Meningioma (Latin meningioma) are benign brain tumors - only about 5 percent of them are malignant. What are the symptoms of meningioma? How is meningiomas treated? Dow ...…
Read MoreOncology 2025, March
Amygdalin (vitamin B17, laetrile or laetrile) is considered an unconventional cancer drug in some countries. However, there is still some dispute as to whether ami ...…
Read MoreCancer of the tongue most often affects men who abuse alcohol and smoke tobacco. Cancer of the tongue is characterized by high malignancy and in early ...…
Read MoreLeukoplakia, or white keratosis, is a precancerous condition of the skin. This means that skin cancer can develop on its basis. What are the causes and symptoms of keratosis ...…
Read MoreEpendymoma is a cancer that occurs in the central nervous system. Its second name, ependymoma, comes from the name of the tissue it originates from, i.e. e ...…
Read MoreAstrocytoma is one of the most common tumors of the nervous system, belonging to gliomas. It is formed from astrocytes that constitute the supporting tissue ...…
Read MoreThe drastic increase in the demand for the treatment of skin diseases in recent years results not only from the increase in patient awareness and greater care for the skin, ...…
Read MoreThe world's first blood test to detect early stage melanoma of the skin, developed by scientists at Edith Cowan Un ...…
Read MoreA tumor of the placental site is a rare form of gestational trophoblastic disease - a malignant neoplasm originating in placental cells. Although it rarely metastasizes, ...…
Read MoreHepatocellular adenoma is a benign tumor of the liver. However, it can become malignant (transformed into cancer), although this is quite rare. They should know about it ...…
Read MoreBurkitt's lymphoma is a malignant neoplasm from the group of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. It develops extremely dynamically, which is why a quick diagnosis is so important. Warning! Exhibited ...…
Read MorePaweł was 33 years old when he heard the diagnosis. The year was 2022, he had a 4.5-year-old son at the time, and his wife was pregnant with a second child. “I felt a bit like a boo ...…
Read MoreNew methods of treatment mean that cancer is more and more often treated like any other chronic disease. Modern forms of therapy are very optimistic ...…
Read MoreIn cancer prevention, he althy eating and a proper lifestyle are of great importance. Proper diet, physical activity, alcohol restriction and quitting smoking will help ...…
Read MoreSmall cell lung cancer is a malignant neoplasm, accounting for approximately 15% of all primary lung cancers. The main reason for its occurrence is smoking papi ...…
Read MoreBone tumors are a group of cancer that occurs either in children and adolescents, or in adults between the ages of 50 and 60. In the youngest, it usually recognizes ...…
Read MoreTobacco smoke is a broader term than cigarette smoke because the first term also includes pipe and cigar smoking. Tobacco smoke is produced in the process of incomplete ...…
Read MoreLaryngeal cancer is around 40 percent all cancers found in the head and neck regions. He is favored by smoking - including passive smoking. The most common diagnosis ...…
Read MoreMultiforme adenoma is a mixed tumor, a benign tumor made of epithelial cells. It is the most common tumor of the salivary glands and the most common ...…
Read MoreThe ointment is a locally malignant neoplasm originating from ameloblasts of the dental lamina. Most often it occurs in the area of the molars in the back part ...…
Read MoreNeoplasm of the salivary glands belongs to the group of neoplasms originating from the cells of the salivary glands. Salivary gland cancer accounts for about 1 percent. cancer ...…
Read MoreTumors of the spinal cord are diagnosed much less frequently than brain tumors. Unfortunately, spinal cord tumors have non-specific symptoms, which significantly ...…
Read MoreNeuroblastoma (neuroblastoma) is a malignant neoplasm of the sympathetic nervous system, which belongs to the group of childhood cancers. Neuroblastoma je ...…
Read MoreProstate enlargement, defined as a natural part of the aging process, does not occur with the same intensity in all men. And not all ...…
Read MoreIt is not really known why we get cancer. Some of them are hereditary to some degree, others attack without warning, and are so ...…
Read MoreHave a new mole come to your collection? Or maybe the old birthmark began to grow? These types of skin changes are disturbing because it can be melanoma, a dangerous skin cancer. No ...…
Read MoreFinding a bone marrow donor from outside the patient's family is more difficult than looking for a needle in a haystack. But Monika Sankowska does it successfully. It's been ...…
Read MoreAnna Czerwińska - a famous Polish climber - donated bone marrow for a girl suffering from chronic myeloid leukemia. To become a bone marrow donor, she had to wait a few years ...…
Read MoreMarker HE4 - what is it? Ovarian cancer is a very insidious cancer as it initially produces non-specific symptoms and is therefore diagnosed too late in ...…
Read MoreNeoplastic diseases are currently one of the most common causes of death among adults, especially in the elderly. They can develop within practically ...…
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