Drug addiction is a condition in which a person takes medication too often and usually in too high doses. Some people are predisposed to become addicted ...…
Read MorePsychology 2025, March
People with SRED or NES eat little or the same amount of food during the day and wander around the kitchen at night. Sometimes they don't realize it. Nocn ...…
Read MoreAromatherapy, drinks that give you strength, a restorative diet or even sleep are just some of the ways to regenerate after a hard day. Discover 9 effective ways to ...…
Read MorePeople who strive for perfection and are self-centered are particularly susceptible to orthorexia. An orthorexic believes that if he follows a strict ...…
Read MoreDoes overcoming the disease depend on our psyche, our positive thinking, or only on modern medicine? In every human being there are healing dormant ...…
Read MoreBrain fog is also known as brain fog, brain fog or mind fog. Cerebral fog is a condition that may resemble a child walking in a fog a bit. Brain fogging ...…
Read MoreCaptagon (aka Phenethylin) are amphetamine pills. Formerly, they were used as a drug in the treatment of ADHD, depression and narcolepsy, but it was discovered that it is nar ...…
Read MorePsilocybin mushrooms, for example, lanceolate mushrooms are psychoactive, hallucinogenic mushrooms. Their amateurs call them psilocybin, hallucinations. Do you know ...…
Read MoreAmphetamine psychosis is one of the possible side effects of taking amphetamines and methamphetamines or other stimulants such as designer drugs. Amphetamine psychosis m ...…
Read MoreMorphine is the most important psychoactive compound contained in opium - a substance obtained from poppy seeds from unripe medical poppy.…
Read MoreOpium is the dried juice of unripe poppy seeds. It contains numerous alkaloids, i.e. psychoactive compounds, incl. morphine, codeine, thebaine. Opium with ...…
Read MoreDrug withdrawal symptoms mainly affect the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Their intensity depends on the doses of the drug taken ...…
Read MoreSynthetic marijuana is a very dangerous drug and one of the popular legal highs. Dried any plant is sprayed with synthetic cannabin solutions ...…
Read MorePopular drugs for coughing and sore throat, consumed in the doses indicated in the leaflet, inhibit the coughing reflex and soothe any pain. However, it is accepted in the most ...…
Read MoreModafinil is a substance that has been used in the treatment of narcolepsy for years. However, modafinil became more widely known only recently, when they began to massively use it ...…
Read MorePower ups are drugs that are extremely dangerous to he alth. Young people most often use psychoactive substances. Sometimes unaware of the dangers ...…
Read MoreHappiness - what is it? A popular saying says that happiness must be helped. There is a lot of truth in that! You can do a lot to make the feeling of happiness accompany us for ...…
Read MoreThe causes of insomnia can arise both from inadequate sleeping conditions and from mental disorders. Lack of sleep due to insomnia is tiresome, d ...…
Read MoreSenior insomnia is a common problem, because the older we get, the more we have trouble sleeping. Half of people in their 50s complain about them, with ...…
Read MoreFall depression can hit anyone. Like any seasonal depression, it occurs with the advent of the new season. It is favored by shorter, cloudy days, cold and ...…
Read MoreMost of us believe that forgetting is closely related to age. The older a person is, the worse the memory is. Scholars argue that this is not true and that ...…
Read MoreEuphoria is a state of significantly elevated mood, associated with considerable playfulness, a sense of carefree and general satisfaction with life. Bring to o ...…
Read MoreWe can remember different dates and events, as well as emotions. The so-called emotional memory. This specific ...…
Read MoreEEG biofeedback training was first used by astronauts at NASA, then it was added to…
Read MoreAlternative and assistive communication (AAC) is a group of methods that allow people who are speechless or speech to a limited extent to communicate with the environment ...…
Read MoreMost often, the first association with twins is: similar, identically dressed babies. Are all twins the same? Of course ...…
Read MoreThe term "telepathy" comes from the Greek language. It is a combination of two words: tele, meaning "far" and patheia - "feeling". By definition, telepathy means u ...…
Read MoreStuttering is a disease that can and should be treated. Getting stuck in speech hinders communication and interpersonal contacts. Interestingly, specialists see ...…
Read MoreWhat causes my stuttering? Scientists have various assumptions, but no certainty. The causes of stuttering include defects in the nervous system, abnormal ...…
Read MoreThe brain training we propose in the article below is four exercises to strengthen memory. Brain training is very important at a time when people are bombarded with ...…
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