Howenia is sweet is a plant that weakens the effects of alcohol. Thanks to it, you can drink alcohol without worrying about side effects, such as: intoxication, hangover or addiction ...…
Read MorePsychology 2025, March
The sources of insomnia can be very different - it is caused by stress, personal problems, fatigue or overwork. Sleep is essential for rebuilding tissues and ...…
Read MoreYou don't need to know that there is such a thing as Monday Syndrome or Monday Blues to experience the fear of Monday and the start of the new weeks ...…
Read MoreSleep problems can have many causes. Often times, problems falling asleep can be caused by minor causes, such as too high temperature in the bedroom or lack of ventilation ...…
Read MoreSleep is essential for the he alth of the body and mind. It is not for nothing that it is said that sleep is the best cosmetic. While you sleep, your brain repairs damage, por ...…
Read MoreAlcoholism among children and adolescents has many causes. We learn to accept alcohol from an early age. Children's champagne appears at birthdays of even 2- or 3-year-olds ...…
Read MoreThe withdrawal syndrome (or withdrawal syndrome) can appear at any time you try to quit. What are the causes of withdrawal syndrome? ...…
Read MoreWe talk about a psychosomatic disease when psychological factors are involved in the development of the disease. The most common and typical of these diseases are ...…
Read MoreCaring for an elderly person is also the ability to talk and, above all, to listen to what the senior has to say. In dealing with elderly parents ...…
Read More"Compulsion" is behavior that is difficult to stop yourself from. Compulsive overeating is an eating disorder that we often hide from ourselves. ...…
Read MoreDrunkorexia (alcoholorexia) manifests itself in situations where a person, instead of consuming food while drinking alcohol, does the opposite - when he is to drink alcohol ...…
Read MoreSimonton therapy is a type of psychotherapy addressed to people suffering from cancer and their relatives. The goal of Simonton therapy is to improve the quality of life ...…
Read MoreWe cannot talk about death, although it is the most intimate and at the same time the most natural event in human life. However, our ...…
Read MoreA patient with cancer has the right to moments of weakness, because the road ahead is not easy, but both he and his relatives should remember that cancer is a disease ...…
Read MoreClinical psychology is a branch of psychology, the area of which is mainly interested in the psyche of a sick person and the mechanisms that are related to ...…
Read MoreAlcoholism manifests itself differently depending on the phase of the alcoholic illness the patient is in. Phases: Initial, Precautionary, Critical, Chronic…
Read MoreOrthorexia is an obsessive control of the quality of the food you eat. It is also the belief that everything we do - we do for he alth.…
Read MoreADD - Attention Deficit Syndrome is a term commonly used to describe a condition with symptoms of decreased concentration and distraction without hyperactivity.…
Read MoreAlcoholic delirium (white fever, delirium tremens, quivering delirium) is the most dangerous form of alcohol withdrawal symptoms.…
Read MoreVictoria is 20 years old, she is studying psychology in Warsaw. She had felt for a long time that she was not happy. First, she sought help from her parents, and then to a therapist ...…
Read MoreGender can be differentiated on the basis of different behaviors of a woman and a man, obvious differences in structure, as well as whether a given individual feels like a woman or ...…
Read MoreStress hits the stomach. The first symptoms are pain, burning sensation, sometimes diarrhea or nausea. You can soothe them with gastric medications. If not, eliminate ...…
Read MoreNicotine has been designated a drug by the World He alth Organization. Its effect on the body is similar to that of heroin and cocaine - nicotine increases the production of ...…
Read MoreVerbal communication is the basic form of interpersonal communication. It is mainly on her that our good relations with family members and collaborators depend ...…
Read MoreEmpathy is the ability to understand other people's feelings, emotions and behaviors and, at the same time, to empathize with them.…
Read MorePolyamory, or multiple love or multiple love, is identified by some with an open relationship or the so-called swinging where sex plays a major role ....…
Read MoreEcstasy (MDMA) is a drug popular among the so-called "Sunday drug addicts" - people who use psychoactive substances only on weekends, often with their eyes on ...…
Read MoreMethamphetamine (crystal, pico in drug slang) is an amphetamine derivative with a very strong stimulating effect. At the same time, it is one of the most ...…
Read MoreMephedrone (like metaphedrone) is a drug similar to amphetamines, cocaine and ecstasy. Relatively fewer ...…
Read MoreHeroin is one of the most dangerous and addictive drugs. It has an extremely destructive effect on human he alth, and the addiction related to it ...…
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