Poradnik Zdrowie invited specialists involved in ...…
Read MoreBladder cancer is definitely a male disease. In women, however, its diagnosis is more difficult, which postpones the implementation of appropriate treatment ...…
Read MoreKidney cancer in the early stage of development does not show any symptoms. Patients who do not feel discomfort rarely come to the urologist's office as part of the ...…
Read MoreEndometrial cancer, i.e. cancer of the endometrium, is a malignant tumor of the female reproductive system. How does endometrial cancer develop?…
Read MoreAcute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a cancer of the haematopoietic system that mostly affects adults. The risk of its development increases ...…
Read MoreAcute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the most common type of childhood leukemia - around 75 percent. the youngest diagnosed have this form of the disease. At the same time sharp ...…
Read MoreChondoma is a type of benign tumor that originates in cartilage tissue. Chondomas most often develop in long bones - they can grow both ...…
Read MoreThyroid cancer is currently the sixth most common cancer in women and already accounts for 4 percent of all malignant neoplasms diagnosed ...…
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