A psychotherapist is not the same person as a psychologist or psychiatrist. He has a different education and skills, supported by many hours of experience. Find out what to do with ...…
Read MorePsychology 2025, March
Drug-resistant depression affects about ⅓ of people diagnosed with depressive disorders. Worldwide, millions of people suffer from this type of depression. With him ...…
Read MoreMore and more often you hear about the so-called…
Read MoreQuitting smoking is quite a challenge - it requires willpower and absolute conviction in the right decision. Many are concerned that the improvement of he alth and ...…
Read MoreMagic mushrooms for your well-being? If you haven't heard of the use of psychedelics to treat mental he alth disorders, this year could change that. Cho ...…
Read MoreWe constantly face insecurity and anxiety, and our collective mental he alth suffers as a result. Difficult events that induce stress and fear can ...…
Read MoreResearch suggests that acts of kindness may have a positive effect on the mental he alth of donors. The form doesn't really matter - it can be a volunteer ...…
Read MoreA toxic relationship is when one partner gives the other a lot and gets very little in return. He endures bad treatment and cannot free himself ...…
Read MoreBeing able to express our emotions naturally and honestly is essential to our mental he alth. It's like giving each other light. When we know that they eat ...…
Read MoreGambling addicts do not want to accept reality, they are immature, they run away to the world of dreams. They can lose a fortune playing poker, roulette, or the profit ...…
Read MoreThe appearance of siblings is a real problem for an only child. It is easier for a child to accept a new family member if you prepare your p ...…
Read MoreLike the treatment of other addictions, Pathological Gambling Therapy is based on the Twelve Step Program. Treatment begins with a decision to complete ...…
Read MoreMourning is a state that we would rather avoid experiencing. Death is always a tragedy. We are not able to prepare for it. We don't know how to soothe the pain or ...…
Read MoreMany are still looking for her, and those who find her try not to lose this feeling, because each of us wants to be loved. Love hides a lot of secrets ...…
Read MoreAs many as 9 million Poles are addicted to cigarettes. Many try to fight it, but lack motivation. Maybe if they found out the truth about the effects of smoking and wouldn't give ...…
Read MorePsychodermatology is a field that deals with psychological problems that are a secondary consequence of skin diseases, or are a primary problem and have a direct ...…
Read MoreTeeth - the dream book mentions them often, after all, almost every person has dreamed of teeth at least once. However, what such a dream means depends, according to dream books, first of all ...…
Read MoreDreams about pregnancy, spiders, mice, shoes or water - these are just some of the most popular dreams checked in the dream book. What do they mean?…
Read MoreMobbing at work - although it has existed as a phenomenon almost always, it has only been talked about loudly for several years. Employees do not know where to report mobbing at work ...…
Read MoreLong-term stress is the curse of our civilization. Strong nervous tension is our natural reaction to difficult situations and usually motivates us to act ...…
Read MoreSeparation is an alternative to divorce in a situation where the spouses do not get along but are not ready to decide to divorce.…
Read MoreThe Holmes and Rahe stress scale is designed to determine what burden we are facing at a given moment in our lives and what impact it has on our he alth (…
Read MoreThe rush of thoughts (racing thoughts) is a disorder of the way of thinking. The conviction that at some point thoughts revolve around an excessive number of topics can occur in anyone ...…
Read MoreCrowd psychology - what is it? What are the rules governing a large gathering of people, and how can we deal with it when we find ourselves in it? How not to follow psychology ...…
Read MorePsychotherapy - what is it? Psychotherapy is one of the methods of treating diseases, disorders and abnormalities in the human psyche. Depending on the pro ...…
Read MorePersonality can be defined in many different ways - one of the most popular definitions is that where personality is treated as a pattern of different ps characteristics ...…
Read MoreBetrayal is the reason why many couples break up. Sometimes, however, betrayal becomes a turning point that allows partners to understand how much they mean to each other. Lets ...…
Read MoreAmbivert is a new personality type that combines an introvert and an extrovert. Its individual features are visible depending on the existing s ...…
Read MoreThe male midlife crisis emerges from beyond the horizon like a dangerous reef when adolescent children do not absorb that much anymore, the professional position is stable ...…
Read MoreIntrovert, extrovert, ambivert - are you wondering which of these personality types you are? Check it out in our personality test and find out what character ...…
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