And what would you think of me if I took a spoon now, scooped soup from my plate, and then put it in my mouth? And she scooped up the leftovers of that soup ...…
Read MoreObesity 2025, March
If the treatment of overweight and obesity, i.e. slimming, were simple, each of us would have the silhouette of Venus or Apollo. But it's great toil that requires a strong theme ...…
Read MoreChildren who drink full-fat milk are less likely to be overweight or obese than children who consume skim milk. This is the conclusion from the research carried out ...…
Read MoreThe more extra pounds, the weaker the memory, the researchers concluded by analyzing the relationship between BMI and dementia. They also explained that ...…
Read MoreCarnival continues and your figure is far from perfect? Contrary to appearances, you will still manage to improve it. All it takes is a little willpower, a quick diet and ... a lot of spra ...…
Read MoreOverweight in children in Poland is a big problem. As much as 30 percent early school age children and 20 percent. teenagers are overweight. Unfortunately, the coronavirus pandemic and with ...…
Read MoreAre you overweight or obese, and the doctor from the he alth clinic pretends that he does not notice it, downplays your disease, or recommends that you lose weight yourself? There is no right ...…
Read MoreObesity, the so-called gluteus-femoral obesity, also known as pear-type obesity, is the type of obesity that most often affects women. Gluteofemoral obesity is not that ...…
Read MoreBardet-Biedl Syndrome (BBS) is a rare, complicated genetic disease. BBS affects 1 in 250,000 people worldwide. He is diagnosed in the early ...…
Read MoreOverweight and obesity contribute to many serious diseases, including foot defects and deformities. What diseases of the feet can cause excess weight ...…
Read MoreThe metabolic syndrome manifests itself as obesity. abdominal hypertension, abnormal levels of lipids and blood sugar. How can you say goodbye to this ailment ...…
Read MoreSarcopenic obesity is a type of obesity that occurs in the elderly. It is characterized by an increase in the amount of adipose tissue while losing ...…
Read MoreAlmost every third Pole is overweight, i.e. the state of the so-called pre-obesity or obese. This is the result of not only incorrect eating habits and habitat ...…
Read MoreMetabolic syndrome, or syndrome X, is characterized by numerous metabolic disorders that gradually destroy the body. If you are obese, the so-called Brzu ...…
Read MoreNight eating syndrome (NES) is getting up many times at night to eat something. Throughout ...…
Read MoreBeing overweight is no longer an aesthetic problem, but a he alth one. If you ignore the fact that you weigh more and more, you may become obese. And this disease ...…
Read MoreOverweight, i.e. increased body weight in relation to the accepted norms, may lead to obesity. And overweight, i.e. pre-obesity and obesity are not pro ...…
Read MoreHow doctors, nurses and other he alth professionals relate to people with obesity will be checked by the OD-WAGA Foundation for People with Obesity.…
Read MoreObesity is a complicated chronic disease. It arises for many different reasons and does not go away on its own without treatment. One,…
Read MoreI didn't want to go to this obesity lecture. I was not the only obese person in the room, and I was afraid that everyone would be staring at me. And then I saw p ...…
Read MoreWhen Artur Jeschke (52) from Piła was preparing for a bariatric surgery, he weighed 148 kg. After cuff gastrectomy, he lost more than 50 kg. Today ...…
Read MoreMichał Gątarek (27) lost 69 kg after bariatric surgery. He has changed beyond recognition. Not only physically.…
Read MoreAre you overweight or already obese? Are you on a slimming diet? Or maybe you just want to eat he althy and not gain weight? Meet the 25 products ...…
Read MoreNight eating syndrome (NES) is a dangerous disorder of eating out uncontrollably overnight. Does it seem trivial? This is a mistake. Person with this syndrome ...…
Read MoreObesity arises for many reasons, including genetic. Scientists estimate that genes may account for nearly 70% of body weight fluctuations. Does this mean that too much ...…
Read MoreOverweight and obesity are not only the result of consuming too many calories in relation to the body's needs. People who are not treated for a long time can also gain weight ...…
Read MorePsychological stress, especially long-term stress, may be one of the factors contributing to the formation of overweight and obesity. But also excessive body weight often becomes ...…
Read MoreLow levels of vitamin B12 (cobalamin) can cause weight gain in pregnant women. This is the conclusion of a study by scientists from the University of ...…
Read MoreWater is the only drink recommended for people who want to get rid of unnecessary kilograms. But not only because it does not contain calories. Drinking a certain amount of water can ...…
Read MoreUntil recently, the recipe for obesity was primarily a lifestyle modification through a drastic change in diet and a significant increase in physical exertion, ...…
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