Sissy consults all decisions with his mother and is at her every nod. Such a man hardly notices that linking him to ...…
Read MorePsychology 2025, March
After divorce, you have to build everything from scratch. And this new can be so much better than what left off. But to be able to enjoy life again - first you have to ...…
Read MoreEmotional immaturity can manifest itself in many different ways. Emotionally immature people usually have many expectations, but at the same time they cannot ...…
Read MoreLonely holidays are a very difficult period for those who experience them - after all, Christmas is the most family-like of all holidays. No second after ...…
Read MoreThe empty chair technique is a well-known therapeutic method used by experts in various fields of psychology. It's a tool that applies to solutions ...…
Read MoreMost of us spend Christmas with the family. It is important that we, in the throes of Christmas preparations, find time for common home activities. It's a unique eye ...…
Read MoreWondering how to avoid Christmas stress? Here are some tips: determine what you can change in the preparation for Christmas, take care of relationships with your loved ones ...…
Read MoreOur great-grandmothers, when another child appeared, used to say: love multiplies, does not divide ... Beautiful and true. But for the three-year-old Zuzia or Tomek, this baby is ...…
Read MoreA love's brain functions like cocaine. We feel the symptoms of euphoric intoxication, we have obsessive thoughts and distorted vision of the world. And what happens ...…
Read MoreIt's hard to come to terms with the loss of a part of yourself, but there is also a problem - tell your partner about the hysterectomy or not? And how will he take it? How to talk about ...…
Read MoreScientists have come to the conclusion that some men, during their partner's pregnancy, undergo the so-called brooding syndrome, the symptoms of which resemble normal pregnancy symptoms ...…
Read MoreRevenge: we most often want it when we are hurt by other people. Research shows that whenever we have an opportunity to take revenge, we use it because most of ...…
Read MoreA crisis in a relationship does not have to end in a break-up - you can always try to mend a damaged bond. The key question, however, is whether the partners are ready to w altz ...…
Read MorePsychologists agree: jealousy is an incurable disease. That's why you have to learn to live with it. It's difficult, but it's possible. We advise how to control ...…
Read MoreGuilt - where does it come from? Although it is unpleasant, guilt is a sign of emotional maturity. However, in some cases it is a symptom of ...…
Read MoreSexual harassment is not only about blatant offers made during a business trip or physical harassment. It's any sex situation ...…
Read MoreNow you work from home. You are finally your own master. You got rid of the stress of bothersome commuting, traffic jams or the background ...…
Read MoreProfessionalism helps in a career, but sometimes it's not enough. A bit of psychology will also come in handy. Especially in relations with the boss who has his weaknesses and likes ...…
Read MoreMore and more often we are completely absorbed by work. We constantly think about it and stress about it, which negatively affects our he alth. What causes stress ...…
Read MoreStress in the workplace is experienced by everyone, regardless of their profession or position. Because we take it as a norm that at work there is always ...…
Read MoreSavoir-vivre means proper behavior in certain places and situations. Good manners testify to our upbringing of personal culture.…
Read MoreHow to find a job after 50? Probably the very thought that you have to find a job at this age makes your skin prickle. You have been looking for a job for many months and ...…
Read MoreA toxic friend from work can turn your life into hell. He talks about you behind your back, reports every delay to work, turns others against you - co ...…
Read MoreExcessive control at work does not affect employee motivation. If they feel constantly watched and suspected, their psychological comfort is lowered. I ...…
Read MoreGamblers Anonymous suggests that anyone who may have a gambling problem ask themselves the following questions. Most Gamblers Anonymous answers…
Read MoreSuccessful relationship or job? Today it is a dilemma for many people. Because work, when you have it, often consumes all your time and energy. How to create a successful relationship when all day long ...…
Read MoreOften the fear that we will gain weight restrains us from quitting smoking. Indeed, after stopping nicotine, metabolism changes, our appetite returns, and ...…
Read MoreThe World He alth Organization (WHO) has recognized insomnia as a civilization disease that needs to be treated. Trouble sleeping worsens well-being, memory and concentration ...…
Read MoreA deep night's sleep is of utmost importance for our he alth. Fortunately, falling asleep can be made easier. Sometimes it is enough to follow a simple ...…
Read MoreStress hits us all. It begins very banal. The alarm clock did not ring, you were late for work, the boss looked askance at you, the child brought one ...…
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