Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) is a situation in which the fetus abnormally grows into bed ...…
Read MorePregnancy 2025, January
Throttle body is a condition where there is not enough amniotic fluid (its amount does not exceed 500 ml). Usually, the diagnosis of oligohydramnios is between 32 and 36 weeks of gestation. What ...…
Read MorePolyhydramnios is when there is an overproduction of amniotic fluid. Much more often polyhydramnios affects twin pregnancies, women get sick ...…
Read MoreUterine rupture is the most serious complication of childbirth. The effects of this pathology concern the mother and the child, which additionally adds to the dramaturgy of this clinical situation ...…
Read MoreThe umbilical cord is a cylindrical tube that connects the baby to the placenta, and thus to the mother, enabling the baby to develop properly. Abnormalities in the structure of the umbilical cord may ...…
Read MorePrenatal surgery is a relatively new field of medicine. Its purpose is to operate on the fetus inside the pregnant uterus. Such a ...…
Read MoreUterine contractions in pregnancy are symptoms typical of its proper course. Most often, there are three types of pregnancy contractions, the task of which is ...…
Read MoreHerbs in pregnancy can effectively help with many ailments and problems during pregnancy. But you need to know which herbs are safe in pregnancy and which are not now ...…
Read MorePregnancy poisoning, or gestosis, is a dangerous condition that can threaten the lives of the mother and child. Pregnancy poisoning is at risk of, among others, women who ...…
Read MoreThe most reliable - it works 90%! - there is a due date calculated during the ultrasound examination between the 11th and 14th week of pregnancy. A doctor seeing a fetus on an ...…
Read MoreUmbilical cord prolapse is a very serious complication, most often caused by incorrect alignment of the frontal part of the fetus to the bone pelvis ...…
Read MorePre-eclampsia (pre-eclampsia) in pregnancy is a dangerous condition that threatens both the mother and the baby. The consequence of pre-eclampsia can ...…
Read MoreThe umbilical cord loops are formed when the baby wraps itself around the umbilical cord. How dangerous the umbilical cord loops are to the fetus depends primarily on their type. What are ...…
Read MoreIf you are breastfeeding, you should eat carefully so that your baby does not get colic or allergies. But your menu cannot be monotonous and meager. Rather, the diet ...…
Read MoreAnnually approx. 75 thousand Poles - also young people - suffer a stroke. Proper rehabilitation after a stroke can bring many of them back to social and professional life ...…
Read MoreHalf of pregnant women have this problem: it is very difficult to get rid of waste products. If you also suffer from constipation, read how to ...…
Read MoreHow does a magnetic field work? The mechanism of its operation has not been fully explained until today. It is known, however, that the magnetic field effectively accelerates the regen ...…
Read MoreKinesiotaping, i.e. dynamic taping, involves sticking special, colorful tapes on different parts of the body, mainly to relieve pain, and so ...…
Read MoreExtracorporeal shock wave, i.e. ESWT (Extracorporeal shock wave therapy) is currently one of the best methods, successfully used in the treatment of chr ...…
Read MoreA healing brine bath is an exceptionally pleasant therapy. Water enriched with minerals has beneficial properties for the skin, bones and internal organs. Recommended ...…
Read MoreSulphide baths help with a variety of ailments and alleviate many disease symptoms. Beginning with degenerative diseases of the spine, ...…
Read MorePeat is one of the most precious gifts of nature. Mud is used to treat inflammation, muscle, bone and joint diseases, and even female diseases ...…
Read MoreIontophoresis is the introduction of a medicine into the diseased area thanks to the flow of a constant current. It is effective in pain in the joints, spine, nerve ...…
Read MoreThere are numerous indications for laser therapy. Laser therapy is used, among others, in the case of dermatological problems, after injuries, for ...…
Read MorePregnancy (pregorexia) is an eating disorder that affects pregnant women. Pre-gore is afraid of getting fat during pregnancy, so taking care of the perfect figure ...…
Read MorePregnant hormones can be a problem for every woman. Nausea, heartburn, and mood swings are just some of the side effects of the hormone storm that is already starting ...…
Read MoreThe intrauterine device (IUD) has the advantage that you do not have to remember about it every day like you do with a hormone pill. Spiral (this is what the insert is commonly called ...…
Read MoreMore and more women decide to give birth to a child after the age of 35 or even 40. Does such a late pregnancy bring more risks for both the mother and ...…
Read MoreEvery fifth woman has problems with termination of pregnancy. A threatened pregnancy may have various causes: progesterone deficiency, cervical infections, antibodies produced ...…
Read MoreWhat's my baby like now? What does it look like, what are its organs like, does it feel or hear something? - these questions bother every future mother. Read how the growth of ...…
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