Ovarian teratomas are usually benign neoplastic changes, characterized by the structure of disordered, mixed tissues. Classified s ...…
Read MoreOncology 2025, March
"Yellow chemistry" is a common term for one form of adjuvant treatment used in breast cancer. It usually consists of 3 drugs ...…
Read MoreIt is possible to treat and, moreover, cure melanoma. Melanoma belongs to the group of the most dangerous neoplasms, but thanks to the progress of medicine, early detection ...…
Read MorePost-transplant lymphoproliferative disease (PTLD) is currently the most serious and most commonly diagnosed complication after transplantation. It is characterized by high ...…
Read MoreCancer mutations are a harmful change in DNA that causes a loss of control over cell division. As a result of such damage to the genetic material, cells ...…
Read MoreCarcenogenesis, otherwise known as neoplasm, is a complex process leading to the formation of a neoplastic lesion. Changes that take place in the cell during its course ...…
Read MoreMale breast cancer usually ends in death. All because the cancer is diagnosed too late. Most men think breast cancer to ...…
Read MoreTargeted therapies used in the treatment of cancer consist of hitting a specific bullet - a drug, on malfunctioning cells (cancer cells), saving ...…
Read MoreMastectomy is the amputation (removal) of the entire breast. Mastectomy is performed in patients with breast cancer in more than one quadrant of the breast ...…
Read MoreAbout 80 percent of women have had contact with HPV at least once in their lifetime. Aggressive strains of this virus number 16 and 18 account for more than 70 percent of ...…
Read MoreRadical laparoscopic prostatectomy is one of the surgical treatment methods for prostate cancer. The great advantage of laparoscopic prostate removal is ...…
Read MoreEar cancers are quite rare and mainly affect older people. There are both benign and malignant neoplasms of the ear. Symptoms of these changes can be ...…
Read MoreA paraphimosis is a change originating in the cells of the neuroendocrine system. In most cases, paragangliomas are benign tumors, but some of them can be bad ...…
Read MoreOropharyngeal neoplasms are one of the most frequently diagnosed neoplasms in Poland. Despite this, they are rarely recognized in the early stages of development. For this reason ...…
Read MoreColon cancer is one type of colon cancer. Specialists believe that it is one of the best-studied neoplasms in terms of predisposing factors ...…
Read MoreEye malignant neoplasms are rarely diagnosed types of neoplasms. However, if they are recognized, they not only carry the risk of blindness or ...…
Read MoreWhat are the symptoms of cancer before dying? How do you die from cancer? How do you know if a sick person has only a few hours to live? There is no one pattern, everyone dies t ...…
Read MoreTumors of the cerebellum belong to the group of neoplasms of the central nervous system. They can be both benign and malignant, primary and the result of metastases from other n ...…
Read MoreCancer of the small intestine is the least frequently diagnosed neoplasm of the digestive system. Unfortunately, due to the rarity of occurrence, as well as the uncharacteristic vol ...…
Read MoreColorectal cancer is dangerous because it can go into hiding for a long time, and symptoms do not appear until the disease reaches a more advanced stage. They are ...…
Read MoreSquamous cell carcinoma of the lung is a type of lung cancer that is particularly strongly associated with exposure to tobacco smoke, so it is most common among smokers, ...…
Read MoreBasal cell carcinoma is the most common skin cancer. It grows slowly and rarely metastasizes. It develops more easily in people with a light skin phototype ...…
Read MoreTonsil cancer is the most common malignant neoplasm of the throat and mouth and accounts for 46% of all cancers in the area of the mouth. I ...…
Read MoreBrachytherapy is one of the methods of cancer radiotherapy. Thanks to it, treatment lasts shorter, the risk of complications is small, and the patient quickly returns to activity after therapy ...…
Read MoreChemotherapy, next to immunotherapy, radiotherapy, targeted therapies and surgical treatment, is one of the methods of treating neoplastic diseases. Unfortunately, ...…
Read MoreTumor lysis syndrome (TLS), or tumor lysis syndrome, is a serious complication of anticancer treatment. It is a kind of ...…
Read MoreEwing's sarcoma (tumor) is a malignant bone tumor that most often affects children. The first symptoms of Ewing's sarcoma are bone pains, which are sometimes associated with ...…
Read MoreTyrosine kinase inhibitors are drugs used in cancer therapy. The action of this group of substances is based on blocking a specific type of enzyme ...…
Read MoreWhen I found out I had uterine cancer, the younger daughter was 6, her older sister was only 21 months old. The first sign of cancer was uterine bleeding ....…
Read MoreThe symptoms of throat cancer resemble those of an upper respiratory tract infection and are therefore often neglected, delaying diagnosis. No ...…
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