In Poland, about 2 million people abuse alcohol, and its total consumption is one of the highest in Europe. Among drug-related addictions, the most common ...…
Read MorePsychology 2025, March
What does your zodiac sign say about your vacation? How to spend them so as not to get sick? What to watch out for? Or maybe you are in for a love affair?…
Read MoreCancer diagnosis. And what's next? Suddenly, it turns out that pain suppressed by drugs is not our invention, and malaise is not autumn blues. You need to take care of your he alth and ...…
Read MoreBuilding a true friendship takes years of tedious work. However, it is worth the sacrifice - you will gain a companion for better and for worse. A true friend is honest, ...…
Read MoreAccording to prof. Wojciech Kulesza, a psychologist from the SWPS University, Poles are no longer afraid of the coronavirus, and therefore do not comply with the applicable restrictions. Be careful ...…
Read MoreEmoticons - in the modern world, not many messages, whether in the form of SMS or those sent via instant messaging, will get rid of them ...…
Read MorePersuasion is actually used by each of us on a daily basis - it is used by parents when they try to convince their children to do something, but also ...…
Read MoreNostalgia, that is, longing for the past, home or homeland can have a good effect on mental he alth. How does nostalgia manifest?…
Read MoreAre you suffering from winter depression? Instead of complaining about the weather, feeling sorry for yourself and losing faith in the meaning of existence, try to improve your mood - go to the s ...…
Read MoreThe current pandemic situation strongly confronted families: on the one hand with a certain social isolation, and on the other hand with being locked in the proverbial c ...…
Read MorePhlegmatic is considered by many to be an uninteresting, even boring person - such opinions come from the fact that people with this temperament prefer routine and stability. ...…
Read MoreCholeryk - who is he? This is definitely a temperament that is basically impossible to miss. Choleric likes to convince others that he is right, he loves to convince ...…
Read MoreTemperament - we call it the innate personality traits that we have inherited from our ancestors. Temperament largely determines our functioning in families ...…
Read MorePessimism takes away energy, and this energy is needed to reach for new challenges. Lack of optimism - the belief that why start, if you fail, makes ...…
Read MoreIf you get a good start to your day, it's very likely (if nothing else happens along the way) that you'll be in a good mood until the evening. See ...…
Read MoreSingiel / singielka - is it possible to live a fascinating life as a single person? It is only up to you. Loneliness is a state of the soul - being with another person ...…
Read MoreFear of rejection (nullophobia) prevents you from building happy relationships with others and enjoying life. Many people suffering from this disorder ...…
Read MoreTherapy for couples works, because in every relationship there are difficult moments when you have enough of everything, you even think about breaking up ... But before you take such ...…
Read MoreBeing single is promoted in the media today. For some, it is a justification for the fact that they are alone, while others consciously make such a choice. When we choose to live in ...…
Read MoreShame - where does it come from? Some people feel more ashamed of themselves because they are hypersensitive to how others perceive them. Shame can be about appearance, contact ...…
Read MoreCrying accompanies man almost from the first moments of his life. It is often one of the first messages that a newborn child sends out to the world, and it is ...…
Read MoreDomestic violence is not only physical abuse of a family member, but also psychological, sexual and economic abuse. Victims by ...…
Read MoreAnger is an emotion considered negative, but in fact feeling anger is related to ... protecting yourself. It's easy to confuse anger with anger ...…
Read MoreMarriage therapy may turn out to be the only salvation for the relationship when the partners cannot cope with conflicts and disputes, and regrets, grievances and hidden in ...…
Read MoreAlexithymia is an increasingly popular concept, although it is understood in various ways. For some it is a masculine, cool emotional style, for others it is a cold bastard or emotional style ...…
Read MoreSORRY is one of the smarter words people use when dealing with each other. It allows you to repair the damage with little effort, prevents further ...…
Read MoreA psychiatrist, psychologist, psychotherapist or coach is united by the knowledge of the human psyche. Divides - how to treat it. Will repairing the psyche be effective in ...…
Read MoreThe onion theory of happiness is a psychological concept by the sociologist Janusz Czapiński. Her message is very optimistic: even after the biggest ...…
Read MoreMourning is the time necessary to come to terms with a new situation. It should not be put off or ignored, and it must not be lost in it. Pain after loss ...…
Read MoreAutogenic training is an exercise system developed in the first half of the 20th century by Johannes Schultz. This practice balances the energy of the body and mind. Thanks eleme ...…
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