As many as 4 million Poles struggle with depression, which is the fourth most serious disease in the world. Mental dysfunctions that can affect anyone are often severe ...…
Read MorePsychology 2025, March
Talking about death with a child is an extremely difficult task and many parents try to avoid it. However, death is an inevitable part of life, so it is worth bringing ...…
Read MoreMost people have nightmares - at least once in their lifetime. People who happen episodically should not be alarmed, but it is different ...…
Read MoreAnxiety can be a manifestation of various types of anxiety disorders - the problem may appear in the case of generalized anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders ...…
Read MoreThere is probably no need to convince anyone that insufficient sleep leads to some unpleasant consequences - people after a sleepless night ...…
Read MoreRegular consumption of alcohol, even in small doses, can lead to addiction. If you are not sure if your alcohol consumption is within limits ...…
Read MoreAgnieszka Perepeczko likes exercise, but hates and does not follow diets. He thinks sex is a miracle rejuvenator. What does she do to look great?…
Read MoreWhen I complain that I am already old, my husband comforts me: "As for your age, you look great" - jokes Katarzyna Żak, who does not resemble Solejuko at all ...…
Read MoreLate motherhood is an injection of youth. - And our eyes shine with passion, for me it is a sport - smiles Katarzyna Dowbor.…
Read MoreI am a mature man and mentally feel like a young man. Because what is this age for a guy ... - jokes Tomasz Stockinger, athletic, smiling, full of energy ...…
Read MoreWork is her greatest passion, but also ... the best rejuvenating treatment. Thanks to it, he has to take care of good shape and figure. She gives her joy. And the feeling that everyone ...…
Read MoreDorota Wellman says that life costs as much money as possible! He is not afraid of difficult challenges. And that's why she recently became a model. "Because of femininity in ...…
Read MoreThe "Personal Guide to Depression" is a literary account of personal experiences about depression. Step by step, Tomasz Jastrun tracks and describes depression like a beast that can take various forms. "I am sharing my experience here with you who suffer from depression.…
Read MoreGraphology focuses on analyzing human writing. People dealing with graphology argue that the handwriting of every human being is like a fingerprint ...…
Read MoreSetting goals is not one of the easiest tasks. It seems almost obvious that there are important and more important things, but we often forget about them when plunging ...…
Read MoreConstructive criticism is a type of criticism designed to help, not stigmatize. Constructive criticism is easier to perceive and is more effective ...…
Read MoreSniffing glue is one form of drug addiction. It is a much cheaper alternative to narcotic substances such as amphetamines or heroin. From teg ...…
Read MoreHow to glue a heart broken by the loss of a loved one? What can you do if your wife really leaves? When your child dies? When your husband takes you to court ...…
Read MoreSometimes you wake up in the middle of the night and then can't go back to sleep? Check out these tips - maybe they'll help you fall asleep.…
Read MoreAn intermittent relationship is a relationship that theoretically ends, but in practice ... it is not. The problem in this case is that people get together ...…
Read MoreSocial competences at work seem no less important than those that we have thanks to education or experience. More and more companies in almost every industry ...…
Read MoreMen and women get along better if they understand and accept gender differences. Because although we are from Venus and they are from Mars, still live ...…
Read MoreI am asking for advice on my son, who is 24, does not study, does not work and does not want to change his condition. In addition, he stopped meeting with friends. Time to spend ...…
Read MoreMy girlfriend recently accused me of not being honest with her, lying all the time that I was in a state of virginity (virgin). I didn't have sex ...…
Read MoreI have been in a relationship with a boy for a year and a half (we are both 31 years old). From the beginning, things did not go well in the intimate sphere, i.e. we have sex very rarely, ...…
Read MoreWe have been together for almost 3 years, the problem is that every attempt to contact our partner ends after 3 minutes, because she tells me to stop because it hurts her. Was ...…
Read MoreI have a 15-year-old son. The society he hangs out with are his peers, but also people aged 18 and 19. This summer, they want the whole group to go to ...…
Read MoreMy child is attending a special school, he is 13 years old, he has a slight disability. She is a very mobile child. I have a very big p ...…
Read MoreIs it appropriate to allow a 15-year-old to come home late? My friend's son, who will soon be 15, wants to be able to come home at 11 p.m. My friend at ...…
Read MoreFrom the beginning of the 4th grade of elementary school to the middle of the 1st grade of middle school, I was hated by my entire class. Mocked by what clothes I wore, what she said ...…
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