Sex problems 2025, March

The problem is, the more I insist on sex, the more he won't. However, if I stop talking about it completely (and this is usually the case when you are ...…

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Hello, I'm 20 years old and I'm a woman. When I was a little girl, I went to elementary school, my stepfather molested me while my mother was at work. He was touching me after I felt ...…

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I've been with my boyfriend for 1.5 years. We've been living together for 6 months, and for about 3 months I have absolutely no desire to have sex with him. Once upon a time I could make love every day on ...…

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My son is 7 years old and he heard the word sex on TV. Sometimes she asks what it is. How can I best explain this to him? He knows that when there is sex, people undress.…

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I am 27 years old and have been in a relationship for four years. I believe that we fit together very well and we are good together. But I feel sorry for my partner, because I would like our partner ...…

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I am 20 years old, I had a baby a year ago, it was a mishap. Now, when I have to make love to my husband, despite the double protection (pills plus a condom), I am afraid ...…

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