I have not dreamed of anything for a very long time. Is it normal? I used to remember my dreams. I know you remember them shortly after waking up, but mostly I ...…
Read MorePsychiatry 2025, March
Two years ago, my family doctor gave me atenolol and belergot for pressure surges. The drugs worked, I have been taking them for two years. He gets nervous, however, because in ...…
Read MoreNegative schizophrenia is not a commonly talked about disease. And it is this form of the disease that significantly affects the deterioration of social status ...…
Read MoreTreatment of schizophrenia in pregnancy and lactation, as well as treatment of schizophrenia in children, may encounter special difficulties and requires a great deal of knowledge about ...…
Read MoreHallucinosis is a group of mental disorders that are linked by the occurrence of hallucinations (hallucinations). Depending on the cause of the disorder, the patient may hear voices of the order ...…
Read MoreSelf-mutilation in children and adolescents is one of the manifestations of aggression. Cutting with razor blades and other forms of self-harm most often mean that the person has ...…
Read MoreA psychiatric examination is a conversation that focuses on various potential symptoms of psychiatric illnesses and disorders. Visiting a psychiatrist is still ...…
Read MoreParasitic hallucinosis (paranoia) is a psychotic disorder manifested by the presence of sensory delusions - the patient is convinced that under the skin or the whole ...…
Read MoreHow to tell if a child has ADHD? What are the most common symptoms? Hyperactive children cannot sit still and absorb their behavior. Often, not with ...…
Read MoreNeurosis in children manifests as unexplained abdominal pain, headache or palpitations. Every parent should know about the existence of this group of diseases, because ...…
Read MoreDissociative (conversion) disorders are the psyche's response to experiencing heavy events - mental disorders that appear in their course or ...…
Read MorePsychotic depression is a psychiatric unit in which the patient exhibits both depressive symptoms and psychotic symptoms. Of the latter, the most ...…
Read MoreSchizophrenia affects young people - at the time of diagnosis, the statistical patient is only 27 years old. Then, it causes dramatic changes in the lives of most patients, g ...…
Read MoreHypothyroidism is a common endocrine disease that affects a significant percentage of the population. It is a disease with a diverse clinical picture, ...…
Read MoreSunset syndrome is a series of disorders that may occur in the elderly, which appear at a specific time of the day, that is, in the late afternoon ...…
Read MoreDiogenes syndrome is found primarily in seniors and is associated with significant hygiene negligence, breaking contacts even with the closest family ...…
Read MoreLobotomy (or prefrontal lobotomy) consisted in deliberate damage to the connections of the prefrontal cortex with other brain structures. Years ago, lobotomy was extremely popular - the number of lobotomies performed in the world can be reported in tens of thousands. Currently, however, lobotomy is no longer performed.…
Read MoreDepression and diabetes are theoretically separate conditions, but their coexistence in one patient is more frequent than might be expected. Coexistence ...…
Read MoreAdaptation disorders can occur in every person - they are caused by situations that we encounter every day, such as e.g. job loss c ...…
Read MoreIs depression hereditary? The research conducted so far suggests that it is not. You can only inherit a tendency to depression - this means that in children of people suffering from ...…
Read MoreYou feel like life is getting out of control. Can't you sleep, eat? Are you tormented by fears? You don't have the strength and desire to start another day? Consider seeing a psychiatrist ...…
Read MoreThinking disorders are usually manifested in speech, in the statements of the patient. Depending on the types of thinking disorders - content, course and structure disorders ...…
Read MoreDysphoria is the opposite of the euphoric state. It manifests itself in a depressed mood and emotional disturbances that hinder normal functioning. Dysphoria ...…
Read MoreAnorexia is a disease that is very sensitive to gender. Even 96 percent. the sick are women whose disease was revealed during adolescence. You suffer from anorexia ...…
Read MoreRapunzel syndrome, although its name sounds romantic, is a rare disease caused by trichotillomania, i.e. hair pulling and trichophagia - eating t ...…
Read MoreA lot is said about depression, but are these messages getting through to society? What approach to disease do we represent as a nation? Are we still like this ...…
Read MoreVascular dementia (vascular dementia) is a form of dementia that is directly related to pathologies affecting the blood supply to ...…
Read MoreAre neurotic depression and depressive neurosis the same? Psychiatrists often face difficulties in making an unequivocal diagnosis related to ...…
Read MoreDepression, even if it lasts a long time, does not cause permanent changes in the psyche. This does not mean that it can be taken lightly. We just need to heal her and, most importantly, ...…
Read MoreRecurrent depression (aka unipolar disorder) is a type of depression in which symptoms of depressed mood appear and disappear alternately ...…
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