Depression is associated with insomnia, decreased appetite and long-lasting depressed mood, but in reality, depressive disorders do not ...…
Read MorePsychiatry 2025, March
About 1.5 million people suffer from depression in Poland. Some of them are not aware of it, and many hide their condition, being ashamed of their surroundings. Therefore, struggling ...…
Read MoreMental illness is a state of disturbed perception of real reality. How to recognize a mental illness? The patient has hallucinations and delusions as well as disturbed thinking ...…
Read MoreKostmann's syndrome is an inherited lack of immunity based on a very low level of neutrophils. Affected people are extremely susceptible to any infection ...…
Read MoreTrichotillomania is the name of a disorder that consists in the inability to stop pulling one's hair - from the head, eyebrows, eyelashes. Sometimes the forced break ...…
Read MoreAnorexia, or mental anorexia, usually begins in adolescence. It often occurs in families where relationships are disturbed, there is a lack of warmth, ...…
Read MoreMore and more factors are being discovered that contribute to the pathogenesis of mental illness. The studies carried out so far show that the causes of diseases ...…
Read MoreThe morbid, obsessive handwashing most of us know from films about neurotic people. However, this ailment can affect almost everyone if the circumstances are ...…
Read MoreThe treatment of personality disorders consists mainly of psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy. They can be supported by social skills training and advise ...…
Read MorePresuicidal syndrome is a mental state experienced by a person just before committing suicide. Identifies many comorbid disorders that are real ...…
Read MoreSociopaths are intelligent, unscrupulous, aggressive. They take on a mask of normality, sometimes even a personal charm, just to achieve their own goals. No ...…
Read MoreThere are two diagnoses of alcoholic depression: primary alcoholism with secondary depression and primary depression with secondary alcoholism. Looking at the statistics, only ...…
Read MoreAmnesia is probably the most severe memory disorder. There are several types of it, such as retrograde amnesia, anterograde amnesia, and psychogenic amnesia. Amnesia with ...…
Read MoreDrug-resistant depression is a form of depressive disorder in which the use of two or more antidepressant treatments does not allow you to obtain satisfaction ...…
Read MoreDepersonalization is a symptom that leads to disturbances in the perception of oneself - the patient may have the impression that he is only an observer of his own ...…
Read MoreA nervous breakdown is a sudden, acute mental imbalance caused by a strong stress reaction. A crisis may arise both in response to ...…
Read MoreVegetative neurosis is a collective term for ailments resulting from mental problems. Today, vegetative neurosis is defined as cardiac neurosis, neurosis ...…
Read MoreKorsakoff's syndrome is a neuropsychiatric disease whose symptoms are similar to amnesia. It is caused by a deficiency of vitamin B1 or damage to a part of the brain answered ...…
Read MoreGlobus hystericus, colloquially called a throat ball, belongs to psychosomatic diseases and has no basis in any organic disease. If in a stressful s ...…
Read MoreStockholm syndrome is a mechanism that sometimes arises in the victim-executioner relationship. Sometimes a kidnapped and imprisoned person feels positive emotions towards his abuser, is understanding and even defends him. Stockholm syndrome is also defined as pathological relationships in families, relationships, the so-called toxic, in which the injured (dominated) party tries to justify the behavior of the harmful (dominant) party at all costs.…
Read MoreMost people, and rightly so, think of themselves as being completely "normal", but what we subjectively perceive as "normal" is very different from the actual ...…
Read MoreOthello syndrome is a psychotic disorder that most often affects male alcoholics. They feel pathological jealousy of their partner and are notoriously suspected ...…
Read MoreNervous tics are repetitive, involuntary contractions in the face or muscles. They occur in both children and adults…
Read MoreCyclophrenia is an old name, less frequently used today, for a mental illness in which depressive phases appear cyclically or depressive phases alternate ...…
Read MoreDepression in an infant? Seemingly impossible, but in fact encountered - infants may suffer from anaclitic depression (hospitalization). The problem is ...…
Read MoreAnankastic personality disorder is classified as a personality disorder in which the dominant feature is excessive perfectionism. People with anankastic personality ...…
Read MoreSomatomorphic disorders include: hypochondria, persistent psychogenic pains and dysmorphophobia. They are difficult to diagnose and it happens that the patient for many years ...…
Read MoreAnxiety disorders or neuroses are the most common mental disorders. The accompanying ailments worsen the quality of life, so you need to ...…
Read MoreCyclothymia is manifested by the variable occurrence of elevated and depressed mood states. It is a milder condition than affective disorders ...…
Read MoreCotard's syndrome, or the walking dead syndrome, is an extremely rare mental disorder characterized by the presence of specific delusions. Sick in ...…
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